It takes a talkin’ a$$
The folks from Reason send us their video rebuttal to Jim Carrey’s “Cold Dead Hands” song.
I don’t get too upset over these things. It’s only Jim Carrey, FFS. I didn’t get twisted up over the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore is still breathing. Their opinions are no more valid than any other person off the street – because that’s all they are – they don’t have any special insight, just a bigger megaphone.
Anyone, like those dimwits at the Democratic Underground, who place more value on what they say than anything I might say are slaves to the culture. They’re not bright enough to have their own opinions, so they steal one of these airheads’ opinions.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
“They’re not bright enough to have their own opinions, so they steal one of these airheads’ opinions”.
Unlike you, for whom every waking thought is completely original.
Given the title of this article, does anyone else find it apropos that our own Joe the Thick Rockclimber was the first to comment?
Did Joe say something?
I guess it takes one to understand their logic. Not that libtards are logical!?
Yeah, and personally, I’m among the best dickweeds on the planet!! Who needs a bigger megaphone…
**I** have Jonn with two n’s Lilyea!! 🙂
Joey, you’re so funny, especially when you’re trying to be all serious and shit.
Joe’s still here? I thought he died. or was that hope.
Actors and politics is like Alkali and water. Always leaves a mess
Now, that’s funny!
Doc Bailey: wrong Joe. It was Joe Weider who died recently.
Not as cleaver as the original, IMHO. But more spot-on, none the less.
Anyway, it’s time to stop arguing with these dickweeds. All you do is waste your precious time and in the famous (para)quote (who said this anyway?) “it drags you down to his level of stupidity where he beats you with experience.”
The only rebuttal these Hollywierd jackoffs deserve is a flying fickle finger of fate, a resounding “Hell NO”, and spend no more of your hard earned dollars on their worthless media trash. Look what happened to the Dixie Chicklets after they went postal against GW Bush.
And this includes Sippy Joe.
Who’s Joe?
@12. He’s the guy who tried to say something in Cmt 1. It didn’t work out. It never does.
@13 – Oh, thanks! I thought that was the cause of the ringing in my ears. I was right. Lots of noise, no importance to it.
Forgive me if I have my doubts about Ace Ventura’s credibility…
This subject just burns my biscuit!!! I’ve had a running fight going with some Moms from my son’s baseball team and my own family over vaccines.
The info is out there, the Doctor that claimed they caused autism later came out and said he faked his findings due to wanting the attention and needing grant money. But did the rebuttal get as much press as the fake findings!?!!? NO! It did not!
Hi, by the way! I’m a long time lurker just never knew how to jump into you guys’ little community.
#16 Valkyrie
Not such a little community as you might think. And welcome to it. Join right in, most, if not all opinions welcome. Even those from our local resident troll, Sippy Joe.
@17 Woodman
I’ve come to notice the size, I check the lil meter thingy daily to see how many have been on.
When you do good work people tend to take notice. Between TAH and Don Shipley people are being educated about military affairs in a entertaining way. When you make someone smile you can make them listen.
I think lots of people are tired of having their head in the sand and not knowing what’s really going on around them. I know I am.
Thanks to all for the continuing education and daily smiles. And for your service!
@18 – Regarding autism, there is some evidence that autism is linked to men having children late in life. There was a study published a few years ago about that. The NIH has an ongoing study of ASD in an effort to determine the causes of ASD.
The thing is, if you can blame a product for your child’s ASD, you can sue the product maker. But if it’s your genetic material at fault, then it’s all in your lap, isn’t it?
“Michael Moore is still breathing.”
In a hoarse, raspy, labored manner, no doubt.
@16 That was actually a pretty good case of real investigative journalism, Brian Deer was the journalist who uncovered a lot of the data that was fabricated.
Even prior to that when the original study came out in ’98 it was a study of only 12 children which was so small as to be statistically insignificant even had the results not been fabricated. I never understood the gravity this study carried when published originally.
22: VOV – follow the money. Or if you prefer Randy Newman’s way of putting it: “It’s Money That Matters”.
“They’re not bright enough to have their own opinions, so they steal one of these airheads’ opinions.”
We’re not the ones proudly proclaiming that we’re “dittoheads”.
Rally, ‘lil Sippy? I see you finally snuck onto your Mommy’s computer while she was asleep!
Infidel, must be Sippy got kicked out of the bath house, so he found mommy’s computer.