Is This A Trap?

| September 29, 2008

My bride had a sinister thought.

Like me she doesn’t like this big stinking crap sandwich but why would Pelosi get up and do something so amazingly stupid just before the vote?

Is this a trap? More accurately, is this a secret shortcut for Obama to fly in and save the day?

As sinister as this sounds, it is not beyond the Democrats to stage such political theater. Even sadder, it would work like a charm.

This will only work if Pelosi told the 94 Democrats to vote against it this time and she will need them all to reverse course when the savior arrives. This is true because the Republican leadership will smell this rat in about 10 seconds and vote against anything that Obama pushes.

It would pass given the Democrat majority but it will not be bi-partisan.

Given the media spin and the lack of sophistication of a great many voters, I fear it would still work.

Category: Politics

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No, saddest is this is the first thing we think of — the Dems. playing a game to get ahead and not caring who they screw over to make themselves look good. And we’re neither shocked nor suprised.

Can you imagine the “private conversations” that are going on up there today??? Must be burning up the hallways. (Skanky buttheads that they are.)

Larry Sheldon

I’d like somebody that knows the House rules to answer: Can the house vote on it again? (With your wife’s scenario one of the losers (all senses!) could Move to Reconsider. Wonder if that would pass.

LT Nixon

Slap on that tin-foil and read this article

It’s about liberals orchestrating chaos to implement creepy new marxist social policies. I don’t agree with the premise (since it presumes that people in power are capable of such a ruse), but it’s an interesting read.


Thank the missus for making me don my tin foil hat before dark for the first time in a few months…..


LT Nixon: thanks for that link. I do think the premise is possible, tin-foil hat or no. Wasn’t much there I didn’t know, but it is a good primer. That it doesn’t scare the pants off voters and Obama is still leading is dismaying.

Kath: We are NOT dealing with a Bill Clinton/Jimmy Carter – esque historical liberal Democrat.

COB: I have been waiting for the other shoe to fall as well. Talk about your October Surprise. Obama let McCain’s intervention appear weak and ineffective. The knight in shining armor may well be on the way.


[…] Is This A Trap? […]


LT Nixon Said:

It’s about liberals orchestrating chaos to implement creepy new marxist social policies.

This is par for the course for “dyed in the wool” marxists. It will only fool those who aren’t informed. We need to keep on posting this stuff to our blogs and talking with people when the opportunity arises.

The real grassroots movement is in the conservative blogsphere. We at are pitching in and are paying for the costs of our blogs out of our own pockets and are not PAC’s, just regular Jills and Joes wanting to do our part.

richard wheeler

Cob6 Pelosi knocked Bush’s handling of the economy. Mac and Obama have done the same.It’s the conservs.who gladly killed the bill as you wished them to.You and your bride should be happy.I’m pretty sure nay voters didn’t expect Dow drop of 777 points as collateral damage.

COB6 Wrote: What about the 94 Democrats that voted no? Something needs to be done but this was a bad bill that Pelosi personally undermined. Mac is in DC, where is Barry?

richard wheeler

COB6 Politics make strange bedfellows.As I said you should be thanking Pelosi.Wherever Obama is he’ll be more effective than the poor hapless McCain,your twice nominated “oxygen thief”


Richard — you didn’t think the nay voters expected the Dow to drop into the tank? What did they think, it was going to go up? Of course it was going to go down — and way down.

richard wheeler

Kath I guarantee you they expected a drop but not a 1.2 trillion loss,the largest in history.Economy is obviously not as “sound” as Mac suggested as recently as one month ago.Deal will be reached this week over coservative’s objections.Mac is caught in the middle with,like “w”,no control over his own party.


If there is too much commie crap in the final bill, which given the muscle-memory of Democrats, you can bet it will, he will veto it. God what a beautiful thing that would be to watch.

And screw “the market.” If the market falls based on how much our country fights Marxism, then let the market fail and it will rebuild with a new paradigm of freedom as its barometer.


Martino said:

If the market falls based on how much our country fights Marxism, then let the market fail and it will rebuild with a new paradigm of freedom as its barometer.

Well said, Martino, that’s exactly the way I feel!


Realizing that it’s a fact of life to hear “the market’s up!!”, or, “oh, the market is DOWN”, it does seem like the tail wagging the dog at times.