Tina Kersten makes the news (Video added)

| May 1, 2013

Our buddy, Jaie Avila at WOAI in San Antonio did his second part of his Stolen Valor report last night. We’re still waiting for them to post the video, because I want to watch the Weeble waddle out of range of the camera, but the print story is posted;

“She wears a uniform that’s kind of a hodge-podge of several different units, worn improperly and just scammed a bunch of people around town,” says Vietnam veteran Stephen Mellenthin.


The real clincher was Kersten’s heart-breaking story about how she got her Purple Heart and Silver Star medals. She claimed to have been wounded in the scud missile attack that killed 29 U.S. soldiers in Saudi Arabia in 1991. Kersten said her commanding officer died in her arms, and she rescued wounded survivors from the barracks.

Sounds like a movie script. However, Kersten’s military record, which we obtained through an open records request, shows a very different storyline.

No purple heart. No combat medals. No time spent in any war zone. Just three years active duty as a food service specialist. The chilling account of the scud missile attack and her commanding officer’s death were all make-believe.

I don’t know how she infiltrated the VFW with her incredible lies and shitbag uniform. From her records, it looks as though she failed out of MP training and then got sent to cook school, not that there’s anything wrong with that. But the folks killed in that SCUD attack were members of the Pennsylvania Army Reserve unit, so how could she have even been there?

But the article mentions that the VFW commander was removed for allowing her in and that the post was inactive for a spell after she admitted that she had lied. But Stolen Valor is a victimless crime.

As soon as the video is posted, I’ll put it up. Jaie has been good about sending us the links.

Category: Phony soldiers

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OMG, I just looked at her photo, and I’m absolutely HORRIFIED!!! How could ANYONE think she’s anything but a fake? And could that gut overhang get any larger? And the beret??? WTF? A French chef would be ashamed to wear that cover that way! And the out of regs hair??? And the… oh dear god!

Holy hell!!!!!!!!!!


Combat Historian

Nicki, Weeble Wobble must believe that if she’s going to be a poser, then she needs to POSE BIG and follow it through to its illogical conclusion. Apparently there are still some folks in her home town who believes her bullshit. Kinda sad…


@2 – Oh, good lord! She looks like an egg with feet dressed in desert camo!

And seriously… I hope she wasn’t that fat when she supposedly got those jump and air assault wings, because what aircraft would hold that much fucking weight????


Filene’s Basement sometimes has sales on berets. They come in various colors. I got a bright red one and wore it a lot with Christmas pins on it. Kept my little pointy head warm. It was so fetching. Someone thought I was French.

See, the reason you wear the beret tipped to the side of your head, usually the right side, is that it frames your face. Looks good on almost everyone, but there are exceptions.

Combat Historian

Nicki, since you brought it up, I gotta replay this comment from an earlier thread about Weeble Wobble appearing on the news:

Veritas Omnia Vincit Says:
April 29th, 2013 at 2:41 pm
I still like this line from Tina’s story….

“I also have trouble picturing her in Air Assault school with that particular body type she’s sporting. And who taught her to wear a beret like a hairnet?”

Jonn, maybe she was test load for the heavy airlift wing and was just confused about her assignment….after all rappelling down a rope is just like being harnessed up and lifted by a sky crane right?


LMAO!!!! And tea spewage has occurred! Thank you, Combat Historian! My keyboard appreciates the bath!

I’m having images of that really bad movie where they were trying to get an elephant into Vietnam or something… Operation Dumbo Drop!

Combat Historian

Nicki, I aim to please 🙂

B Woodman

After seeing that picture, I REALLY, REALLY wish there was eye/mind bleach.
But that which has been seen, cannot be un-seen.


B Woodman: I understand enough tequila works. But only temporarily. And you sometimes do some really crazy stuff before you sober up. Not recommended.


@9 He could try the tequila with the scorpion in it. Maybe that would work better.

Combat Historian

Just watched the video; only have one comment: you can run, Weeble, but you can’t hide…you sorry piece of shit!


I watched the video too. Jonn forgot to put a “GRAPHIC IMAGE” warning on it.

The still of her in uniform in the video is even worse than the one on her original article. Damn. Ugh. Brrrrrrrr. Cough.

Damn, where’s that #$&@#ing bottle of tequila!

B Woodman

I wonder how many more SVs that JA might uncover and expose in the local area if he were to dig a little deeper?

B Woodman

And to Hondo & PN, I’ll keep that in mind. Unfortunately, I have few enough brain cells left, I don’t need to kill any more. I wish tequila was memory selective, but. . . .


Good stuff, Jaie! Thank you for following through on this.

There are people in this community who have worked these fakers for years, and on their behalf, I am more than a little grateful for this public exposure. (I claim no more than cheering for those who have done the heavy lifting.)


Again – well done, Mr. Avila. Thanks.

Green Thumb


Just an Old Dog

If she stays hidden and keeps her twinkie gobbler shut
I would be happy. The only other question would be if she defrauded the VA she needs to be charged. Something tells me she will pop up later, like as turd in a punch bowl.

Pineywoods NCO


I’m (sarcastically) disappointed….so I will save you some trouble.

Her royal smelliness “Queen Turd”

2/17 Air Cav

The drill:

Dead drunk? Nope.

Lonely and drunk? Nope.

Lonely, drunk, and it’s last call? Nope.

Lonely, drunk, last call, and the only light in the joint is a 20 watt bulb? Nope.

Lonely, drunk, last call, the only light in the joint is a 20 watt bulb, and I can use yours? Nope.

Hack Stone

Maybe it was Fat Chick Appreciation Night at the VFW. Set Beer Goggles to stun.


You know, the initial common thread of all cases of Stolen Valor seems to be an inherent need to wear the uniform, followed by a need to show off medals. The only medals in my VFW post were donated by the family of a deceased Veteran.

But “Stolen Valor is a victimless crime” unless of course your post is closed after a Stolen Valor scandal. If that post commander is the one that signed off on her DD 214 being sufficient for membership, he should have resigned.

In the meantime, I suspect the Real Veterans, and the Real Heroes amongst them, will continue to maintain a low profile, and the braggards will continue to be a reason to look deeper into the records, by their own mouths.

2/17 Air Cav

As a rule, I know it’s not nice to make fun of how someone looks. The exception is when the object of ridicule has divested herself of any interest in maintaining a decent appearance and, in fact, seems to have engaged in self-uglification. Self-uglification originated with dirty hippie chicks around 1967 but has been adapted by others over the decades.

Combat Historian

#22: Since I retired from the Army Reserve at the end of last year, I have stuffed all my ACUs and boots and gear into dufflebags and put them into storage. I no longer check AKO, and have stopped reading the news about the GWOT. I still have my ribbon rack on my Class A in the closet, but no real medals for any of the ribbons I have earned. I am an American Legion member but almost never go to the actual legion hall (their food kind of sucks), and I have never joined the VFW even though I qualify. I pretty much never talk military stuff to anyone except on here at TAH. We real vets have no need to do any of the crap the posers/embellishers revel in. I just live my life as low-profile as I can get, grateful that I survived my OIF tour unscathed, and enjoy the heck out of the life I still have. BTW, I don’t even have a facebook account to get myself into trouble with, and that is a good thing 🙂


“Self-uglification?” Wow!

@ #24: It’s all good!


Gee, nothing ever happened to me. I have no incredible adventures to relate. No one ever shot at me. My car was stolen once. Mikey won a lot of ribbons at cat shows. I hung out once with Q in the continuum. I had breakfast with Scotty the Kissing Bandit, too. He signed off on my technical manuals. Oh, yeah, LT Uhura was my drinking buddy at one stop. (I have pictures.)

But I have a vivid imagination and I try put it to work in a positive way.

I’ve asked this before and I’ll keep asking till I understand: why can’t these d—f-xx just write short stories and novels? It would save them the embarrassment of being exposed for the idiots they are.

This overstuffed sofa makes the Fat Broad from BC Comics look downright skinny. She makes Jackie Gleason the Great One look skinny. Oh, heck, she makes me look skinny.


Ex-PH2: why? Two reasons.

(1) Writing is too hard. They’re lazy.
(2) They’re all fully qualified and trying really hard to be recommended for the DFC (the “C” here stands for “Club”, not “Cross”.)


Wait, what, there are cat shows?

Combat Historian

You have been in the continuum with Q?


2/17 Air Cav: there was a man on the Canadian Olympic Lacrosse Team in 1904 named “Man Afraid Soap”. (No, I’m not kidding – http://www.sports-reference.com/olympics/athletes/ma/-man-afraid-soap-1.html )

Perhaps self-uglification traces back a bit farther than the 1960s. (smile)


Yes, Twist, Mikey is a veteran of many cat shows in the Household Pet category. He does not boast of his conquests with judges. He simply sits on his glory.

Hondo, I concur. Writing is hard. They are too lazy. So, in their case, DFC stands Dumb F00k Club, right?


@29 – Yes. I have the Polaroid.


Ex-PH2: I was thinking “Dumb F**ker’s Club”. But your version works too. (smile)


“We real vets have no need to do any of the crap the posers/embellishers revel in. I just live my life as low-profile as I can get, grateful that I survived…”

Though I don’t mind sharing my experiences with civilians who ask questions beyond “So, didja ever kill anybody?”

Retired Master

#34 I just respond with “I only kill civilians that ask me that question”

Retired Master

Sorry left out the //sarc

Burnet County Resident

I am shamed to have that Dawg living in Burnet County. She must go.

Green Thumb


It was an off day.

A lot of writing.

A will do better next time.


Kersten again pulling a densmore and running for the hills. I guess we will never get a clear answer out of her. I am not even sure why she still lives in her town knowing what people know.