Easy Rest beds for the troops

| April 12, 2013

The folks at Easy Rest Adjustable Beds asked me to help them spread the word about their products. I’m not getting any money for this, but if helps one person, it was worth it;

Wounded Veterans Eligible for Free Adjustable Beds Through Easy Rest Adjustable Sleep System’s Beds For Our Troops Program

More than 50,000 Americans have been combat-wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan since 2001. According to Defense Department accounting, more than 16,000 of those injured have been classified as severely wounded and of those more than 1,600 have had limb amputations. These soldiers spend months, and in many cases years, in the hospital before being released to go back home. Once home, these soldiers’s wounds and injuries make sleeping on flat beds difficult and painful. Many come home to beds that are old and uncomfortable and often times these veterans wind up sleeping in separate bedrooms from their partners because of their pain and sleep issues.

To help these wounded soldiers Easy Rest Adjustable Sleep Systems, a leading national retailer of adjustable beds that are made in America, has created a program to help wounded veterans rest easier by donating new adjustable beds to injured service members through their “Beds For Our Troops” program. Each month a new service member receives a free adjustable bed from the Company.

“Quality rest and sleep is an important component in the journey to wellness,” stated Jeff Mowrey, Chief Operating Officer for Easy Rest. “A good nights sleep helps improve mood, performance and concentration, all of which are necessary for rigorous therapy or the completion of everyday tasks. We are honored to be able to help these brave men and women with this gift and thank them for their service to our country.”

Adjustable beds allow users to adjust the head or foot of the bed to just the right position to temporarily alleviate pain or pressure on specific parts of their bodies so that they can maximize the amount of sleep necessary for healing. The Company’s beds come with relaxing massage features that may help to ease the stresses, aches and pains associated with recuperation. Easy Rest’s adjustable beds can be attached to the users head and footboards and when they are in the flat position they look like any other bed on the market. The mattress quality compares to all of the major brands sold in the United States.

Program recipients can choose the bed size of their choice allowing them to once again sleep with their partner. Veterans who have received beds through this program report a significant increase in the amount of sleep they are able to achieve. They report that they are waking with fewer aches and pains and are able to handle their waking hours better since receiving their new beds.

Army Sergeant Justin Bond is one of the veterans helped by this program. He and his wife have both benefited from sleeping in an Easy Rest Adjustable Bed and he reports that he had to dust off his alarm clock for the first time since being injured after receiving his new bed. You can read more of his story here.

The pictures of the beds made me feel like going to sleep. So, however you are led.

Category: Support the troops

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2/17 Air Cav

One a month beats none a month. That’s good stuff.

Scalpel Shepherd

This is good stuff for our injured. It’s always nice to see corporations and companies help out our wounded warriors.

John Miska

Once again no Vietnam Vet need apply…


I love the idea of this, but I am really concerned about wound care among out Vets. Hopefully, we do not have Vets going to these beds instead of beds/mattresses that are medically proven to reduce and heal wounds.

Like wheelchair cushions, sometimes the best support makes the most difference in recovery.

Otherwise, a great great idea which I will fully support.


Kudos to them for doing this.

scalpel shepherd

@4, I’m sure they could get recirculating air mattress from their doc to put on top if wound care is an issue.


I’ve seen those in ads. I did not know they made one that offers a massage as well. This looks like a worthwhile project, too.