Tuesdays with Claymore

| March 26, 2013

I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your FLIR.

Blooming idiots

..because MSNBC says so.

Call it “executive orders” if you makes you feel any better.

With mentors like this…

So apparently someone saw Chris Rock’s stand-up routine on the subject.

I have to admit, it is a happy side effect.

You could have left off “…after expensive dinner dates” and it would still be accurate.

And slavery was legal then too, what’s your point.

Liberal commenters are meanies.

Does bad sex equal rape?

We’re saving tons of money post-GITMO closure…no wait…

Guns, race and suicide.

Second coming?

When you read this, try using Mel Gibson’s horrible Scottish accent from Braveheart.

DUer is against “bullets in the streets”. I admit, that’s a pretty poor use of scarce ammo.

“We need another dozen or so crisis’s.”

I thought Uncle Joe said we were the black helicopter crowd.

Incremental Single Payer

AR-15 is useless against and F-16.

Preppers are assholes for not sharing.

So don’t be eating your cheese into the shape of a cross or anything.

DU Grand-Poobah limits conversations to certain topics in an effort to further free speech.

Quoting the Daily Kos for statistics is like asking Rosie O’Donnell for weight loss advice.

You forgot #4; only wars started by Democrats are just and legal.

The “left” is really the “middle” and the “right” are “Nazis”. It’s all so clear now.

Hildebeast/Fauxcahontas 2016!

AWB isn’t completely useless?

Men are always guilty, no matter what.

DUer’s understand representative government gooder than you does.

Carpet munchers.

…but never say they’re against your right to protect yourself.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I can’t believe that someone thinks that security cameras in NYC could have stopped 9/11.


I don’t see what their problem is with drones based in Pt. Mugu–they have had a patrol squadron-shaped hole on their flight line for years, and it’s not like the p-3’s didn’t have cameras in them back when they were around. That’s really what they’re on about is nekkid sunbathing, right?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@1 That’s because all of your brain cells are functional. I have discovered the best way to read DU is to shift my brain into neutral and coast through the words….it is amazing how almost every post provides some information that allows the DU’ers to come to exactly the wrong conclusion almost every time…

I only say almost as an effort to be polite. I do not believe I have read anything there that was not full of sh1t on some level or another.


@1 – yes, the DUers think that the video re: the Onion is the REAL thing instead of satire.

Old 21B

Usually I skip reading these because all they do is p!$$ me off but I had to read the one on preppers…one of the first comments starts off with “they are probably rabid right wingers…” don’t you just love how they assume they are conservatives and immediately characterize them then call Republicans the party of hate? I guess today was a reminder to myself why I skip reading these linked stories.


I don’t normally read much of “Tuesdays with Claymore” because it does terrible things to my blood pressure and sense of well-being. However, I have to compliment Claymore on his titles. I LOVE the titles! 🙂

@5 I saw that thing about the preppers, too. They like that “rabid right wingers” stuff, don’t they?


I guess I’m a rabid right winger because I have stocked up on food, water, clothing, and first aid supplies in case of a natural disaster. How dare I look out for the welfare of my family!


I started clicking the links and reading the stuff and then remembered … I’m about to have lunch. Thanks for making my stomach turn over from the stupids at DU.


Preppers rabid right wingers? Count me in!!! When the 1978-1979 blizzaard shut down everything in the Chicago area, including O’Hare airport, and my car was one of many buried in a snowdrift and had to be dug out over three days, I learned very quickly that you stock up for winter months to weeks ahead, so that you have something in the fridge, freezer, pantry and cupboard, plus first aid stuff in case the EMTs can’t get through.

I still do all this. It’s common sense. If that made or makes me a rabid right winger, thanks for the compliment, but don’t come knocking when a tree falls on your house, the power goes out, your heat is shut off, you slice your finger to the bone and you can’t find food at the fast food joint.


My wife and her entire side of the family are Mormons that believe in having a 2 year supply stored.
