Explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line
Daniel sends us a link to the Business Insider which reports that there are some casualties near the finish line at the Boston Marathon. I’m in a teleconference but I can see some a lot of ambulances and scurrying people on the TV on Fox News – while my workmates just blather on and on over the phone. So if you know something, drop off a comment so the rest of us know what’s going on.
Category: Breaking News
HH6, Hell yeah it is. Don’t you think it’s kind of funny that they waited until after Obumbles got re-elected? Didn’t want to spoil their boy’s chance. Now they’re free to do what they want.
Ed, I’m sure Janet Napolitano is already looking for a vet to pin this on.
Saudi national reported as suspect
Well, The NorKs have been threatening the US perhaps Obama organized this so he could wage a war of aggression on Korea North.
The democrats said as much about 9/11 being a false flag ops.
Most likely it’s just a disgruntled Marathon employee who got fired.
NHSSparky, yeah some of my co workers got family in the area. They were not near the marathon. I moved up here about a year ago. Base commander is watching this as we speak. Even EOD folks came in case they were called for assistance. But we are out in Western Mass. So its pretty crazy, I am not sure what Hanscom is doing up north.
Saudi suspect?
It can’t be…..didn’t they just receive “trusted traveler” status, thus giving its citizens favored treatment at US Customs and Border entry?
@105 – That is GROSSLY inappropriate.
I’ve got some friends in the area who are telling me that they are sending a police EOD team to a local area hospital because of a strange package left in the ER waiting room.
New York Times columnist shows ass (From ROS);
While it’s entirely possible there is a Saudi National suspect in custody, Boston PD more or less indicates that’s not something they know much about:
Lots of speculation, rumor, confusion and frustration at this point.
As for the domestic terrorist theory, an initial report from NY Post is saying that one suspect, as Saudi National is in custody at Boston area hospital.
@111- You are correct. “Military-style bag” found in emergency room and EOD was requested to check it out.
The problem with reporting on the culprit of this attack is that if the individual(s) had any connection with the military, it will be incessantly reported, even if he is an Islamist or an Islamist convert, and if the culprit is an Islamist, that detail will be spoken in only hushed tones, including the use of any name or passport identification.
“Workplace violence” terrorist Nidal Hassan, as well as the DC Sniper case, and the multiple attacks by the Little Rock shooter are all evidence of this. And these are just the cases that received a little coverage.
Should the attacker prove to be a left wing terrorist, such as the shooter at the pro-life facility in DC, or the Discovery channel shooter, news coverage will be dropped like a hot potato.
Hey, the White House just released some news in the middle of this little piece of a crisis.
That’s right. The President just put his to-do list into an executive order and released it. Who will cover it with this crisis going on. However, what I am worried about is number 11.
He just circumvented congress and appointed an ATF director through executive order.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
@112: I want to punch that shithead until the check engine light comes on.
President will speak at 1810
This is crazy- Must see!
The fuckstick that placed and detonated bombs is to blame. The outrage for these cowardly acts should rise above politics.
A future college professor auditioning?
Finally the chosen one can grace us with his words.
All my thoughts to anybody hurt or worse in this horrible attack
@ # 117: Interesting, except that the date of that report is from January.
and the blame game begins!
@117, the date on that article is January 16, not today.
One thing I keep seeing on all these videos is grossly overweight first responders, my god how are these people able to do their jobs when you can’t run 2 feet without passing out? This country is in big trouble.
@126: I blame whoever left the bombs.
@129 Exactly. We need to blame who actually did it, not who we’d LIKE to blame. And that goes for ALL sides.
I wonder which undocumented enemy is behind this.
Amen 129.
The police are denying there’s a suspect in custody.
“Person of interest”
I’m just throwing this out there; if these bombs were placed in trashcans or something, someone saw something, but complacency kept them from reporting it. Also, if I were a lone wolf terrorist with a half-assed plan for an attack, I’d be changing my plans to accelerate my time schedule before the country has a chance to go security crazy. I’m just sayin’….
Meh. We don’t know shit yet. I’ve heard on Fox Radio now that the JFK Library thing is completely unrelated.
Yeah. Too much speculation out there.
When a post is deleted, it really screws everything up, as far as replies here.
Obumbler still hasn’t called this an act of terrorism yet.
OF COURSE, JC, he doesn’t want to ooofend his fellow muslims if it turns out that one of them did it!
For anyone who wishes to speculate, I would like to remind you that last year (2012) when Occupy was trashing Chicago during the NATO conference, three useless jerks living in a rented house on Chicago’s south side were busted for building incendiary bombs in beer kegs. They are now in jail.
Likewise, during the 1970s when Bill Ayers was part of the extreme leftist ground the Weather Underground, he and his group of misfits and anarchists were building pipe bombs in a rented house in Florida when someone made a mistake and the pipe bombs exploded.
Anarchists know no political ‘sides’. They only know anarchy.
More crazy stuff going on in MA. Hysteria insuing as i received calls about possible packages all throughout the central and western Mass area. Got local people around here pushing the sleeper cell angle.
Jordan extremist speaks:
I’m watching a news conference with one of the doctors at Mass Gen and I’m wondering, is there a minimum number of cans of paint you must huff before you allowed to have a journalism degree?
Ranger Up guys seem to have the inside story:
@143, Nik. I saw that, and wondered how dumb a reporter has to be.
Hmmm..Carlos Arredondo at the Marathon?
In an update to the Boston bombings, police are serving up a warrant in the Boston suburb of Revere. I wonder if they got their info from our Saudi friend being held for questioning?
“WBZ-TV reports that police are searching the apartment in Revere. Massachusetts State Police confirmed that a search warrant was served Monday night but provided no further details.”
@146 just remember what did Al Gore do in Vietnam? That’s right, Photo-journalism! And they gave him a Nobel Prize!
Back on topic:
I’m sure pundits and pinheads on both sides of the political spectrum will use this as fodder for their pet whacknut ideas. My fear is that this will be Obama’s Reichstag Fire incident, whether or not it was a government plot or not. For the record I categorically do not believe it to be and do not believe that the current Statist in Chief or any of his theoretical, ideologue cronies are capable of planning anything even as simple as the 1933 fire let alone this.
Nor, am I convinced of a Right Wing plot to make the O look bad, or start some kind of Second American Revolution. Some of you probably have far better intel on this than I but I wonder how many right wing “extremist” groups have been actively chattings bout such things for how long now? Why haven’t they pulled anything off, or come close to doing it?
The talk may be heavy, however I think they are also biding their time for something else, if that ever comes.
Right now it’s too soon to tell. However I am definitely keeping an open mind. One thing I have learned, there are some things that can only take place in real life or a third rate novel. I’m afraid we are seeing that all too clearly. God Bless the victims of this tragedy and God Help those who did it. You will be found and Justice will be served.
Carlos Arredondo was at the marathon because someone was running it in honor of his son who was KIA. He seems to have done a great job – I just saw a photo of him clamping someone’s artery shut with his hands while moving with them to the hospital.
News reports are now saying that the authorities think the bombs were shrapnel-filled pressure-cookers with timers, hidden in backpacks.
According to Fox:
Reported on ‘America Live’: Federal law enforcement official confirms to Fox News that the Saudi national, who was described as a “person of interest,” has been “ruled out” as a suspect in the Boston bombing.