NRA: One question

| April 15, 2013

The folks at NRA send us this video in response to the Gun-Grabbing Mayors’ video;

They also sent the latest commentary from Dom Raso entitled “Our Job” in regards to the attempted raid in New Jersey on a gun owner’s home where they threatened to take way his kids and his guns for a Facebook photo;

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Great stuff!


Actor. Definitely an actor… and a poor one at that.

B Woodman

Yeah, a poor actor, but good enough to get Bloomin’idiot to pay him, and good enough to fool all the low information, Obamaphone, entitlement idiots.

2/17 Air Cav

Trigger and downrange issues aside, look at his pants. I think they ironed out the crease in his slacks to make him look country. And that beard isn’t right. Want to see a real beard? See Phil’s on Duck Commander. The gray undershirt is wrong. And I’m guessing that if there is anything at all in the 1/2 bushel basket, it’s a six pack–of Perrier.

Retired Master

I didn’t care for the kids in the vicinity, regardless of where they are with someone handling what looks like a loaded weapon. Yeah, he has to be an actor JMHO!