OK, I’ll try to watch this debate

| September 26, 2008

I’ll try to watch the debate tonight, but in the first five minutes I watched Obama throwing fingers at George Bush and the Republicans when the question was about how they would solve the economic problem. He hammers on culpability and not on moving forward. A leader moves forward and doesn’t get mired in blame. Ace writes that Obama’s plans to get McCain angry and Jim Lehrer is doing his best to get them swinging.

McCain touched on issues; nuclear power, spending freezes in government, foreign aid cuts…things that matter, real solutions to real problems. Obama on the other hand questioned our values. WTF? Didn’t he just say last week we should be paying attention to issues and not the peripheral crap?

When Obama gets backed into the corner, he drags out President Bush and throws fingers. Asked “What are the lessons of Iraq” he went on blathering about how he had opposed the war when it was risky (never mind that opposing the war in innercity Chicago wasn’t at all risky) but he spent his time talking about how he opposed it and that was his lesson. Dumbass.

McCain is scoring body blows and he’s talking about the future, and Obama throws fingers. Obama is flailing around while McCain is calm and collected (so much for the crazy-assed McCain). Obama is getting angry because McCain is pulling out facts and figures and the Obama “hope and change” blather isn’t helping him in front of Americans without the Grecian pillars and the teleprompters.

Despite what a certain troll will write here, McCain kicked ass. He put Obama on the defense from the start. and Obama stuttered through the rest of the debate…and then McCain compared him to Bush to finish him off.

Obama seems more preoccupied with what the rest of the world thinks about us than he worries about what happens to this country. Obama also tried to glom on to McCain by calling him “John” like they were equals, but McCain proved that Obama is not equal to the task of being President.

As an aside, I had a German woman over while the debate was going on and she said “I thought the Black guy was running against a woman. I’ve never seen that white guy before.” I answered that Obama was trying to run against her and probably wished he was tonight.

John McCain has an ad up already;

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Category: Politics

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Jungle Mom

I had to watch dubbed in Spanish. I thought Obama acted quite defensive. I also noticed he referred to McCain as ‘John’ a lot where as McCain always referred to him as ‘Sen. Obama’.

Thus Spake Ortner

South American Wife, german female visitors, what are you running over there, a sort of United Nations?

Jonn wrote:
Yeah, and you’re not invited.


Ready to Lead?

OhBummer isn’t yet ready to follow or get out of the way. Maybe he could start by memorizing the name on his bracelet.