In the Good News Department . . . .

| March 23, 2013

French authorities have confirmed the death of al-Qaeda-linked North African warlord Abou Zeid.  He had been previously reported as “probably killed” pending the outcome of DNA testing.

DNA testing says forget the “probably”.  It was him.

Abou Zeid was a key figure in southern branch of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).  He was instrumental in the take-over of northern Mali, and was responsible for the executions of at least two foreign hostages.  He was also reportedly a committed and disciplined radical, and was close to the AQIM overall leader, Abdelmalek Droukdel.

Zeid had a long history of terrorist violence.  He had been fighting in various radical Islamist movements for over 20 years.

He’s no longer fighting.

It’s nice to be able to use the past tense in referring to such terrorist bastards.  May all of his “72 virgins” look like either Helen Thomas or Perez Hilton – with personality to match.

Category: Terror War

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May his virgins also look like Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Watercan-Schmutz.

CC Senor

@1 Both of them are comparatively more attractive than Helen Thomas, but can you imagine trying for all eternity having an intelligent conversation with either of them?


That’s good news, I suppose.

But I also know that when you cut off the head of the worm, it either grows back or just keeps living.

A Proud Infidel

Another terrorist is in hell.


@1…Perhaps his 72 virgins should be a bunch of nerds, ala “Family Guy.”


He’ll just be replaced by someone equally as bad. Not much of a “win” to be found until the entire group is destroyed, which will never happen either.


It always warms my heart, when I hear that one of these bastards has been killed.


There is so little to celebrate anymore…..I’m going to start holding BBQs and cake/ice cream for every one of these types of announcements.