Gimme Yer Worst – “Saved By the Bell”

| April 3, 2013

The penultimate list follows.  These were all mondo bad – and as at least one TAH commenter put it, some of them even pegged the proverbial “gaydar” – but all IMO had some redeeming value that kept them off the Playlist From Hell.

Here ya go – the list of suggestions that was “saved by the bell”:


Submitted by Ex-PH2:  Cheerleading (Fatherhood Involvement)

Rationale:  Way too funny for any Playlist From Hell.


Twist:  Toni Basil – Micky

Discussion:  Yeah, the tune is bad – bad enough to make you want to jam pencils in your ears.  But the video has some nice eye candy (for guys, anyway).  Eye candy was good enough IMO to keep it off the PFH – barely.


Submitted by Twist:  1985 Chicago Bears – Super Bowl Shuffle

Rationale:  Too much of a “period piece”, not a serious musical effort – and too much humor value.


Submitted by Twist, jft:  Samwell – What What (in the Butt) (NSFW)

Rationale:  Had to put this in the “Some Redeeming Qualities” bin.  Doesn’t appeal to me, but there’s a segment of the population out there that would find watching it and/or it’s subject matter . . . entertaining.  It seems campy as hell to me, too.  In any case – yeah, that’s pretty close to Playlist material.  Just not quite there.  YMMV.


Submitted by Hondo:  Hot Legs/10cc – Neanderthal Man (later studio version)

Rationale:  Eye candy near the end gives it just enough redeeming value.  Barely.  Maybe.  I damn near put this on the Playlist From Hell anyway – the audio sounds even worse IMO than the older live video, and the guys looked even dorkier after they got older and reinvented themselves as 10cc.


Submitted by Hondo:  Weird Al Yankovic – Ricky

Rationale:  Too obvious a spoof, and too funny, to make the Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Ex-PH2:  Creepy Old Guy lip-synching Roy Orbison’s “Pretty Woman”

Rationale:  The creep factor and/or humor makes this inappropriate for any Playlist From Hell.  And the music is damned good, anyway.  The late Roy Orbison had a wonderful voice, and indeed could write.


Submitted by Twist:  Rodney Carrington – Hey Penis    (NSFW)

Almost put this on the “not qualifying” list – it’s not bad at all, and has serious comedy value.  I decided to put it here because it’s simply funny as hell.  By the way:  the Official Cartoon Version is even better – and is just as NSFW as this version, if not even more NSFW.  (smile)


Submitted by MCPO NYC USN (Ret):  Valley Girl Sung in Hebrew

Rationale:  This one IMO was kinda worthwhile from a novelty/humor perspective.  I’m giving this version a pass on going on the Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Twist:  ?????? – Midget Indian Dancing–g4zIuNA

Rationale:  Simply too funny for any Playlist From Hell.  And the little guy can dance, too!


Submitted by MCPO NYC USN (Ret):  Vat19 – Das Beer Boot

Rationale:  Oh God.  Truly Mondo Bad – but also absolutely freaking hilarious. I cannot in good conscience put this on any Playlist From Hell.  You’re not supposed to enjoy stuff on a Playlist From Hell, and anyone who doesn’t laugh at this one IMO has a seriously broken sense of humor.


Submitted by Ex-PH2:  Local TV Station comedy video:

It’s simply not bad enough for the Playlist From Hell, and is actually pretty funny.  I thought it belonged here instead.


Submitted by Twist:  ­Sparta (Mean Little Kitty)

Rationale:  Too funny for any Playlist From Hell.  And that dude is seriously naïve about cats – pretty much all cats are like that when they’re kittens.


Submitted by PFDRbrendan:  Dead Cat Bounce –  “Midget”  (possibly NSFW?  I didn’t see it, but maybe some places it would be)

Rationale:  Tune’s not that bad, and it’s kinda funny.  I thought it had redeeming comedy value.


Submitted by Heidi:  Right Said Fred special – Stick It Out

Rationale:  Intentionally stupid, intentionally funny – which gives it some value.  Not PFH material IMO.



Rationale:  Like Vat19’s “Das Beer Boot”, it’s simply too damn funny for any Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Twist:  Men Without Hats – Safety Dance (the “True Lyrics” version)

Rationale:  Absolutely freaking hilarious.  Way too damn funny for any Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by mattinnc:  Gerardo Mejía – Rico Suave

Rationale:  Too much nice eye candy – even if it’s pretty bad otherwise.


Submitted by EdUSMCLeg:  Benny Lava – Buffalax

Rationale:  Yeah, the song is bad – but the subtitles are too funny and (male perspective) the eye candy is too good for a Playlist From Hell.


Submitted by Just Plain Jason:  Sweet Brown – Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That

Rationale:  Actually listenable, and IMO it was kinda funny.  I thought it belonged here instead of the PFH.


OK, that’s it.  One more list to come.

Tomorrow:  the TAH Playlist From Hell.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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I knew safety dance wouldn’t make it. I just happen to stumble on it and had to share.


If you liked safety dance go to YouTube and search for “literal videos”. There is a whole bunch of them. I spent a good hour laughing my ass off.


Okay, but how about a playlist of funny stuff? I just watched one on the news. Laughed myself silly.

Oh, yeah, the cheerleading father video was to make all you twits spending time here feeling guilty about not spending time with your kids, particularly with your girl children.


The Super Bowl Shuffle, really??? That’s aural perfection, a celestially-inspired composition sent directly from the heavens!!!!

That cuts deep.

I move that the SBS be replaced by that nauseating ditty, Imagine- and I second my own motion.


Das Boot!