A Utah National Guard sergeant major interfered with snooping Chinese nationals

| October 4, 2024 | 10 Comments

Five Chinese nationals were confronted by a Utah National Guard sergeant major after midnight. They were at Camp Grayling where thousands of servicemembers were conducting summer training. The Chinese nationals told the sergeant major that they were “press” and then they proceeded to collect their belongings to depart. These individuals subsequently lied about this event when interviewed by border officials.

From Associated Press:

In summer 2023, the five were confronted after midnight near a lake by a sergeant major with the Utah National Guard. One said, “We are media,” before they collected their belongings and agreed to leave the area, the FBI said.

The FBI learned that the men had booked a room at a nearby motel a week before they were spotted outside Camp Grayling, 200 miles (320 kilometers) north of Detroit.

Four months later, one of the men was interviewed by border officers at the Detroit airport before traveling to South Korea and China. He told investigators that he and others had taken a trip to northern Michigan “to see shooting stars,” the FBI said.

A check of his external hard drive revealed two images of military vehicles taken on the same night of the encounter with the National Guard officer, the FBI said.

The other four men were interviewed last March after arriving in Chicago on a flight from Iceland. They acknowledged being in northern Michigan in August 2023, but they said it was to see a meteor shower, the FBI said.

They mentioned the National Guard officer but referred to him only as “the soldier,” a camper or “nice guy,” according to the criminal complaint.

Additional Reading:

White, E. (2024, October 2). 5 Chinese nationals charged with covering up midnight visit to Michigan military site. Associated Press. Link.

Category: China, International Affairs, National Guard

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So that’s what sergeant-majors are for? Spy catching?

Old tanker

More of biden, the catastrophe that keeps on giving.



In my best Walter (Jeff Dunham) impersonation… “Where’s my ice cream”.


Just “migrants” looking for a better life, nothing to see here! /sarc

During the Cold War, there all kinds of geographic restrictions on Soviet folk; e.g., had to stay within 25mi of midtown Manhattan NYC, couldn’t be in some military-loaded areas of the cointry at all, etc. Think we might’ve had the right idea back then?


SarMaj TOLD them to “Keep of my grass!”

“…wanted to see shooting stars…” I say shoot a few “stars” into the back of their heads. The mofos were spies, plain and simple. How many more thousands are roaming around, “playing tourist”?

Prepare…it’s going to get more spicy…soon!


So not fight, China is your friend!

How many more incidents at military bases is it going to take before the rest of the administration admits the last four years were an utter failure?


Red Dawn?



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh, you want shooting stars?
Well, look down this hole and smile for the birdie.
Wait for the flash.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Selling land to enemies is never in the interest of national security…

Funny how spying on every cell phone call is important enough to be covered in the Patriot Act but giving away the means to feed ourselves to our enemies doesn’t seem to register….

It’s almost as if profit trumps security and well being for corporate hacks working in Congress…