Impeached Judge says what?

| September 25, 2008

Impeached Judge cum Democratic Representative from Florida, Alcee Hastings:

If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through.

Keep it up. Just please keep it up. Hysteria like this goes over well with most of America.

Category: Politics

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Holy f-ing shit!! This form the party of tolerance and diversity? Spare me the BS.


That seals it! I am signing up for a gun safty class and purchasing a gun so I can cling to it, along with my religion.


I am in the process of signing up for a religion safety class as well, to cling to along with my cherished gun.


If this were the lead story on CNN, imagine how many thousands of votes this would secure–FOR McCAIN. And anyone who calls liberals the “intelligent and thoughtful” political ideology, look no further than your impeached federal judge.


[…] of This Ain’t Hell: If Sarah Palin isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack […]


If Alcee Hastings isn’t enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with John McCain, then you damn well had better pay attention.

Frankly Opinionated

And, as I talk to people in town, in Wally World, the restaurant, and such; I find that Alcee Hastings is a 5 star representative of the democrat party, both the politicians and the voters. I would rejoice if I could just see him in the halls of congress, laying in the fecal position.
nuf sed


The greater the crook–as long as they are loyal, liberal glassheads–the greater the reverence from the party. Disbarred? No problem, we’ll elect you to another office where you can commit more crimes against the people. $100k in bribes hidden in the freezer?—no you dont have to resign. You took a bunch of money from Fannie MAe and your boyfriend ran a brothel from your office? Have six more years.
These people are a cancer and unfortunately is is fast approaching the malignant stage. The patient is gravely ill and doesn’t know it.


No, actually, it’s NOT enough for me to “get over” whatever my problem is with Obama. But thanks for asking.



What a remarkable pig. The searing, blazing, mid-day Sun on Mercury-hot level of ignorance from this waste of flesh is stunning. It never occured to this vacuum of class that Jews and Blacks are those for whom conservatives have long championed rights, specifically gun-rights.

It was the few Jews armed with private firearms in the Warsaw ghetto who held off nearly an entire German division for months. It was the NRA that was started by former Union officers and abolitionists who were responding in part to the racist gun-control of the New South. It was Republican, president Grant, who was later the president of the NRA, who while president ordered Union troops into the south to protect blacks from the KKK.

And if this moron eats any form of meat, what is his issue with “stripping” moose? Did Palin humiliate the moose by removing its panties or something? I think he meant dressing or cleaning a moose. Anyway, if this remarkable pig eats meat, he is even more of a hypocrite than your average liberal.

Good points, Alcee. Yep, you are on to something. No Jew or Black ever carried a gun or hunted. That’s for sure.


Hasting’s only viable function is acting as an O2 to CO2 converter. ALGORE should abolish him for his contribution to Global Warming. The hot air he spews has to be warming the planet faster than any greenhouse gasses.


It’s interesting that the one candidate who has actually expressed unqualified support for Israel is the one who is labeled an anti-Semite.


Trish… Since when do they pay any attention to those pesky “fact” thingies??



Right, I forgot.