Cowardly ingrates

| September 26, 2008

Bear Creek Ledger has a post up about a Texas reservist in Dallas who had his car vandalized  BECAUSE HE’S A SOLDIER and the Dallas police are saying it’s not a hate crime.

According to the Dallas police crimes against military personnel cannot be considered a hate crime.

From – Soldier’s Car Vandalized At Dallas University

DALLAS — Dallas police are looking into a shocking crime against an Iraq War vet that took place on a college campus.

Overnight Tuesday, someone took vandalized 23-year-old Army veteran Viktor Whitlow’s vehicle while it was parked at Dallas Baptist University. Ironically, the mascot at DBU is the Patriot.

The vandals used a box cutter to destroy the inside of his jeep, they slashed five tires and smashed through the windshield. Perhaps the most shocking detail to the vandalism was the message spray painted on his hood.

In red paint the vandals spraypainted the message, “Soldiers are murderers.”

Video of the news report here.

So these cowardly little pricks knew exactly who they were attacking and why (without displaying the least bit of testicular fortitude and facing the man himself). Now, I don’t believe that we need hate crime laws, but if they’re on the books, they need to be applied equally to everyone. Isn’t that whole point of our Constitution?

Vermont Republicans, before they completely lost control of the legislature, held out on hate crime legislation until they got a provision for military members. I’m surprised Texas hasn’t done the same.

Category: Politics

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Maybe it was an extra credit assignment given out by a Ward Churchill-type professor.

But, don’t DARE question their “patriotism”.


Well, if it’s not a hate crime — then — but — oh, I know, freedom of speech, right? The idiots were just showing how supportive they are of their country by doing this?

What flaming asshats they are.


Flaming doesn’t begin to cover it.

509th Bob

Slightly off-topic, but I HOPE that some car dealership volunteers to fix the damage for free.

If/or when the prosecutors in that State/Federal District identify the bastards, then I would prosecute/persecute these sorry bastards to the FULLEST extent of law. Unfortunately, that means trying to convince some sorry-ass liberal judge that the Criminal(s) who committed this crime should NOT be granted any leniency for his/their acts, because the law does NOT protect individuals/victims from criminal acts — it actually PROTECTS criminals from being held responsible for their acts. This is why the American people no longer “understand” the judicial system, because it is SO geared to “protecting” the (actual) criminal defendant’s “rights” over those of the actual victim.

There is a reason for the Second Amendment, and State and Federal Governments are pushing citizens to actualize/enforce that reason. If that “line” is crossed, it won’t Matter anymore, because criminals will simply be killed, notwithstanding bleeding-heart-Liberals (like Obama). It the limit is pushed (by Obama-socialists and so-called mainstream “liberals”) any “harder,” we are looking at grounds for another American Revolution.

Tie this in within the Democratic Party’s naked desire (with the idiot W’s apparent burning desire to capitulate) to the imposition of Socialism (if not actual Communism, which is what Obama espouses), and the stakes are raised even further.

No wonder Obama is AFRAID of the National Rifle Association’s advertisements AGAINST him. To paraphrase our potential Master, “We ARE the Armed Citizens who WE (the Communists) are waiting for, and TERRIFIED of!”


I believe it said at the end of the video that the campus police are who is handling it, as an act of on-campus vandalism.

Sorry, I don’t have a lot of faith in campus police.


Campus police is right up there on that list of oxymorons with social justice and rap music.

LT Nixon


I did a CHUD Busters post on these young punks. The guy who got his car vandalized is an Iraq Veteran who was a medic, I think, up in Balad. The university is paying for his Jeep to get fixed, which is nice of them (it’s a private university, at a public school like my alma mater you would probably get a parking ticket waiting for the tow truck).

Frankly Opinionated

If I were to make a full comment the cops would be at my door; but consider: “Revenge is a meal best served cold.”
nuf sed

Frankly Opinionated

After taking a deeper look; this is all easily explained. Go back to the photo and note that the wheels on the left side of his Jeep are on the space divider line. No wonder he is not a victim of a “Hate Crime”.
But my comment above still stands. They didn’t need to cut his seats.
nuf sed