Boomer’s Sunday

| March 16, 2025 | 8 Comments

Thanks, Usual Suspects. You know who you are.


Category: Guest Post, Humor, Points-and-Laughs, Usual Suspects

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Good harvest.


🎵 the best part of waking up, is boomers on your screen 🎵

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I’ll have to dispute that one. my dad did turn it around once.. He’d told my sister and I that if we behaved, we’d go to dunkin donuts after church.. well, we didn’t.. so he pulled into one entrance of the DD parking lot, and kept going right out the other, and straight home.. I still blame my sister…

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

My parents didn’t turn around. They pulled over to the side of the road to paddle our behinds.


Poor Hunter had to relocate to South Africa to avoid deposition now that he has immunity. But sadly has no money now that his art work has suffered some frenzied depreciation.

Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal

The picture is too blurry…..what is that tall thing? It looks like an RPG made into a lava lamp.


I just read about a supposed former navy seal Ryan Spencer on Facebook. To good to be true. Check it out.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Great Sunday cartoons