Marine stops stalker from beating woman

| March 13, 2013

Charlie Blackmore was driving home from work the other morning in Milwaukee when he spotted a man beating and kicking a woman on the street, according to WITI. The former Marine had a weapon and a permit to carry it, so he pulled over and confronted the larger fellow;

“I said ‘stop’ and he starts coming towards me and that`s when I drew on him. He started getting closer and I said ‘get down on the ground,’” Blackmore said.

Blackmore held his gun on the suspect and called West Allis police. He says several times while waiting for police to arrive, the attacker moved toward him.

“I mean I’ve already made it up in mind that if he came at me I was going to have to take him down and I told him that. I warned him multiple times not to come towards me because he was a big guy and I wasn’t playing around and he didn’t seem like he was playing around,” Blackmore said.

Blackmore says police eventually showed up and had to force the suspect to the ground. They then asked to see Blackmore’s concealed carry permit.

“I put my hands up turned around and said ‘you can grab it out of my wallet.’ Checked my permit, gave me my wallet back, and then interviewed me for their paperwork,” Blackmore said.

The article says that police don’t recommend that people do that, but they appreciated it. I’m sure the battered woman appreciated it, too. Blackmore said that the man, an ex-boyfriend, had been stalking her and then attacked her on her way to work. Until a good guy with a gun showed up.

Category: Guns

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Love hearing stories like that; RAH, Devil.


Good on that Marine. Yet it scares me that the cops treat him as bad as the guy who’d stalk and beat a defenseless woman.

I wonder if she took that dimbulb’s advice and asked the ex not to stalk and beat her?

NR Pax

In all fairness to the cops, Sparky, they arrived on scene to a man with a gun pointed at someone. At least they didn’t push the issue.


Good job Devil Dog!


I have to agree with NR Pax on this one. The cops may have an idea of what is going on, but when they arrive on scene all they know for sure is one man is pointing a gun at another man. The Marine did the right thing by raising his hands up when the police showed up.


NR–true that, although in a lot of locales not far from West Allis (Madison, etc.) they might not have been so understanding.

Imagine what the cops would have done in LA. Probably shot up the Marine’s car like they did with the little old ladies delivering newspapers.

NR Pax

@6: I’ve had the pleasure of “Matching a description” with the LA Sheriff’s about a month after Rodney King. I was a frigging statue for about a good half hour.


@7, I know how you feel. Back before I went active duty I was coming back from drill weekend and made the mistake of accidently pulling over by a hidden pot field that the police were overwatching. In the dark, in BDUs, parked next to a pot field. Thankfully I was smart enough to inform them I had a pistol in my glove box as they were grilling me and searching my car.

NR Pax

Twist, I was just grateful that my smartass nature stayed buried.

“We got a description of a white male, 6′ tall, with shoulder-length brown hair and a leather jacket.”

I nearly answered: “You just described downtown Hollywood and it’s 20 miles that way.”


It’s my understanding that if you pull a gun, and particularly if you use one, that you can expect to be arrested until the cops figure out who did what to who, and why. THEN they’ll hear your side of the story.


If you stay on the phone with dispatch and say that I have a gun drawn and have them pass it on to the officers arriving on the scene, most times the cops will not treat you like a criminal. Its when they dont know and arrive on scene with an armed subject that problems could arise.


Well done, Marine.


I once saw the driver of an eighteen wheeler stop a roadside beating in a rather different fashion. I was headed for the airport in Atlanta on South I-85 when up ahead a candy-flaked, lime green, fully-pimped-out Cadillac two-door hardtop suddenly swerved to the shoulder and both doors swung upon. A tall dude, also fully pimped out in a scarlet satin suit complete with matching wide-brim hat sporting a peacock plume, jumped out, ran around the Caddy and began bitch-slapping a foxy looking chick who resembled one of the Pointer sisters.

As the traffic in front of me slowed, an eighteen wheeler driver eased over from the middle lane to the outside and seemed to increase his speed. As he passed the Cadillac he crowded the shoulder just enough for his trailer’s right front corner to catch the outer edge of the Caddy’s door which the angry pimp had left standing wide open. I saw the car jump a foot or so off the ground as the door was torn from its hinges.

The look of disbelief on that pimp’s face as I drove by and grinned at him was priceless. The Sister was standing with hands on hips, also grinning from ear to ear. And as I watched in the rearview mirror, she wasn’t getting slapped around anymore.

Roger in Republic

My wife saw a man beating the bejeezus out of a woman. She yelled at him to stop. He said “Fuck you bitch. this is a family thing”. So she pulled her colt and released the safety, pointed it at his face and calmly told him that she was a civilian and did not have to respect his civil rights,and would shoot him unless he got down on the ground. When the cops arrived they let him get up out of the mud. As soon as he was in cuffs he got all indignant about the cops hassling him because of his race. They ended up pepper spraying him to get him in the car. He was not afraid of the cops, but a woman with a .380 auto put his face in the mud.

My wife was in an abusive marriage and that sort of thing really pisses her off. I have no doubt that she would have shot him until he was ruined. Turns out the guy was wanted in Alaska for several counts of domestic assault. He was tried in WA. and shipped up to AK. He was out of circulation for several years.