Gaia wept, because I am mean

| April 25, 2013

So I shared part of this on my Facebook page, and it got a surprising amount of traffic, so figured I would share it with you…

The background is that I’m getting a ton of messages from folks via Youtube about my goofing on LTC Potter. Most of them are nutty, but this one….well, this one was all kinds of special.

It is from a young lady named “Miss Maria 1988”.

Who pay you to bad talk people who speak truth?

We who have been awake in the “classrom” for a long time know this is just one of many tactics used to make the masses think the “person” is far out, fake or crazy or it all.

There are A LOT of people who are being accused of so much now.. when they get out and speak up.
Wendelle Stewens, Dr. Boylan, Rauni Kilde etc etc…
.. bigami.. pedophilia.. insanety etc etc.. the list is loong…

Who do you work for?
Really.. who?
This is a person people DO believe..and for “someone” this is a BIG problem… …. ? I know 🙂

One “white-hat” I heard.. once said:
There are a lot of “small fishes in the sea” wanting to bother others.. but.. there is also the shark.. and IT handles the fishes when it is needed.”

I belive in the good in everyone.
We have to have caos to cleance all the bad energies to gain balance. Too much negativity in and around this planet now. Gaya have to scrub her “face”.
And.. some of us do know how to know what is a lie and what is a truth.
May you get inner peace and follow your heart the positive path before its too late. Our lives here and now in this dimention is but a drop in the sea of eternety 🙂
Use your time in work for the devine light that IS us ALL:
Your heart can lead you.. if you let it 😀

with love&peace from Ine 🙂 Norway 🙂

Learn to speak American you dirty hippie!

Category: Politics

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I just lost countless brain cells trying to read that CRAP. Next time post a warning!!!!!!!!

B Woodman

As CBS said, I burnt out too many brain cells that I can’t afford to lose in the first place trying to interpret this. . . . . whatever.

Well, Ine from Norway, let me introduce ourselves.
“He is Ole, I am Sven”.

Just an Old Dog

“Shes” probably a “He” trying to hit on you. Watch out or you will end up in a dry well “putting the lotion on it’s skin”.


TSO, you didn’t “goof” on LTC Potter. Sure he was actually in the military, but he’s also actually a wingnut. I don’t see a goof.


Awe does TSO have a stalker fan? so cute! next she will be sending you libelslander poems!!


Hi, Ine frm Norway. Could you please provide a translation for your message to TSO?

If you don’t, I will include you as one of my targets of satire and you will be sorry you didn’t, because you will be embarrassed and all your friends will see it.

TSO, what the Helen Wait was that?


Just an Old Dog, Lost on Them Interwebs: yeah, “she” probably found TSO’s “Macho Man” pic from last year. (smile)






Maybe Ine should have just wrote to you in Norwegian. We probably could have figured out what the point was easier.

Hack Stone

can she get a refund on that spell check software?

2/17 Air Cav

Actually, if I had to guess, I would have said Detroit, not Norway. But if the writer is actually Norweigian, his English is a heck of a lot better than my Nynorsk.

Doc Bailey

Thus we draw ever stealthily towards finding out the Human Race is doomed.


this girl is an interwebs girl: guy in real life…I need some meds now, reading that hurt


Gaia wept.

Jesus wept.

And after reading that…I wept. Blood. Tears of blood.


@13, AirCav, you can put in any public school system in there, not just Detroit.


It makes a lot more sense if you read it after having a few beers.

The Al

Does anyone speak jive? I think that’s written in jive

Mike Kozlowski

I knew someone once who took a 4×4 to the head, and while waiting for assistance, started chugging from a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Sounded JUST like your correspondent.



What the Hell was that?

I say we nuke the site from orbit. Its the only way to make sure.


Yes, TSO. You need to get in touch with your inner feelings and accept people for the way they are – there is love and kindness in everyone. You should get a widdle bunny rabbit and pet it softly and gently and reach your zen. We’ll even give you a group hug to help you to rid yourself of all those negative vibes.

(Yeah, right. Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense!)


You should get a widdle bunny rabbit and pet it softly and gently and reach your zen.
Then fry it up like chicken.

Gen James Mattis

“We have to have caos to cleance all the bad energies to gain balance…”

It’s spelled CHAOS goddammit!!!!


(#24 was me.)


@ #19: It ain’t jive. Woulda understand much more had it been.


Oh, and it’s almost impossible to go to one’s happy, peaceful, quiet place while hyperventilating from excessive laughter.

But balance is good. Center of balance is necessary for all sorts of things.


Reading the above bit from “Ms. Norway” makes me wonder . . . does en korkad skitstövel mean the same in Norwegian as it does in Swedish? (smile)


Me luv you long time GI 2 dolla 5 dolla payday.

NR Pax

My soul dies just a little when I read things like that woman’s post.


Who knew Miss Maria 1988 is a Harvard undergrad. Her writing, logic, and smileycons point to a blazing intellect.


OMG!! That centaur picture was real! Everyone know fairies started over close to there. It’s just one of TSO’s wood nymphs come out to play.


I skipped over all the words in true 11B fashion and clicked on the video. “Hercules!”

A Proud Infidel

Maria: Is intestering post I like much. Maybe need learn beterr English and lay off of bad drugs.

USMCE8, I LIKE BUNNIES, TOO, they’re delicious!!

GruntSgt, isn’t it supposed to go: “Me rove you rongtime, me good gilr!”


This was worse than listening to Billy Madison explain the industrial revolution.


I could eat a can of Alphabet soup and poop a more coherent statement.

ABN Gramps

Coo-coo for fuckin’ Coco Puffs!!!

The Lurker Formerly Known As Curt

Y’all duck, Negative Vibes incoming…

I have to deal with stoopid hippie bullshit like that from customers now and then. I don’t really *know* how to properly execute a knife chop to the throat, but I want so badly to learn…


@37 LMFAO!!

I think you should hook Ine from Norway up with Dillweed


Me Tarzan, you Jane!


Ine? I’m thinking more it sounds more like a Lola. As in

“I met her in a bar down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne
And it tastes just like cherry cola . . . “

Yeah, that Lola. (smile)



Veritas Omnia Vincit

C-o-l-a cola….


I’m not even shur whoo gaya iss, bud I tink I haff sene thu islend of bigami befour…their werr too wimmin their whoo werr swoming in the serf in the luv lee waifs…