Tuesdays With Claymore

| March 5, 2013

But don’t call them communists…

I’m sure Ted’s devastated.

Mighty Whitey

Glimpse into the future?

Yeah, I’m sure the gun companies are hurting real bad right now.

Keith who?

Moderate liberalism…sort of like moderate Muslims with less explosions.

Atomic Bum

Not sure how, but I’m certain this was George Bush’s fault.

Because you idiots keep drinking out of it?

Timely. And relevant. Oh, and hilarious too. yawn

Be careful what you wish for…Germany tried that whole ‘one party’ thing…how’d that turn out again?

Laying the pipe.


…because that’s where the money is.

Stupid Reaganomics killed the stupid country.

Yeah, Harry Reid…why can’t you just do this?

Florida sinkholes are agriculture’s fault

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

“Racially attacked”

How soon they forget…conveniently.

“Good” Federal workers don’t deserve furloughs

Translation: Give Me Free Stuffs!!

Nation Of Islam not a radical group…yup.

Lives in Tennessee for the last 20 years, runs for Senate in Kentucky…and I thought it was just yankees who were the carpetbaggers.

You are entitled to “earned benefits”.

Media is corrupt, but not for the reasons you’d think.

Red state worries

Reading Ezra Klein is taxing.

In other words, he’s campaigning from now until he leaves office.

Those mean old Republicans are forcing Democrats to do stuff.

“I’ll take ‘Penis Gargling Sycophants’ for $1000, Alex.”

So what you’re saying is that you didn’t know that your beloved communist leader really likes his money?

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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While KY was a Union state, and hence one of the states that maintained slavery after the war, this is not the first example of carpetbaggers migrating North. Remember, Hillary had never lived in NY, before she decided to run for Senator there.

2/17 Air Cav

Arrrrgggghhh. I await the rebellion. One of the first things to be done is to identify the contributors to the DU and do bad things to them. They shouldn’t mind, given their willingness to curtail the 1st amendment and they won’t resist with other than screehes, given how they detest the 2nd amendment. What the heck. I can daydream.


Hillary is a true carpetbagger. She comes from Park Ridge, IL.


@2 – They’re so emotionally stunted, they probably would not notice.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@2 there’s one 4sshole advocating for border checkpoints at every border crossing into New York from other states to screen every car for guns….he feels that the 4th amendment and the second amendment are of little importance apparently…they also don’t even appear to understand their own terms of service:

“Don’t go overboard with the crazy talk.

Democratic Underground is not intended to be a platform for kooks and crackpots peddling paranoid fantasies with little or no basis in fact.”

“Don’t be a wingnut (right-wing or extreme-fringe).

Democratic Underground is an online community for politically liberal people who understand the importance of working within the system to elect more Democrats and fewer Republicans to all levels of political office. Teabaggers, Neo-cons, Dittoheads, Paulites, Freepers, Birthers, and right-wingers in general are not welcome here. Neither are certain extreme-fringe left-wingers, including advocates of violent political/social change, hard-line communists, terrorist-apologists, America-haters, kooks, crackpots, LaRouchies, and the like.”

No America Haters? Just about every post someone points out how much America sucks, and unless we enact some legislation or another it will continue to suck….these folks are so out of touch with their own words it’s amazing they function at all in society.

Just Plain Jason

I do think it is funny that when someone mentioned a budget someone else said their have been plenty passed and Harry Reid hasn’t done anything.