The Trident will protect him maybe?

| April 24, 2013


Dan sends us a link to an article about Scott Garrow who wandered off into the woods in Washington state to test his survivorman skills. From KIROTV;

The Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday that Scott Garrow of Lacey watches a lot of the show Survivorman and other TV shows about surviving in the wilderness and decided to try it himself.

Police said Garrow told family members of his plans, but he is now days overdue. Up to 30 searchers spent Tuesday hiking in the woods, and driving miles of gravel roads in the forest looking for Scott Garrow but

they had to stop at night when it got too dark to see anything. Garrow’s wife dropped him off in the Capitol Forest on Thursday morning. Relatives say the man is almost obsessed with researching wilderness survival.

Well, if he’s wearing the doo-rag with the SEAL Trident on it, that will probably keep him warm and fed.

I’m off on my own Survivorman journey today to downtown DC, so I’ll probably be off the net most of the day, but there are several other folks to keep you entertained throughout the day.

SO I went to his Facebook page and dug up the picture you guys were talking about.


Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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Doc Bailey

Because if SEALs can do it, everybody can!

Combat Historian

Geez, some people just take these survival shows waaaay too seriously; they are meant to be armchair entertainment, and have disclaimers on them as such…hope they find this pogue before he is seriously lost in the woods.


Crazy Eye’s


“Garrow’s wife dropped him off in the Capitol Forest on Thursday morning.”

Drop you off in the woods and leave? Best idea ever, honey!

Ex 344MP

^^What #2 and 3 said.


@2 – I don’t think he’s got ANY military experience at all. At least none was inferred by the report. So he doesn’t even rate “pogue.”


This early in the morning? I haven’t even had my raisin toast and shredded wheat yet.

Well, if he didn’t even have the common sense to take along a phone with a crankable/solar charger, a firestarter kit, a knife, a compass, and a lightweight thermal blanket, he’s probably lying in a gully some place with a broken leg.

Unfortunately, that means he may unrecoverable. Cougars generally don’t leave much behind, and bears bury their kills.

Combat Historian

#6: I hereby amend “pogue” to “idiot” 🙂


@8 – But I do give you major props for correctly spelling “pogue.”


If I have a “doo-rag” with dolphins on it, does that mean I can then swim the English Channel?



If I own a pair of cross-country skiis, does that mean I can be in the next winter Olympics?


B Woodman

A couple of possible titles come to mind (with voice overs as appropriate):
“Looooooosstt Iinnnn Ssppppaaaaaccce”
“May the (Force/Farce/Schwartz) be with you”

Old Trooper

Sounds like both of them are a couple sammiches short of a picnic basket.

2/17 Air Cav

“Garrow wanted to finally test himself, to see whether he could fend for himself for a few days in the woods.” Yeah, I get it. I don’t think he does though. That testing business comes with two possible results: pass and fail.


If I asked my wife to drop me off like that her reply would be “honey, how many beers have you had?”.

Hack Stone

2/17 Air Cav@14, and the second thing she would ask is “Where’s your life insurance policy?”


I have some sympathy for his family, because now they probably have to brace themselves for a funeral instead of a homecoming. From reading the article, it almost seems like Garrow went off the main rail onto his own spur line awhile ago, and his family didn’t pick up on the signs.

Frankly, you don’t test yourself in this kind of thing. You don’t dive without a buddy diver and you don’t go wandering off into the wild alone. (So says she who used to go off on a horse for hours without telling anyone where she was going. But what the heck, I was 9, I knew where I was all the time. How come no one else did?)


Ex-PH2, it’s more like he went off the main line at full throttle into the end of a spur track!! That Trident is cool to wear IF you’ve done what it takes to earn it, but wearing it in the woods won’t do CRAP for you! Here I go preaching to the choir again….


Sympathy does not really describe what I am feeling here. Perhaps a bit of relief that another idiot has likely been removed from the gene pool?

Yeah, there is sympathy there for the family, too.


The mountains of the Northwest are breathtakingly beautiful–and remote, harsh, and deadly. They can kill you very quickly, in all kinds of interesting ways.

This isn’t funny, at all. I feel sorry for this stupid schmuck, and I feel sorry for his family. I pray for his safe return, but truthfully…I’m not holding my breath.

Retired Master

Sympathy for this dude rests in the dictionary between shit and syphilis (sp)


Is it just me, or does Don Quixote’s story almost seem sane, by comparison with some of these people?


The article appears to have been updated and says they called off the search because he was apparently spotted in a car in another part of the forest on Saturday…seems there may be a little more to the story.

Wild Bill

Latest report says the Sheriff’s office has called off the search when he was seen in a car with another person. It has been dropping below freezing around their the last two nights, maybe he needed someone to cuddle with.


Well now, well now. Another person?

Yeah, he sure was testing himself in the wild.

I’m waiting to see what the sheriff’s office is going to charge him for a false missing persons report and the search that followed. Oh, yeah, and how much his wife is going to demand for alimony.


@25 He may get a bill for the S&R…and that stuff ain’t cheap.


Ex-PH2: looks like the reporter got the original quote wrong. The guy apparently said he was going to “test himself doing the wild thing.”


I’ve seen enough Hell Week youtube videos to know where this one is going …. *facepalm* well at least he will go “Oh! out of water .. must drink piss” (while having a perfectly good water source in a spring 10 yards away)


Well, for her this was cheaper than a divorce


Look, he probably wanted to try the “Outdoorsman’s Diet” and drop a few pounds…..

Personally, if that’s the case, I would recommend eating some undercooked meat and let your ol’ pal ‘sal’ “salmonela” take a few pounds off ya…

I don’t think this is going to end well for our adventurer…..


That picture is from his FB page and is from 2009. They did not put up the recent one of him holding a huge knife with his “Navy SEAL” sweatshirt on. His last comment was from last Wednesday stating he would not comment until he was back from the forest. Check it out…

Green Thumb


Thats funny.

This clown is a tool.


Hmmmm. With all the Navy SEAL logos, and the survivalist interest, could we have tripped over a poser?

frankly opinionated

@#7: “Cougars generally don’t leave much behind,,,,,”
As indicated by his Cougar Wife dropping him off in the forest.

Combat Historian

#34: you don’t want to mess with the cougars…of whatever species 🙂


@35 Meow?



This is so ridiculous I ran out of witty things to say … really … is just *rolls eyes and laughs*


They say he’s been spotted in a car with someone, there goes my hunch about him becoming a Darwin Award contender!!


Boy, would I love to be the fly on the wall in that house, once he gets home. 😉

El Marco

He even looks like a goober….


He looks like he’s eleven cards shy of a dozen, and his elevator doesn’t go even halfway up!


Judging by the news story, he’s been found and is alive and well.

Sam Naomi

@ A_Proud_Infdel

I had to run you down to make sure you got my message.

Sam (Iowa Tall Corn)

Nuke MM1/SS

I for one am glad this dirtbag is now out of the woods since this is an area I hunt every year; don’t want his carcass poisoning all the bear on the mountain.


Ten cents short of a dime. I think he is borderline obssessive compulsive and needs a time out.


There’s only one word for this guy: “PENDEJO!”