Benghazi questions unanswered
I know, I’ve been distracted with the surge in ass clowns this week, but there have been other things going on apparently. Fox News is still waving the Benghazi bloody shirt while the rest of the media is more interested in gay basketball players or something. They have an interview with a “special operations member” who says that he watched the whole Benghazi unfold from a place where he claims that him and his team could have responded in four to six hours and changed the outcome that day.
I’m not sure that I believe him, but only because I’m a cynic who has watched a lot of people say they knew stuff when they really knew nothing recently. But what he says is kind of jibing with what COB6, a former special operations guy himself, wrote to us in the opening hours of the fiasco on September 11th.
He says that he wants to hide his identity because he’s afraid of retribution. And he’s not the only one apparently. In another Fox News article, they report that some of the Benghazi survivors have been threatened by the Obama Administration;
Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one of the State Department employees. She told Fox News her client and some of the others, who consider themselves whistle-blowers, have been threatened by unnamed Obama administration officials.
“I’m not talking generally, I’m talking specifically about Benghazi – that people have been threatened,” Toensing said in an interview Monday. “And not just the State Department. People have been threatened at the CIA.”
The threats seem to be threats against the potential whistleblowers’ careers rather than death threats. But, yeah, lets have a national discussion about gay basketball players instead.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
LOL…..”ass clown”
I’m just a BRAT and not sure where the UCMJs stops and the whistle-blowing begins. It will be interesting to watch what Toensing in due course. Four men died and there should be hell to pay for abandoning them. The cover up is heartbreaking. I keep thinking about what their families are going through.
Threatened at the CIA? Oooh. I would believe that, since your report says it comes from admin ‘officials’. The surprise is that it has taken so long to surface.
I feel that there is more to come, too, and not only about Benghazi.
Whether he is for real or not, his story is much more believable than any official explanation we have heard so far.
We all know that there either were or should have been plenty of assets near enough at hand to have done quite a lot of good. Would they have kept everyone alive? We will never know. The who and why there was no effort made to do so is what is making my skin crawl with disgust.
There is no other story more important then a gay basketball player coming out. A real American hero, well that’s what
all the other networks are covering, so it must be important.
Sounds fishy.
Threatening spooks is like holding a slingshot in your extended arm and pulling the handle to your nose.
Hillary’s question “what does it matter” is being answered by the lack of coverage by the news. The primary credibility from this guy’s story is that the news organizations won’t address Benghazi in any depth whatsoever, just like the Gosnell serial-murder trial in Philadelphia.
Obamaman is pleading ignorance on the subject. That, at least, is credible. Kerry, meanwhile, had hoped the Benghazi dish would have gone cold by now but some congressmen and Fox won’t let it go, thank God. John “Jungle Stroll w/ Cameraman” Kerry is answering questions by talking but saying nothing. “Look,” he said, “there’s an enormous amount of misinformation out there.” So now, he’s going to look into it. Bwahahahahaha.
May this never fade until the truth is learned. The slain cannot rest until then.
Shooting messengers is a Washington DC sport.
beretverde: quite true. And many in the IC truly like their jobs, and would prefer to keep them for a full career. Step out of line and all of that can go away in a heartbeat.
That’s one reason why threats like this are often quite effective in keeping things swept under the rug.
Hondo, that’s true, but I remember Watergate and the arrogance that went with Nixon’s honchos — all of that, and then there were those famous missing 18 minutes of sound on a tape that was otherwise intact. I keep hoping that some day, someone will be able to recover whatever those deleted minutes contained.
This is not going away.
Credible? Yes. This guy is VERY credible. His story is credible. Not only does his ilk “train for the fight,” but they “live for the fight,” and to be held on the leash, while Americans they protect are slaughtered, is the ultimate slap in the face.
Elements like C-1-10 not only exist, and are ready specifically for a mission like Benghazi, but they have been used in that type of mission in the past, more than once, including in locations farther away from their bases, than was that CIF team on that night.
And the USMC has its own element for such operations.
As I said then, the fact that it was 9/11, means that ALL of these elements should have been on alert. The problem was NOT the Warriors, but the politicians, who were frozen in fear and incapable of making a decision, and that very likely extended downwards to the political appointee Mike Mullen, but most certainly included the oxygen thieves that regularly expel hot carbon dioxide in the White House.
Ex-PH2: the Nixon administration and Watergate aren’t the correct comparison. The LBJ Administration and how they used intimidation and deliberate obfuscation/outright lies to keep what was going on in Vietnam hidden provides a better model. Those who wanted to go public were either intimidated into silence or lost their careers. That went on for the better part of 5 years.
It wasn’t until Nixon was in office that what had been going on was revealed when Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers. The Nixon administration took the heat for that, but those docs dealt pretty much exclusively with stuff from the LBJ administration.
Krauthammer said tonight that he doesn’t doubt that the Obamaman is in the dark about this. After all, everyone knows that not a single TV in the White House is tuned to FOX. That’d be the only place anyone would be able to see anything about Benghazi.
Everyone else is busy lining up interviews with an alleged gay 4th string post playa.
Hondo, true spoken, but the comparison to Nixon is apt, because he was dead set on having his way at any cost. And both LBJ and Nixon were driven from office by what they had done. So I don’t know which of them was more corrupt, only that both of them were and LBJ’s corruption spilled over into Nixon’s administration, which was just as corrupt.
I am pretty tired of this bullshit. I have been posting on my FB every week it seems, asking for accountability. I know, it’s futile. What galls me is that we know there was a cover-up, we knew there would be threats, and eventually, we knew a survivor would come out, and still they put a gay fucking basketball player in the lead.
If memory serves, 37 people were part of that search and rescue mission. 4 died. 8 months and nothing but lies.
@8 – As I recall, the whole Benghazi debacle was shelved amid the election results, which should have raised a lot of eyebrows and resulted in some hard questions being asked.
Sadly, none were.
People in the beltway have given up on Benghazi, but I wholeheartedly agree in your assertion that “May this never fade until the truth is learned. The slain cannot rest until then.”
There is a report on NBC that Special Forces were prepared — and forbidden — to respond to the attack on Benghazi, and that information will be part of testimony before Congress this week.