Feel good stories for Tuesday

| April 2, 2013

There’s more oxygen for the rest of us today after a retired DC police officer in Maryland laid one burglar low in a shootout in his apartment while the other escaped;

The incident began shortly before 10:30 p.m., when the former officer heard several loud bangs on his front door in the 3600 block of Harlequin Court in Huntingtown, according to the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office. He grabbed a handgun and answered the door, finding two people there.

One brandished a weapon and both made aggressive movements toward the homeowner, who fired shots at the two men in fear of his life.

I guess they didn’t bother to case the joint and gain a little situational awareness before they hatched their nefarious plot. Out of all of the unarmed people in Maryland, they picked a retired cop.

In Texas, Cory Randle was threatened with a gun, led to his house where he retrieved his own gun and sent the gunman to his reward;

Police said the victim, whose name hasn’t been released, had a gun pressed against his head by the armed robber in the parking lot of the Bel Air Place apartments on Dewberry Blvd. in Lancaster.

The robber forced the victim at gunpoint to take him to his upstairs apartment. The victim said the robber said he’d kill him if he didn’t give him “everything he had.”

While being held in his apartment, the victim grabbed his own gun and started shooting at the robber. The two exchanged gunfire inside the apartment and the shootout continued to the breezeway and down into the parking lot.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Guns

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Cutting carbon dioxide emissions, one criminal at a time. Who says we ain’t goin’ green?

B Woodman

Play stoopid games, win the ultimate stoopid prizes.
Thank goodness the good guys won this time vs the DAs in Texas (RIP)


Lancaster is south of Dallas. Not the best of communities for that part of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, but maybe it just got better now that one more derelict is gone.

Trash day is tomorrow. Just in time.


Sounds like the criminal in Texas got what he wanted from the homowner. “Everything”. But I’m sure he didn’t think everything including the contents of the homowners pistol.


Governor O’Malley and his rabid liberal minions in the Maryland Legislature just passed some new restrictive gun laws. Those citizens that are not retired cops might now go to jail for doing what he did.

Common Sense

In the MD case, this has to be one of the most inane comments from a bystander ever:

“Why would they pick his house?” Rhoads said of the homeowner. “He’s a nice guy.”



Well, that’ll teach ’em, by golly!


DC? Surprised they didn’t lock him away for life without the possibility of parole for possessing a handgun, and let the victims family sue him. If it were an ordinary citizen or combat vet, they would be arrested for murder most likely, I’m thinking him being an LEO is the only thing that got him off.


I would like to know how come none of them there TV people have a proper accent? They sound almost like Yankees. They sure ain’t from Texas. This is proper Texan.


‘You cain’t stop what’s comin’. They ain’t waitin’ on you.’


Like 4 said. Give me everything you got including hot lead.