Greetings from Minot/Questions for SSG Romesha

| March 10, 2013

Greetings from balmy Minot, North Dakota where it is an incredibly pleasant 18 degrees and sunny today.

Tomorrow morning I am meeting with/interviewing SSG Clint Romesha, the most recent Medal of Honor recipient. This weekend I met with his commander from COP Keating, Captain Stoney Portis, who in addition to having a total stud name is a hell of a good dude. Anyway, he and I watched the computer reenactment of COP Keating together, and laughed about stuff like dudes wearing full uniforms, since some guys were wearing like boxer shorts.

Anyway, anyone have any questions I should ask Clint for you? I am video taping it, so will put up his responses for you if you would like.

Category: Politics

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K.J. Hinton

Why did you get out? With the MOH, your career is set: best assignments and schools, etc… so, why leave?

Mary Henry

When are you coming over to my house?…okay, that was a joke, kind of.

John Robert Mallernee

Thank you for posting that video.

I’ve now added it to the playlist posted on my own web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”.

Here is the URL for that post:

John Robert Mallernee

I don’t know why, but when I click on that playlist, for some strange oddball reason, it plays the first video, and then skips right past the video of the presentation, to the third video.

So, to see the presentation ceremony, you have to manually click on the second video.

Maybe it does it because the second video is so much longer than the others, that it takes more time to load?

2/17 Air Cav

Approximately 13 hours after the fight began the Quick Reaction Force made it there on foot? What am I missing? Where was the cavalry?

John Robert Mallernee

QUESTION – – – ,

Sergeant Romesha:

As there’s photographs of you playing guitar, would you consider recording a video and posting it on YOU TUBE?

Hey, there ain’t no need to be bashful or embarrassed.

I’ve got hundreds of my own homemade videos posted on YOU TUBE, and I ain’t nothing but an unknown amateur performing “by ear”, on account of I don’t know how to read music.

If you’ve got any schooling at all, you know way more about music and how to play a guitar than I do.

Here’s the URL for my video channel:

See what I mean?

It’s EASY!

Your young’uns are going to LOVE it!

If you post a video, I’ll copy the embedding code and put it on my own web site, “OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE”.

Thank you.

John Robert Mallernee
Armed Forces Retirement Home
Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

2/17 Air Cav

@7. Okay, thanks. I’ll do some reading up on it.


No question, just a request… that you pass on my best wishes to him for a long, peaceful and happy life, doing things that he enjoys doing. God knows he has earned it.


Ditto #10!


Same as #10 with the well wishes.

I’m curious though, any new challenges or goals on the horizon?

The turnout for SPC Mace’s escort from Leesburg to Purcellville, the youtube doesn’t really capture the crowd:


Ask him if he ever put his hands in his pockets during the battle.


Ask him when he is coming fly fishing with us….


MOT – It was an honor and pleasure to finally meet you! Back in 2009, you gave B Troop one hell of a morale boost after the battle with an overwhelming amount of packages, letters, blogging, and more. We are forever in your debt!

Thank you so much for telling Clint’s story, as well as the story of the soldiers who continue to fight for our freedom.


Wow sir, thanks for checking in.

Was great meeting you. Could have spent all day talking to you. Good stuff.


SSgt, thank you so much for your heroic service. Wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.



Ask SSG Clint Romesha, USA, MOH Recipient how he kept cool, what did he do or say to himself, what were some of things he told or directed the junior or less experienced to do to mentally focus on the tasks at hand and win the day.


Please just tell him “thanks”, for standing on that wall.