SAS sniper to go back to court

| April 2, 2013

Danny Nightingale was jailed last year for possession of a handgun that he been given by Iraqi allies for the work he did with them. The handgun had been shipped to him in his belongings when he escorted the bodies of two of his mates home. After he was convicted and imprisoned, the Court of Appeals overturned his sentence but left up to the prosecutors the opportunity to prosecute the case again. And they’ve decided that was what they wanted to do;

Sgt Nightingale has spent 11 years in the SAS and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as well as other operations around the world. A trained nurse, he invented a battlefield dressing which is named after him.

His lawyer, Simon McKay, is confident of winning the retrial.

“The prosecution here are going to have to prove that Sgt Nightingale had knowledge that he was in possession of a firearm,” he said. “His defence is that he is suffering from a permanent brain injury.

“That resulted in him completely forgetting he was in possession and that essentially will be the issue before the court martial.

Thanks to our buddy, Aunty Brat for the link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid"

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SGT Nightingale will always be welcome in the US and he can keep his guns


As long as he doesn’t go to New York, Connecticut, Maryland, etc etc.

Ohhhh and if he chooses to enter the US by way of crawling over a wall at the Southern Border, he’ll get a special rate on college tuition, plus loads of government agencies ready to help give him money and entitlements he can use without ever having to work again…


Thanks for highlighting this travesty, Jonn. This Hero and his family has been dragged through hell and back, and it didn’t need to be this way. Should NOT have been this way. BUT as I said to a group of British Veterans, is on a par with how our Veterans this side of the pond are treated. Pisses me off so badly…the insanity continues.


Spent 7 1/2 years in England. Fun place, but not their guns laws, amongst some other thing…. Was glad to leave and come back to the U.S.

B Woodman

With the way all soldiers and vets are being treated on both sides of the pond, it’s a wonder anyone in the near future will want to join. Really. With the way this Gubbment is doing its best to turn citizens into serfs and sheeple, I weep for our future. I’m not encouraging my g’son to join.

Rudyard Kipling’s “Tommy” comes to mind.


What a great example of western civilization’s on going cultural suicide.

Common Sense

Just awful! Hasn’t the poor man and his family been through enough?

2/17 Air Cav

The appellate court’s ruling found that, in pretrial comments from the bench, the Judge Advocate effectively presented a rock and a hard place choice to Nightingale: Plead guilty or be convicted at trial and receive a five-year sentence. Nightingale thus took a deal and 18 months. The three-judge appellate court also reduced his sentence to 12 months suspended. Under UK law, if he is retried (possible)and is convicted (unlikely), the sentence cannot is small consolation for Nightingale, whose life was turned upside down and inside out by this gross injustice.

2/17 Air Cav

Whoops. “….the sentence cannot be increased. This is small consolation for Nightingale, whose life was turned upside down and inside out by this gross injustice.”


Another reason to thank our fore fathers for booting their British asses out of our country!!


The British government is acting just like a shark, that will eat its own guts in a feeding frenzy.

Note to the British Courts: You better figure out what a criminal really looks like, in one hell of a hurry. You might ask Sgt. Nightingale; he was one of those you sent to defend your country against them.

Morons. And I agree with what was said above. Sgt. Nightingale, and his family, would make a fine addition to the US.