Dempsey on “decimated” al Qaeda

| May 1, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Daily Caller in which the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs tries to explain what the President said about the “decimated” al Qaeda;

“My understanding of what the president has said is that the ‘al-Qaida core’ has been decimated,” Dempsey said at a lunch for reporters sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

“You know, the ideology, or the movement, has clearly spread to the Arab peninsula to Horn of Africa to North Africa to West Africa. And the president has been very clear that he recognizes the al-Qaida threat among its affiliates persists. But the al-Qaida core — that is to say those responsible for the 9/11 attacks and al-Qaida senior leadership that have heretofore provided their kind of ideological hierarchy — they have been, they have been decimated.”

Now I don’t remember the President saying that the “core” of al Qaeda being “decimated”, he said the whole group of terrorists had been “decimated”, which probably coincides with my initial interpretation that decimated means to reduce the enemy’s numbers by 10%.

I do wonder if the reporters on this particular story had to slide a microphone under the President’s desk in order to hear Dempsey, though.

“I mean, that’s where the president is coming from, and I agree with that as a strategy,” he added.

No shit, Marty? You agree with the President on something. A red-letter day indeed.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Big Army

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Doc Bailey

So the guys like Zwahiri what were allied with the Taliban are pretty much all dead. In the process they sent the feelers out into the Muslim world and there are more “terrorists” than ever. . . and al Qaeda is stronger than ever.

So clearly filling body bags is not an effective strategy

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I wonder if he ever gets tired of sucking the f4rts out of the President’s underwear?

If he and his predecessor had prosecuted this conflict with any of the zeal that our greatest generation members showed during WW2 perhaps instead of “decimating” the enemy we might have actually “eliminated” most of the enemy and taken away their ability to continue…


Hey, Marty! Just keep on making excuses for incompetence. That’s what you’re good what. That, and collecting air in jars.

My tax money is going for this jerk’s paycheck?

I want my money back.


Dubya would call this “misdecimated” or a “misdecimation”. 3 yrs & 8 months more of Bam the empty suit.


Little Marty is just being the good little political toadie that he is.


General Dumpster doesn’t even try to not come off as a political appointee, as a mere lap dog to the politician in chief. I would never have thought that General Officers would sink so deeply into parroting partisan political talking points. There are Generals I didn’t like, and those I didn’t respect, but only the Dumpster and Shinsucki have achieved my full disdain.

2/17 Air Cav

Anyone buying Dumpster’s revisionism? Maybe he can help on that Red Line business too. That’s the Red Line that obamaman warned Syria it better not have crossed, found out it jumped across with both feet, and then…crickets.


There may actually be an audience which would believe that having decimated aQ justifies giving arms to what is left of them in Syria.
