Gun Nutt: One shot, one deer

| March 5, 2013

ROS sends us this video from Gun Owners for Reform with little Gary Nutt who tells us what we already know; we don’t need a scary black rifle to hunt deer, because somehow he brought down his deer last year with one shot. And, if you don’t believe him, well, he’s a Vietnam veteran, so there.

And that Gun Owners For Reform web page doesn’t look like an Obama website at all. Um, Gary, sit down. We’re not saying that we need scary black rifles to shoot our deer. Have you been paying attention? We also don’t need rocket launchers or grenade launchers for deer hunting. Now, the bayonet lug, that’s a different story – we may need to bayonet our deer if you’re going to limit us to one bullet per deer.

If you want to limit yourself to a lever-action .30-30 rifle, that’s your choice, I don’t think that any of us want to take it away from you, so why do you want to take away our scary-looking black rifles?

And WTF does the fact that you’re a Vietnam veterans have to do with anything? Seriously. I want to see a DD214. Hey, you brought it up, so since you think that it gives you a measure of moral authority in the discussion, you should be able to document it for us.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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How smart is it to be labeling the guy you are attacking as Pro-Guns in Kentucky? Seems they are handing him a sure victory because the guy he’s running against should then be anti-gun in most people’s minds.

A Proud Infidel

@#50, harp1034, (Off Thread, just my dumbs%^t curiosity) I came back in and did my time in A-stan & Kuwait, does the anger at posers get worse over time? I hate the damn things 9 ways to Sunday already!


@15 – Good point. When I see these ads, I immediately start thinking “just how dumb is the person in the ad” and lean toward the exact opposite direction.

If the doofus in this ad says ‘gun ban’, I’m all for the open carry idea now.


If you guys ever want to have some fun, go to an open-carry state like Wyoming with a gun in a holster and a rifle in your pickup truck. It freaks out the yuppie tourists who see you.

Here’s a map of open carry states:

There are, after all, rattlesnakes in the bush. One must be prepared.


@51. The dems are hoping that Ashley Judd will run against McConnell. Aside from doing nude scenes in some B movies, I have no idea what they think her qualifications might be.


UpNorth–multiple trips to rehab, divorces, etc. Then again, being a Democrat, that makes her a lock, not a liability.


I overlooked her “attributes”, Sparky. If only she can get that ditz from Colorado, Sen. Evie Hudak, to come to endorse her, she’ll be a lock.
Seeing Judd a couple of times lately, she’s off the rails. The dems will love her.


@ 52 Proud Infidel
No, you will hate the phonies until the day you die. They are stealing from the real guys and gals. I was with the MPs in Nam. MP was not my MOS but it rubbed off on me. I still can not stand deserters to this very day.