Arsonist arrested

| April 2, 2013

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the Virginian-Pilot’s article which speculated whether the arsonist sought in a string of costly fires was perhaps a special operations trooper, or even, a first responder. Well, according to the Washington Post, an arsonist was arrested in the area and the investigation is leaning towards tying the criminal to the other 80 fires. Yeah, I think it might be a special forces soldier;


Tonya S. Bundick, 40, of Accomack County, was taken into custody just after midnight following a traffic stop near an arson at a vacant residence in the town of Melfa, police said. The fire was discovered around 11:40 p.m. on Monday and was quickly extinguished.

Bundick was charged with one felony count of arson and one felony count of conspiracy to commit arson in connection with the Melfa fire. Police are also interviewing a second person of interest, who has not been charged.

There have been 77 blazes set in Accomack County since mid-November in what authorities have described as one of the worst serial arson cases in Virginia history.

Of course, the special forces soldiers are skilled at completely hiding their identities, even becoming haggard-looking crack-addicted women. So, Virginian-Pilot, we military veterans are all sitting here patiently awaiting our apology – but I don’t think any of us are stupid enough to hold our breath.

Category: Veterans Issues

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SGT Kane

She was a door gunner on the space shuttle with me. Total firebug even then. But I can’t talk about that.


She’s special forces alright. She has the bags under her eyes to prove it.

Shall I submit the FOIA now?


She’s former special forces alright. She has the bags under her eyes to prove it.

Shall I submit the FOIA now?


(sorry ’bout that – computer double posted…)

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I’m stupid enough. Who wants my baseball card collection?

B Woodman

Real class act, there. Oh – I was talking about the VA-Pilot.
Ummmm you too arsonist.

2/17 Air Cav

Still holding here.


…just sent to the Editors:

Ms. Maria Carillo – Managing Editor,

I am a Pilot subscriber – and Veteran. I have been following the Eastern Shore arsonist story, and I was appalled to read an article opining that somehow this was a deranged Veteran. It’s those kinds of stereotypes that we have come to expect from Hollywood sadly, but not in our local paper – especially in such a veteran heavy and military intertwined town. Please see the article I pasted from This Ain’t Hell – a military blog with a huge readership – that makes a buffoonery of your paper. They (and I) would like to see some sort of apology for the defamation of Veterans by the Pilot’s careless article.

Lthrnck 1775


@8 – Nice. You should cancel your subscription to that rag, too. There are other news sources you can rely on that don’t report such nonsense. But that’s just my opinion.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Tonya looks like she’s had a really rough 40 years…..too many miles ridden hard and put away wet…


Their Response:
This was speculation from local residents about what was happening in their region. This was not The Pilot saying that a deranged veteran – as you put it – was at fault. I don’t agree with your characterization.

Yes, it was in reference to that article. The “some say” defense is a pretty weak substitution for actual reporting. Was it a significant % of “the locals” stating this…. How large was the study group? Or was this an easy way to sensationalize the burnings by throwing out the “deranged veteran” meme?

As long as we’re throwing out random guesses…. Why did “they” not guess it was out of work illegal aliens? Crack addicts? Hobos?



@ #9 ….my wife like the coupons….LOL

NR Pax

To the reporters that read and comment here: Behavior like this from a newspaper is why we distrust and hate most of you so openly. Hope that helps.

CC Senor

This is interesting. Seems Sweetpea’s boyfriend, a former volunteer firefighter, was also charged. No mention of prior service for either of them. Fancy that.


Not a peep from the Editor to my response (#11 above)….color me shocked.
