No media conspiracy here

| September 26, 2008

Yeah, there’s no media bias in favor of the Obama ticket. Well, unless you include some of this stuff;

An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings sets the mood by quoting Tony Blankley;

This is no longer journalism — it is simply propaganda. (The American left-wing version of the Volkischer Beobachter cannot be far behind.) And as a result, we are less than seven weeks away from possibly electing a president who has not been thoroughly and even half way honestly presented to the country by our watchdogs — the press.

From Little Green Footballs apparently the media doesn’t mind  being free of recording the Biden gaffes;

Earlier this week the networks threw a major tantrum when the McCain campaign tried to limit their access to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s meetings with foreign officials.

Today, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and completely excluded the press.

And not a peep from the mainstream media.

From Ace of Spades, I guess we’re still going to be subjected to the most ridiculous rumor thus far this century in perpetuity;

The Washington Post yesterday asked the McCain campaign on the record whether Trig Palin is Sarah Palin’s biological son. Howard Kurtz, one of the most prominent media journalists in the world, asked that question.

Steve Gilbert at Sweetness and Light catches Biden in a baldfaced lie that he never said that Iraq should partitioned;

Mind you, Mr. Biden’s latest claims can’t be explained away as a gaffe.

To claim he was never for partition is just a flat out lie.

So where is the media to bring this the attention of the voters? Why haven’t they bothered to mention that Joe Biden, the self-proclaimed foreign policy expert of the Democrat Party has been wrong on every foreign policy pronouncement?

A two-fer from Blue Crab Boulevard;

I realize that the abject “main stream” media will suppress this, just as they suppressed the contents of Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad’s vile speech at the UN. But had a major Republican fundraiser done this, the media would be positively spasming right now.

An Obama fundraiser – a major one – has proudly met the Iranian president and overtly offered to subvert American law to suck up to the vicious, little anti-Semite.

And that lie about Sarah Palin charging rape victims for their own rape kits? Gateway Pundit and Confederate Yankee put that to rest finally.

** There is not one single record of the Wasilla police department charging any rape victim for an examination.
Not one.

The Finance Department searched all financial records on our system for fiscal year 2000, 2001 and 2002. There are no records of billings to or collections from rape victims or their insurance companies in our system. The financial computer system goes back to the beginning of fiscal year 2000, and accounts receivable backup documentation goes back six (6) years per our records retention schedule.

But that doesn’t prevent the New York Times from publishing an opinion column that asks questions that have already been answered;

Ms. Palin owes voters an explanation. What was the thinking behind cutting the measly few thousand dollars needed to cover the yearly cost of swabs, specimen containers and medical tests? Whose dumb idea was it to make assault victims and their insurance companies pay instead? Unfortunately, her campaign is shielding the candidate from the press, so Americans may still be waiting for answers on Election Day.

They’re showing the world why the media was so supportive of campaign finance restrictions…so they could have the only show in town and elect their candidates.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Media, Politics

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