Mark Kelly buys an AR

| March 10, 2013

Andy told us that he saw an article in regards to Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords’ husband, who went out to buy a 1911 handgun, and while he was at it, he bought an AR-style rifle. From his Facebook page;

Looks like the judiciary committee will vote on background checks next week. I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a 45. As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes. I don’t have possession yet but I’ll be turning it over to the Tucson PD when I do. Scary to think of people buying guns like these without a background check at a gun show or the Internet. We really need to close the gun show and private seller loop hole.

Really? Scary to think of an AR being sold at a gunshow? I bought my AR-style rifle at a gun show just last Spring – I had to go through the same background checks I had to go through at gun stores. The year before, I bought a .22 caliber target pistol at the same gun show and went through background checks, too. So what’s your point, there Mark? The gun has been in my safe and I haven’t shot any people who weren’t of the paper target variety.

So, I’m wondering why he bought the 1911? And if he’s going to turn that into the Tuscon police, too. Because the 1911 can accept larger capacity magazines, too, larger than the normal 7-round mags.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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And his point is?? Looks like all systems worked exactly as they were supposed to work – and he has the freedom to gift that scary thing to whoever he wishes. Or will he demad a backgeround check on the officer he hands it to, IF he decides not to keep it?

SGT Kane

Isn’t that a straw purchase? Did he disclose that he the purchase wasn’t for him?

Old Trooper

Also; if DiFi has her way, he won’t be able to purchase anything, because he’s a Vet.


Let me see if I have this straight: Mark Kelly, astronaut, hubby to Gabby Giffords who got shot by a looney-tune, goes out and buys a couple of guns. Spends money to buy something he doesn’t actually NEED, grumbles about how easy it is, and says he’s going to give it away.

Gee, if he’s got that much money to throw around and such a complete lack of common sense, I think I’ll send him a begging letter and ask him for three or four thousand dollars for car repairs. If he just wants to give his money away, I could do something practical with it. Hey, I can make a list of things I NEED to send to him. Here goes:

New crossbow (for hunting 😉 ) and bolts – $1100 + tax
Stock the pantry and freezer for summer – $850 + tax
Pay off car repair bill – $1200 (no tax)
New tires for car – $450 + tax
New computer and peripherals and software – $1300 + tax

That’s a good start.

What a dipstick. And I’m supposed to respect this nitwit because he stuck with his disabled wife. Well, I can respect that part, but the rest of his silliness? Not so much.


So he got caught buying guns and tries to PR his way out of it. Got it.


Or according to CO Senator Evie Hudak’s logic, these scary guns could be taken away and used against Mark and Gabby by an assailant…something about the statistics are not with them.

2/17 Air Cav

Reminds me of a crazy thing that happened to me a few years ago. I went to a boat show and, while I was there, boats were being displayed and sold. Unbelievable! I remember thinking, “What’s next, water heaters at home shows? Cars at car shows? Guns at gun shows? Crazy stuff.”


What a hero…..

2/17 Air Cav

The lunatic who shot up the crowd of people at the Giffords community meeting killed six people that day. I bet most people don’t know that and probably think Mizzzzzzz Giffords was the only one shot. The lunatic who did the shooting was rejected when he attempted to enlist in the service and had a history of evident mental issues. A clerk at WalMart wouldn’t sell him ammo he was such an apparent loon. His picture was featured at TAH and he looks like he had a lobotomy already. But he didn’t use an AR15. He didn’t use a rifle, for that matter. So, what’s this all about with Kelly the Spaceman? Well, ABC News carried a story last month touting him as a future US Senator.

“And now you know the rest of the story. Page three.”


What I’ve read seems to indicate that Jared Loughner bought the Glock 9mm he used to shoot Giffords and others that day at Sportsman’s Warehouse in Tucson, AZ. Last time I checked, Sportsman’s Warehouse isn’t a gun show.

So tell me again why Kelly’s ranting about some so-called “gun show loophole”?


You know why he bought the 1911? Here’s a secret…..he’s a Fudd. Fudds are a strange creature. They think that in the long run gun control won’t affect them. That it will only be used on scary black rifels and Deagles. That their bolt action hunting rifels and shotguns will never be taken from them. Guess again.


Background checks should only take minutes. We have these things called computers now days, Marky. Is these turd really advocating for an obnoxiously long bureaucratic process like what occurs elsewhere in government?

Well there goes that theory that Astronauts are smart people…


I offered to buy his AR for double what the Tucson PD is going to give him. I hope he comes through.


Just got back from a gun show in Belleville Illinois. At the entrance it states ” All firearms sales are subject to Illinois state law. Three day waiting period for pistols and one day for long guns.”. No different than buying at the local gun shop.


General question: Does the Buntline Special fall into the category of handgun, or is it a long gun?


#10: he’s ranting about the non-existent ‘gun show loophole’ because loophole means people are abiding by the law as written, not how ‘they’ meant it, so they are wrong.

2/17 Air Cav

He has unwittingly enriched both the gun maker and the seller by his silliness. Atta boy Markie! You really showed ’em fella!


George: I was being sarcastic. The reason Kelly’s ranting about the so-called “loophole” is obvious: because he wants it eliminated. That will go a long way towards eliminating gun shows entirely. Eliminating gun shows and/or other private sales/transfers that occur without a priori Federal approval is the true long-term aim.

What Kelly’s trying to claim is that eliminating the so-called loophole is feasible because he “just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a 45”. The implication is that this would work at gun shows, too.

In reality, his comparison is like calling a cat and a cactus equivalent because both are alive. Kelly’s “local gun shop” is a commercial enterprise operating at a fixed location that is set up to do those checks as a routine part of doing business. And since it’s a fixed location, there’s no issue if someone comes back “a few days” later to pick up their purchase.

Last time I checked, most gun shows don’t stay in one place for very long. And they don’t always occur in places well-served by broadband data communications, either.


@12. Apparently, Markie is upset, not that the process worked as it’s supposed to, but ” the background check only takes a matter of minutes.” What an ass.
You’re right, maybe Markie doesn’t know that the process is computerized. Maybe he would have preferred that the application be handed to a horseback rider, to be carried off to D.C., then the approval be ridden back to Tucson.


Maybe I’m heartless, but IMO the families of victims (and in some cases the victims themselves) in this country all too often feel justified to represent themselves as SMEs (subject matter experts) on gun laws. A loved one is injured or killed by an unbalanced person with a gun and suddenly the spouse, parent, sibling, ex-fiance’s great uncle, is all over the news advocating for increased gun control. Is anyone really surprised that Mark Kelly is outspoken about the so-called “gun show loophole”, which has been a major target of the media and politicians for decades? An AR-15 may not have been used in Tucson, and the gun that was used may have been legally purchased in a store that used NICS, but that’s not the point. The point is that SOMETHING needs to be done to curb gun violence. Enforce existing laws and take sensible steps to keeps guns away from criminals and the mentally unstable? Nah, we gotta have more laws to get these evil machines out of the hands of law-abiding American citizens. This philosophy is what gave the Brady Campaign its name and it is why the parents of children killed in Newtown are asked to testify before Congress and speak on national TV about the evils of gun violence. After all, how many Americans can look a devoted husband or grieving parent in the eye and say “sorry for your pain/loss, but the gun laws worked like they should”? Such subjective views cater to the politicians and their media minions who wish to see a severe curtailment of Second Amendment rights. I’ve heard of a few cases where a survivor states their intent to properly defend themselves in the future, yet those cases are rarely if ever touted on the national media circuit. It’s not just gun violence. Americans in general feel a need to direct their anger and pain towards a cause when they lose someone close to them. Sometimes this is good–student groups advocating against texting and driving, MADD, John Walsh–while other times the cause is misdirected, i.e. targeting guns based on their… Read more »


@19-you forgot-once the pony express rider got to DC and handed it off, the “authorities” would have to go to the file room and look through file cabinets to see if there were any paper records on him that would prohibit him from purchasing a weapon.
Maybe Mark will get lucky and they’ll speed up the process using the telegraph next time…………


FM, spot on. Yesterday, 26 bicyclists(gotta love the symbolism) left Newtown, Ct. for D.C., to push for “common sense” gun laws.
Let’s review, briefly:
1. The murders took place in a “gun-free” zone, which is against the law.
2. Murder is against the law.
3. Pointing a weapon at someone with unlawful intent is against the law.
4. Murdering your mother/father/sibling/anyone to get their gun is against the law.
5. Discharge of a firearm within city limits is against the law in most municipalities.
So, what other “common sense” gun control laws do they think they can come up with?

Old Trooper

Let’s not overlook that Kelly and Giffords started their own lobbying group (much like the Brady Bunch), so his intentions aren’t as lily white as he wants people to believe. He has an agenda and mission for his group; more funds.



Captain (USN, Ret) Mark Kelly buys a handgun and goes through the process. The process showing him to be a retired officer in the USN – hardly a hive of scum and villainy, if an inordinate fondness for goats.

Then, as a repeat customer buys an AR-15. Which he was still going through the process (he hadn’t picked it up yet).

I thought astronauts dealt in logic and science? He writes that the system works, and aint that a shame?

Ya know: Colorado Senator Hodges must personally know and referred to Captain Kelly when she said military veterans are either too disturbed or too mentally deficient to own guns.

Michael in MI

UpNorth Says: Yesterday, 26 bicyclists (gotta love the symbolism) left Newtown, Ct. for D.C., to push for “common sense” gun laws.
Shame on those bicyclists for contributing to the destruction of the planet.

Via AoSHQ:

All human activity should generate taxes. Our moonbat overlords need the money to buy votes from parasites.

Yet Orcutt’s main support for the tax comes from his belief that riding a bicycle is worse than driving a car for the environment.

“A cyclists [sic] has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride,” he said.

All human activity causes global warming, therefore all human activity is bad. This is another reason to tax it, which is what social engineers do when they want less of something.

Common Sense

“Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes.”

The logic here escapes me. Is the background check supposed to take longer if the firearm is bigger? Longer? Scarier looking?

How dare this hypocritical dipshidiot come and testify my MY home state about gun control!

2/17 Air Cav

@26. He is a bald guy. Bald guys are automatically experts. Bald guys with mustaches are experts AND geniuses. Just like bald guys with goatees are all evil. It’s that simple.


So, when is he going to be brought up on charges for lying on the 4473?


Here in GA the background check is simple yet thorough. You need to have proof of residency in the state and provide a valid id card. they then call up some place and give them your ssn and they say yes or no. it takes about 10-15 mins to get your firearm. long gun, hand gun, what ever. if you have your ccw permit it takes just as long so the background check does work. I think this guy is an idiot and all of these gun grabbers need to chill out.


Kelly is just another hypocrite elitist tool. Guns for me but not for thee. He is a piece of garbage.


Shows what happens when I live my life sans Internet, news, etc…I come across this story 15 minutes ago and send it to Jonn.

Freedom for me, but not for thee. He’s just playing it like this cause he got caught.


I wish he would pay off my school and car loans. Hehe.

A Proud Infidel

I wonder what he’d be saying if Gabby was raped instead of shot?

Eagle Keeper

Mr. Giffords: “We really need to close the gun show and private seller loop hole.”

One man’s “loophole” is another man’s liberty.

Eagle Keeper

2/17 Air Cav (27),

It’s not because he’s a bald guy.

It’s because he’s an astronaut. {swooning]

An astronaut whose wife was a victim of gun violence.

Automatic “expert” status conferred.


I tried to buy a gun at a gun show a number of years ago and was flatly denied. I had just gotten swapped my Kentucky license for a Virginia one and found out about the show, so off I went. I found a decent deal at a booth I had given plenty of business to before and was about to start paperwork when I was informed that my license could not be accepted as it had been issued only a couple of weeks prior. I then tried to use my military ID and PCS orders (and should have been able to if I’m not mistaken) but the salesman wouldn’t take those either; I guess the license scared him. So, had I kept my KY license I would have bought a new gun. My newly acquired VA license made me ineligible to purchase one in VA for 30 days, gun show or no.

I am a law-abiding citizen. The “gun-show loophole” didn’t work for me. Stupid state laws (actually, I can understand the rationale behind making a person wait 30 days after getting a new license or ID, renewals aren’t affected by the law).


I just saw another news article about this. To my surprise, he apparently bought the 1911 and AR-15 from Diamondback Police Supply in Tucson. I bought my Remington 700 Mil-Spec 5R from that very same shop last year. Good people there. The rifle guy they have working for them is an absolute genius on long range precision shooting. He was the reason I decided to do business with the place. My brother and I went shooting with him, and paid him $60/hour for private long range shooting instruction. I was so impressed with his knowledge that I put in an order and dropped almost $3,000 on my rifle right then and there. So yeah….small world lol….


@ 24: “… hardly a hive of scum and villainy, if an inordinate fondness for goats.” ROFL…. but wait, I thought that was mostly for CPO’s?


I still want to see the 4437 and find out who if anyone he gave the gun to. Strawman, anyone?