Daily FGS
Reading Police: Parking dispute ends in stabbing, shooting
Caitlin Rearden
READING, Pa. – A parking dispute in Reading took a frightening turn, ending with one man stabbed and another shot.“I heard the sirens and then went on Fire Alerts of Berks County and I saw there was a stabbing and then I read it and there was a shooting. And I thought, ‘oh okay, it’s a little close’,” said Chad Borden, who bartends at Jack’s Pub.
The pub is in the 1500 block of North 10th Street, near where an argument that police say started over parking got a little too hot Wednesday night.
“I heard the sirens and then went on Fire Alerts of Berks County and I saw there was a stabbing and then I read it and there was a shooting. And I thought, ‘oh okay, it’s a little close’,” said Chad Borden, who bartends at Jack’s Pub.
The pub is in the 1500 block of North 10th Street, near where an argument that police say started over parking got a little too hot Wednesday night.
“The suspect (Santos) in this has been charged currently,” said Demko. “No other charges were filed at this time, just against the suspect that stabbed the victim.”
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Caught on camera: Intruder returns to Houston shop — but this time, it ends differently
A Houston business owner shoots a burglary suspect, who is now hospitalized after the incident early Friday morning.
Author: Deevon Rahming, Jaime E. Galvan
HOUSTON — A burglary suspect is in the hospital after being shot by a business owner in the Heights area early Friday morning, according to the Houston Police DepartmentThe incident happened around 1:30 a.m. at a mechanic shop on West 18th Street. The business owner, who did not want to be identified, told KHOU 11 News that the same suspect had targeted their shop earlier in the week, stealing copper from an electrical box.
Surveillance footage from three days ago shows a man loading stolen equipment onto the bed of his pickup truck, according to the shop owner. In response, the business installed additional cameras with sensors and extra lighting.
Police said the suspect returned early Friday morning, but this time, the business owners were prepared. When they arrived on the scene and confronted the man, police said he became aggressive. The shop owner then shot the suspect once in the abdomen and detained him until officers arrived.
“He found out tonight that he doesn’t get away with everything,” the business owner said. “But will it stop him? He looks well-versed in this. That backpack is full of every tool imaginable to do every job imaginable. I don’t suspect he’s going to be stopping, and unless he’s charged harshly and held accountable, he’ll be back at it.”
The family-owned mechanic shop has been in the area for more than 30 years. The owners said the repeated thefts threatened their livelihood.
“We’re protecting us, we’re protecting our livelihood,” the shop owner said. “Our hearts and souls are in this place. Every one of our team is invested in this place and we can’t afford for some guy who wants it easy to come and just cut our locks and steal our belongings.”
Houston police said the suspect is being treated for his injuries and is expected to survive.
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Repeat customer is gut-shot and KHOU is there! Thanks again, Gun Bunny.
The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society.
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
(Shop owner takes pack full of tools away from thief, hides it)
(Shop owner to police): “He says he had a pack of tools? Nope. No pack, no tools when I caught and shot him. How he expected to do anything, I have no idea.”
(And thus you hamstring the thief to make it harder for him to commit his next crime)
Home Boy gonna have to “park it” in the hospital, then “park it” in The Gray Bar Hotel. Another mental case that carried a knife to a gunfight. *sigh*
Was the business owner aiming a little too low for a center mass shot or a little too high for a nut shot? A nut shot woulda took away the perp’s “tool” and helped clean up the gene pool a bit.
The truth is I will maintain my freedom as long as my Spirit occupies my body.
“The preferred weapon of your enemy…”
“Chad Borden, who bartends at Jack’s Pub”
His cousin Lizzie used to be the bouncer. She carried an axe.
Democrats make “they’ll be no one to pick cotton if we free the slaves” argument again… and do it in an elitist manner that’s okay when they make it:
This shows just how stupid the left really is. No wonder they believe the “man” is keeping them down with thinking like that.
Running a farm operation today requires a BS degree. Using uneducated illegals is a hindrance to efficient farm operations.
Tell Igor to get his finger off the bang switch.