Tying racist Dems to Conservatives

| September 26, 2008

Well, we’ve known that the Obama crowd is worried about their own party members who seem to harbor racist tendancies and how the Democrats can explain the phenomena to the rest of us who are supposed to believe that Democrats are open minded and tolerant beings.

Well PJ Gladnick at Newsbusters caught The New Republic making the intellectual stretch;

The New Republic has come up with a new way to drag conservatism through the mud—Simply describe racists as “racially conservative.” Get it? They are implying that if you are a conservative then you must somehow be a racist.

Quoting TNR:

Scott Keeter, director of survey research at Pew, added that while there was evidence a decade ago that people with racially conservative views were likely to put their receivers down, that trend has diminished. “In 1997, the first time we did [an experiment], we did find a small–I emphasize small–degree of potential bias in under-representing racial conservatism, but we are talking about a percentage point or two, barely statistically significant,” he said.

I hope TNR can eventually unwind themselves from that particular bit of twisting the language. What they don’t get is that in order to believe in the New US Liberalism, a person must be a racist and a bigot. Why else would they be so outraged that we won’t elect a buffoon to the Presidency just to fill some arbitrary racial quota they devised?

Category: Politics

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Perfect, Jonn!!


Indeed, so when I refer to Scott Skeeter as stupid, what I’m really saying is that he is intellectually conservative.

And as a propagandist for the Obama campaign and one third of Democrats who are racists, he is really journalistically conservative.

Let’s see here…..OH! And as a lover of the wrong end of sheep, he’s not into bestiality, he’s simply argriculturally conservative.

I get it now.

Frankly Opinionated

Whaaaaaaaaat? When I note that the majority of persons in prison are black, and the majority of those arrested for crimes are black, and that the majority of violent crime is committed by blacks, that fully 70% of black fathers are not in the household; I am being “Racially Conservative”?
“Racially Conservative”- h’mmmm, has a nice ring to it.
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