Seeking victims of Danny Crane

| March 18, 2013

You probably read our post this last week about Danny Crane, the phony. He was arrested last year for ripping off the VA. He was sentenced to a year and a day in jail and three years probation last week.

Mary says that the Assistant US Attorney lady who put him away is looking for more of his victims. Apparently he was using “oh, woe is me” stories to rip folks off. He claimed to have had cancer and suffered mightily from his non-existent wounds and he leaned heavily on his faked documents. So if anyone out there has any knowledge of him or any other victims, we’ll put you in touch with the prosecutor so we can squeeze whatever is left after Bubba gets done with him.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I am actually in Tampa, and about 15 miles from where he was living. I also go to the same VA Hospitals he would have been going to. I will see what I can find out about him. Any info on things he was involved in or groups he was affiliated with would be helpful. Tampa has a huge vet population but I am sure someone has run into this guy.

A Proud Infidel

I’m up in MW FL, if any of these scumbags start prowling in my neck of the woods, “holler” at me!

EdUSMCleg, if you ever travel up here to the Panhandle, holler at me, the first shot and a beer is on me!

A Proud Infidel

The same applies to all the other “Regulars” here!



Will do. I travel up that way on occasion. Same to you if you are ever in the Tampa area.

Frankly Opinionated

A Proud Infidel:
Hit me with an e-mail. I too am here in the NW Panhandle.

SgtJim (@sgt_jim)

Sentenced to a year and a day in prison?

What the fucking fuck?!


@7 If I’m not mistaken, over 12mo bumps the charge up to a felony. Therefore, the judge is attempting to really brand this turd for life as a liar and a cheat.


LanceCooley: For Federal crimes, the felony/misdemeanor distinction is determined by the maximum sentence that can be imposed, not the actual sentence imposed by the judge. Any Federal crime with a possible sentence of greater than one year is a felony, regardless of the duration of the sentence actually imposed. See 18 USC 3559 (a).

Frankly Opinionated

In most cases that added day means that he must do at least a year, and his good time factor would kick in anew as he bigins his second year, or some such formula.
But the day tacked on, someway makes his mandatory stay much longer than just a 1 year sentence.


@FranklyO, did you get the email I sent you?


From what I understand in central Florida (according to my brother-in-law) the extra day added to the sentence means you go to “prison” verses “county jail”. There are some perks for prison over jail like smoking and other stuff but it does mean it goes from a misdemeanor to a felon. Like I said this is coming from someone that pushed the judge to give him the extra day so he could smoke while in even though it changed his record to a more serious crime. (as it was explained to me, I have no idea)


I’m sorry I was wrong. It just changes whether you go to state prison over county jail. It doesn’t change the seriousness of the crime. Sorry!


Sorry to reactivate an ancient thread, but this guy was just arrested in Tampa by the US Marshal Service.

Apparently he had spent some time on the east side of Orlando. Oddly enough at my old Legion Post … where he scammed and hurt a lot of my very good friends.


Thanks for posting.

Maybe we can get this news channel to view Dan Noyes’ work and have an east coast station to run down some of our local Truth Molesters. Looking at you Thunder Cunt!