“Unclaimed” still a fraud

| May 1, 2013

The International Business Times reports that 76-year-old Dan Tan Ngoc, the guy who claimed to be SGT John Hartley Robinson, a POW who escaped his North Vietnamese captors to live among the local population for five decades, has admitted finally, that he’s fraud;

Under interrogation, he is said to have subsequently admitted that he was not Robertson but a Vietnamese citizen.

In 2008, he was taken to the US embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where he was fingerprinted.

A February 2009 report by the FBI confirmed that that Ngoc’s fingerprints did not match those in Robertson’s official records.

The revelations come hours after the release of Unclaimed, which alleged that a vet hero had been discovered over four decades after his apparent death.

I know there are millions of people who want to believe Ngoc, and they will continue to believe him no matter what proof is unearthed that he is not SGT Robinson. They want to blame Nixon or Johnson or Bush, but that’s not the way this is shaking out folks. Of course, there are people who still think that 9-11 was a setup, that FDR planned Pearl Harbor, that we have a weather weapon that Darth Chaney used on New Orleans, but sometimes you have to believe the most reasonable answer, otherwise, you’re just an ignorant flake.

Category: Who knows

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Gee, he’s a fraud – and the “documentary” is a lie.

I’m shocked, just shocked.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

While conspiracy theorists seem to lovingly craft unnecessarily convoluted explanations out of whole cloth, it’s often best to remember “lex parsimoniae”….

Or the more popular, “if it looks like a liar, walks like a liar, talks like a liar the odds are good it’s not a theoretical physicist”…..


Another Dan Rather exclusive “False but accurate” story no doubt

2/17 Air Cav

This sucks if it’s your movie (or you’re an apologist for it–eh, GI Fim Festival guy?). Here’s hoping a few tomatoes are pitched at the screen.


I’m pretty upset you didn’t say something about the aliens in Roswell or about the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

Obviously, you’re covering up for the government.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@5 Everyone knows Roswell is just a cover to keep the nuts occupied…all the real aliens are dressed as middle aged single women in Wrightstown New Jersey…

Dirt Dart

no the aliens are the illeagals and extra-terrestrials in Los Angelos, CA!!!


I thought it was a Frog that was impersonating him?

B Woodman

Occam’s Razor.

E-6 type, 1ea

It was government agents sent to further agenda 21 that really slept with Monica Lewinsky. Bill Clinton was just the fall guy.


thebronze: it’s theoretically possible he is technically “French”. Prior to the French leaving Vietnam in 1954, many upper-class Vietnames were very French-leaning. There was also a substantial Vietnamese population living in France, and some in both groups had acquired French citizenship. If this guy was the son of one of those, he’d possibly technically have dual nationality – French and either Vietnamese or Laotian.

It might also explain why he was hanging out in remote parts of Laos for quite a long time. When Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh took over North Vietnam, they didn’t have much use for anyone who had cooperated with the French. I’m pretty sure most who had left that part of Vietnam, going either south or west. I’m guessing this guy’s family originally traces to the northern part of what is today unified Vietnam.

Former JPAC Det 2 Cdr

I served as the Commander of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command Detachment 2 in Hanoi from 2008-2010. This poser is half French and half ethnic Vietnamese. He and his handlers are scam artists well-known to the POW/MIA specialists in country. Bilking tourists, normally veterans, out of money with their nonsense is their specialty. The Defense Prisoner of War Missing Personnel Office first received photographs and video of the man claiming to be Robertson in 2002 and FBI fingerprint analysis subsequently proved that he is NOT Robertson. How a credentialed journalist could fall for this outlandish story without substantiating his claims and producing a worthless documentary to propogate this lie is unconscionable. This is a fraud and the documentary should not be allowed to be shown at the G.I. Film Festival at all. It dishonors the memory of the real John Hartley Robertson, a decorated Special Forces Soldier.


Former JPAC Det 2 Cdr: French/Vietnamese ancestry, eh? Well, I was close. And I guess in one respect that does kinda count as “French-leaning” – so to speak. (smile)

Different subject: your efforts are much appreciated, amigo.

Everyone deserves a decent burial. Many thanks for helping some get what they’ve deserved for decades.

Former JPAC Det 2 Cdr

Hondo: Did a lot of fun stuff in the military, but nothing compares to how proud I was to be able to bring some of our guys home finally and walk the same ground that they did. It was the highest honor of my entire career.


[…] Tan Ngoc is SGT Robinson and wants to push that mistaken view on American audiences. Earlier today, a commenter wrote on this blog, that Dang Tan Ngoc is well known to him as a fraud and a […]