House Rejects Socialism 228-205

| September 29, 2008

Some kind of bill may eventually get passed but Pelosi and her goons got another “MAJOR FAIL”!

It was a pretty much bi-partisan smack down. Pelosi and her lackey Hoyer run the majority and should have had the votes to ram it through in spite of Conservative objections. But there is no Democrat leadership in the congress and damn little in the administration.

This quote from LGF sure as hell didn’t help!

You know where that very important $700-billion figure came from?
Here’s a quote from that Forbes story:

“It’s not based on any particular data point,” a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. “We just wanted to choose a really large number.”

They made it up to be sufficiently ginormous to frighten everyone into rapid action.

And it worked.

Why did it really fail?


The Republican leadership had worked enough votes to probably pass this thing but then Pelosi couldn’t resist an opportunity for a partisan attack.

Her speech this morning before the vote absolutely poisoned the water.

Did Pelosi single-handedly wreck the US economy? No.

Would she have cared if she had? Absolutely Not.

Category: Politics

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