From B5’s Laughing Wolf; Culinary Command

| January 4, 2013

Our buddy, Laughing Wolf, from Blackfive asked us to put the word out about one of his ventures; Culinary Command;

For veterans and troops who are interested in a culinary career, here is a program that can help you get started: Culinary Command. I was able to be a small help to a precursor program, and can highly recommend you check this out if you are serious about a culinary career. What says it all are the people from the precursor who are endorsing this.

I figured that since we’re probably the only milblog with a page of recipes, someone out there must be interested in cooking.

Category: Who knows

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Laughing Wolf

Thanks! Not a project of mine per se, just one I am glad to help push. One thing that says a lot about it is that the people who went through the precursor program are promoting the new and improved version. For those looking at a career in the culinary arts, this is an excellent and FREE opportunity.