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| March 18, 2013

A Glock ad that keeps me from being sad.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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Just Plain Jason

Why didn’t she just shoot a couple rounds from her shotgun through the door?/sarc

K.J. Hinton



(That’s funny, Jason.)




Wrong. Somebody picked the right woman. Wow what a babe!


Jason beat me to it. But I’m gonna do it anyway.

No, no no no No No NO NO!!! The appropriate reaction is to fire two blasts from a shotgun through the door without first identifying who, if anyone, was on the other side!! Don’t these people listen to what our Dear Leaders tell us?!!


I’m not usually for red heads but daaaaamn!


Had she only soiled herself I’m sure she would have had the same result without having to shame herself by brandishing a firearm.

defensor fortissimo

@5 If she’s wrong i don’t want to be right


Two major fails in the commercial. #1 (rather obvious) is she did not take her gun out of the vault when she got home. #2 – fainting dude did not piss his pants on the way to the floor.

Makes me wonder what other defects there migt be with a Glock. ::ducking & running for cover while hanging head in shame for taking the cheap, but easy, shot::

stay safe.

B Woodman

From one of my favorite Tombstone headstones:
“Here lies Lester Moore
Four shots from a 44
No Les, no more.”


Wait, there was a gun and a guy in that commercial.


Twist: there was one individual with a beard. However, since he fainted at the sight of a gun I kinda doubt his qualifications for having a “man” card.

2/17 Air Cav

What gun? What guy?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@7 Gingers are either really hot or really not…but lots of times in my experience either way they are bat sh1t crazy and high maintenance…

But when it’s good bro, it’s really good….

of course that’s just me YMMV


Again, I have an R Lee Earmy Boner….

…Ok…..ok……I admit it….I had the boner LONG before R. Lee came on the screen.



Can we find a comercial where the old lady waits for the perp to break the door open so she can smack him with a cast iron skillet?

Do I have to do everything myself around here?


Ex-PH2, here you go.


Then of course, there’s this:

2/17 Air Cav

I adore redheads. I fell in love witt Maureen O’Hara when I was about 7. Plus, I used to have red, curly hair. Nowadys, I’d be happy to have more hair of any colr. Damn Don Shipley.


@17 ExPH2: Whatever you do, just don’t ask Jonn for girl eye-candy.

What is seen can never be unseen, and there isn’t enough bleach in the world…


Okay, that was hot… well, she was hot. There’s just something about a woman who knows how to use a piece.

A Proud Infidel

DAMN that was good, and “Gunny” Ermey at the end? PRICELESS!!


Even though i hate Glock pistols, that commercial was perfect….including the girl.


Yeah, that’s how it usually works, the criminal usually knocks three times to warn us so we have plenty of time to go unlock our pistol. Damn considerate of those bad guys.

2/17 Air Cav

Must be a new Joe. The old one never makes any sense and can’t write that well. Be advised, Joe, there’s a mental midget with a severe liberal/progressive/commie bent who goes by Joe around here.


@26, He also didn’t mention that the gun was evil, so it can’t be the same Joe.


@21 PN – I sent Jonn an e-mail I got from Krav Maga with some girl eye-candy on it. 🙂 It was in that “Oh, MY!!!” category.

Maybe he’d be kind enough to forward it to you.


Joe seems to be commenting from the same location as our own Rockclimbin’ Joe. My guess is he’s being sarcastic. I doubt he’s had an epiphany.

2/17 Air Cav

@29. Wow! Joe, have you seen the light? Have you turned the corner? It’s okay. Have you actually read Strunk and White?


Ex-PH2: what, the bearded dude and F. Lee Ermey in the video weren’t enough eye candy? (smile)


@28 Nice thought! Thanks!

Joe was being sarcastic. He’s moaning about the “sexy girl with a gun” meme. But the fact is, Joe, ringing the doorbell and knocking are two ways home invaders get into the house. It does actually happen.


A pretty transparent marketing tactic on their part – their main cousomers, old white guys, are dying off fast and they need a new market – voila! A Julia Roberts look-alike selling guns!


lol! sex sells? weird…guess Hollywood does have an effect on people after all.


@33 I don’t know how familiar you are with the ads from gun magazines and the gun market, but up until fairly recently, it was all about the gun itself, and sometimes hunting pics and law enforcement pics. Guys in cammo and uniform. The most recent development is to target the female market, and so, the ads still lag a little in…ah…shall we say polish? It’s still in its infancy. Give it some time, and it will catch up with the rest. I get the sense that they’re still trying to figure out HOW to market to women, particularly without using the very obvious “scare tactics.”


Joe: using attractive models to sell product works with cars, motorcycles, and beer – and damn near everything else.

And it doesn’t only work with “old white guys”. Why do you think Fabio was so damned popular years ago in various advertising? It certainly wasn’t his talent.


Joe, you obviously are on Hollywood’s side in the whole politik situation….Hollywood makes money off sex, beautiful people, etc. If you don’t like it, boycott Hollywood.

Now that’s just funny, I don’t care who you are. Smokin’ hot, but I will agree for the block that redheads can be dangerous in many ways….


The sarcastic Joe has a point. Colion Noir has a commentary about keeping a gun within arms reach at all times even when in your home. But then again, it’s a freakin commercial. We’re really gonna pick apart a commercial? Seriously?


the whole point of a commercial is to sell something; if they think I’ll be more inclined to buy it because they put a pretty wrapper in it, I’m ok with that. h

2/17 Air Cav

News flash: Sex sells. The only plain-looking actors are on Vonage commercials (what’s up with all those Pakis and Indians?) and constipation relief.


“their main cousomers, old white guys”

I’ll have to tell my Hispanic wife that she isn’t supposed to buy guns. My Native-Alaskan sister-in-law will be pretty surprised too.