The heart-warming story of Jamari Salleh
Make sure you stay for the redemption part, but let’s start with what Jamari did:
Jamari Salleh was hired by the State Department in 1981 as a Foreign Service Officer and was subsequently granted career status. In 1989, she was indicted for submitting falsified claims for reimbursement to the U.S. Government to which she pleaded guilty and received a three-year suspended sentence, four years probation, a $5,000 fine, and was ordered to return the illegally obtained money. The court refused to decide whether Ms. Salleh should be required to resign from the Foreign Service, noting that the “proper decision-maker in that connection should be the Department of State.”
After her conviction, the Acting Director General of the Foreign Service proposed that she be discharged. At Ms. Salleh’s request, the Foreign Service Grievance Board conducted an evidentiary hearing on the discharge proposal. The Board concluded that discharging Ms. Salleh would violate § 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 since Ms. Salleh’s criminal conduct stemmed from her alcoholism, a disability under the act, and, even if it were not, discharge would still be inappropriate given the effect drinking had on her behavior.
If I’ve said it once I’d said it 8 trillion times: drinking makes you submit falsified claims to taxpayer money.
But fear not, guess who just got a pardon?
I sure hope sequester doesn’t hurt her job prospects.
BTW, we continued to employ this woman after she was found guilty, because who better to have leading the State Department than a drunk who files phony expense reports:
In Alexandria, meanwhile, Salleh’s federal conviction dates to 1989. Salleh was a career foreign service officer who was caught, and pleaded guilty to, submitting $7,650 in phony lodging vouchers to the State Department. She was given a three-year suspended sentence, placed on four years of probation, fined $5,000 and ordered to pay $5,900 restitution.
The State Department then tried to fire her. Salleh appealed to the Foreign Service Grievance Board, saying that her offense stemmed from her alcoholism, and she was reinstated, court records show. The State Department then turned to the federal courts to reverse the grievance board, but two courts upheld the board and Salleh continued to work for State for many years.
Category: Politics
So they’re drunken criminals at State. Well, I guess that explains a lot.
Here’s a thought, install breathalyzers in the doors at all of the fed bureaucracy buildings, if it’s good enough for the military, it’s good enough for them. Look at the money that could be saved.
Counting the “unauthorized immigrants” that ICE let go, I’d say Baracka is head and shoulders above any other pres for pardons, commutations and clemency. And, yeah, our local fishwrap actually ran an article yesterday, calling illegals “unauthorized immigrants”.
#2, BINGO! And if an illegal alien is an “unauthorized immigrant”, then a street corner dope dealer is an “unlicensed recreational pharmacist”!
And did they reinstate her due to a policy interpretation, or did they just not want to duke it out in court with the AFGE (Associated Federation of Government Employees, the USG Employees’ Union)?
The Foreign Service Union is AFSA, not AFGE.
Blood. Pressure. Rising.
(after the teacher says she is an alcoholic)
Cartman: I don’t believe it. She is using the Mel Gibson defence.
Sgt Murphy: Do we still press charges?
Sgt Yates: Who are we gonna convict? Johny Walker?
So what can my crack and huffing habit get me?
MCPO: 2 to 10 at hard labor, I think. (smile)
I suppose we should be thankful she’s just a thief and not a jihadist ’cause we can still use the word “thief”.
Just wondering what her job performance was like since 1989? any information? Did she end up as a solid performer or was she as useful as a cock-flavored lollipop?
I knew her in the Foreign Service and she was a lousy, lazy officer. Not noticably an alcoholic, just useless, always looking for grievances and slights to litigate. Unbelievable that she is still employed.