The President Who Can’t Shoot Straight

| April 3, 2013

Millions of us out here in flyover country have long been of the opinion that Barack Obama is not a straight shooter. This weekend he proved it. During the White House Easter Egg Roll, the handlers gathered the kids around the half-court to watch the Prez, whom the press has led us to believe for several years now is quite skilled in the game, shoot some free-throws and layups.

Bad move, handlers. Much to the dismay of all those who have worked so hard to create this faux image of our chief executive as a skilled athlete (skeet-shooting comes to mind) it became apparent rather quickly that this Prez can’t shoot straight. Out of 22 attempts, the Prez managed two, count ’em, two, baskets. Hell I’m a 72 two year old white guy who, like all white men, can’t jump, and I’d bet some solid money I can do better than 2-22.

Know what I think? He choked. After missing the first couple in front of his young audience, he became so unnerved he lost his cool and flubbed the rest away. Other than providing those of us not among his admirers with something to chuckle about it, adds to the mounting evidence that this guy is not, and never has been genuine in any way, merely a construct of the liberal media and the Democratic political machine. As we have long held, he’s a lightweight in over his head and trying to perform above his limited capacity in both politics and basketball.

“So what? The guy got rattled,” will say his supporters. Don’t know about you but in this very dangerous world, I’m not real happy about strategic, command decisions being made by a commander-in-chief who gets rattled when his short-comings become obvious to a bunch of kids on an Easter Egg Roll. You tell me that Putin the Stud isn’t sitting there in the Kremlin chuckling as he watches the ever-repeating video loop of our hapless commander-in-chief proving the myth of his vaunted athletic skills for a world audience. And there have to be scores of Republicans on Capitol Hill thinking, “See, we told he’s not a straight-shooter!” Kim Jong Un is probably sitting in his war room in Pyongyang thinking, “Hell, I can whip that wimp!”

They, Putin, Kim and a whole lotta folks out here in flyover country and around the world have to be thinking that instead of spending a weekend trip to Florida to pick up golfing tips from Tiger Woods, the Prez could have better spent that time in Miami with LeBron James, learning some basics. One also can’t help but wonder if this lackluster performance might not be a portent of what’s to come in B-Ball Barack’s second big tournament: lots of dribbling, trash talk and flashy shooting, but minimal scoring.

It’s becoming ever more obvious, with every week that passes, that to the watching world Barack Obama is the Prez who can’t shoot straight.

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Doc Bailey

And for a second there I thought you were going to mention some previously unknown gay lover

2/17 Air Cav

Now that obamaman has embarrassed himself again by trying shoot some baskets, the left is attacking his latest pitiful showing by blaming whitey for expecting him to be good because he’s half black. Right. It couldn’t possibly be that, for years now, Obama has been leading the world, through his NBA supporters and PR people, to believe he’s good at the round ball. No, it has to be some other reason. Last year, he used basketballs with his image on them. I liked that idea—the notion of bouncing his likeness on the pavement repeatedly. I was hoping we would see his likeness on other sports equipment by now. Skeet shooting and clay pigeons come to mind. My guess is that every shooter’s score would improve with his pic on the pigeons.


Remember according to the media, he was born under a double rainbow, has shot a perfect game of golf – making 18 hole-in-ones… oh wait that was Kim Jong Il…

Sometimes I get them confused when it comes to their fact and fiction.


2 for 22? I’m a girl. I did better than that in high school PE and I detest basketball. (Oh, shut up.)

Poe, saying that he’s a lightweight in over his head is dead on. We’re coming into a time of real crisis, something he will be completely unable to handle. Everything I see says he’s on the edge of the plank and the sharks are getting hungry.

2 for 22. Geez. What a loser.


Man yall totally missed it it was the white half that was shooting this weekend, the black half could have done it but did not want to.


As with most Diversty Hire Incompetents, we should promote him to another department where he can be someone else’s problem. Maybe President of the United Nations General Assembly, where he can issue strongly worded memos and then dash off to the links for another 18 holes of gold.


So, I take it there’s no teleprompter for sports?


Wow, after watching him bowl and throw out the first pitch a while back, I could never have seen this coming./sarc I know what the problem is, Bush put up rims that weren’t regulation, that’s why 0 couldn’t get his free throws to go down.


Whoa! Russian eye candy! Thanks, Poetrooper! 😉


I meant to thank you for that shot of Vlad, Poe. Can I get an autographed copy of that?


I forgot for a moment that PintoNag is female and I clicked on the link. I am now off to get some bleach.


@11 Now you know how the gals feel when we click on some link that has little clothing and lots of assets for you guys. 🙂


OK, someone has to do it…. 2 for 22 is 2-20, not 2-22.

Me, I still am trying to figure out from his skeet shooting pictures whether he is really shooting sporting clays at the running rabbit or is just incredibly quick getting off low house shots.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So, to recap Bush can throw out the first pitch as well as some minor leaguers actually pitch…but Bush very bad….

Obama can’t hit jack sh1t with an undefended jump shot, Obama very good….

Bush dunked some terrorists in a water bucket to ask some questions…Bush very bad….

Obama has Holder tell us they might use drones on American soil without any due process whatsoever to kill American citizens who are supposed to receive due process under the constitution, Obama very good….

Bush lends support to a centrist government in Egypt, but Bush very bad…

Obama supports a government that blames women for being gang raped in public parks, but Obama very good….

I guess I am unclear as to how some folks are deciding the bad from the good….cuz to my addle pated brain, using these examples if Bush was bad Obama should be very, very bad…but instead he is considered good….

I need some time to consider all this.


Basically, Bodaprez is a wimp who can’t shoot a rifle, make a basket, or make his own decisions. He just looks good in a suit.

Got it!

El Marco



VoV – freakin’ brilliant. Gotta forward it.


BOBO always found the hole at the Chikago bathhouse.


Barry was missing from point blank range…yes layups. Even had an airball or two from real close. Oops better stop critiquing the Prez or be called a waaacist by tingles Chrissy Matthews…wait a minute bub, because he’s half black he knows how to shoot hoops? Dog whistle!