
| September 26, 2008

This may be old, but one of my (Leftist SW DC) workmates sent it to me and this is the first time I’ve seen it. Shades of Rowdy Ronnie Piper;

Category: Politics

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Drill Baby Drill!!! Drill Baby Drill!!! Drill Baby Drill!!! Drill Baby Drill!!! Drill Baby Drill!!! Drill Baby Drill!!!

Eddie Willers

Um, I think it’s pronounced “Rowdy Roddy Piper” … google it.

Palin is such a beautiful house, too bad nobody’s home.

richard wheeler

She’s a total train wreck.Obama,up big,can cruise to victory thanks to Mac’s veep pick.


Hey richard, what kind of crack are you smoking? In case you haven’t noticed, Palinmania has the Dems in a death-like grip. They are foaming at the mouth with some of the most asinin ads and youtube smears ever produced. It’s comical to see them scream and run for cover every time they get called on their bullshit.

I can hardly wait to see your complete meltdown when McCain and Palin take the White House in November.

richard wheeler

Keep dreaming soldier.Did you see her Couric interview?Hell,you know more about foreign policy than she does.


What has there been, 500+ slandering ads by the racist/sexist democrats against Palin and she still draws 60,000 to a rally and doesn’t need a ‘free’ rock concert to draw them. Matter of fact a rock band by any name would have been stoned to death. Keep on dreaming catfish, you’re in for a big disappointment in Nov. Tonight McCain tore Hussein ‘little hitler’ O a new one. Little Hitler doesn’t have a clue about how to govern but I’ll issue a challenge to him. If he doesn’t cut taxes for 95% of the working families (impossible, the government wouldn’t survive) he must announce a date and time that he will hang himself and Michelle in Times Square so we can all come watch and we’ll make sure he does it.