Benghazi coverup continues
Foreign Policy reports that Hillary Clinton (or Susan Estrich’s grandmother – I can’t really tell by the picture) may or may not be testifying to Congress about the details of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11th.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee has also already announced its Dec. 20 hearing featuring Clinton’s testimony. The title of the HFAC hearing is “Benghazi Attack, Part II: The Report of the Accountability Review Board”
But State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said today that the ARB is not complete, might not be complete by Dec. 20, and Clinton has not agreed to testify on Dec. 20.
Meanwhile, Representative Peter King is in the Washington Times comparing the Benghazi coverup to Watergate, as so many have done in the recent past;
“I believe that it’s a lot bigger than Watergate, and if you link Watergate and Iran-Contra together and multiply it times maybe 10 or so, you’re going to get in the zone where Benghazi is,” Mr. King said. “I don’t think the public has any idea, and I tell you, I don’t either, of the chronology of the events — what took place, and who was where doing what and why. And all the way down through — we still haven’t seen an autopsy report on the ambassador yet. Simple questions that you would ask in the first 24 hours have not been asked yet.”
Talking Point Memos, that POS liberal website says that King can’t determine the size of the coverup, because the Obama Administration has done such a good job of covering it up;
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has no idea what happened in Benghazi but he does know that it’s worse than Watergate and the Iran-Contra scandal times 10
Yeah, that makes total sense, dinguses. I guess they figure that we shouldn’t be talking about the Benghazi thing at all, or mentioning the deaths of an ambassador and three veterans.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Is it just me, or does she look like she’s getting goosed by Web Hubbell (again)?
How can she get away with not testifying??WTF?
Sadly. I am really beginning to think most Americans just don’t give a shit. It’s just something else in tv
@2 – It will come as no surprise that she won’t be compelled (ordered) to testify. My guess is she won’t, and memory of what happened in Benghazi will go the way of Anna Nichole Smith. So much for “transparency” of this administration we were promised months ago.
Oh, I don’t know if it will just go away.
Nixon hasn’t gone away yet, has he? No.
Bad behavior makes a better story than good behavior. If it didn’t, the tabloids would go broke. No, I’d say this will stick around for a while. NPR has recent stuff on it, books are being written about it, and there are those unnamed witnesses hidden away somewhere who might escape and blow the lid off the whole thing.
We may live in a society of plastic people who are addicted to their toys and oblivious to street traffic, but they are just as fascinated by carrion news as any flock of vultures with a corpse.
@5 – I just wish received the appropriate attention it deserved early on and have some answers, instead of so much speculation going on. It’s the least this administration could do to figure out what happened to Ambassador Stevens and the veterans who lost their lives that day – and any intelligence issues that should have been ironed out long ago. My point being in the end – I just don’t think it ever will. Not deliberately, at least.
Each branch of our government is held accountable to the other two. Our system of checks and balances has served us very well, compared to the rest of the world, for a couple hundred years.
A constant refrain from Progressives was that GWB created an “Imperial Presidency.” And yet, from simple HR decisions (the firing of the US attorneys for failing to prosecute voter fraud) to the complex running of multiple campaigns against terrorists, Congress and the SCOTUS provided oversight and when necessary provided necessary checks to bring the Executive back into balance.
When Obama went to war in Libya, the Progressives choked on their silence. They remain silent on the aftermath on the Arab Spring. They remain silent on the many diplomatic failures littering the globe.
The Prognazis remind me of Feminazis of the 1997-9 era: on their knees, swallowing the lies put forward by Bill Clinton and his crew, and spitting out rather vile bile at anyone who questioned the integrity of their actions versus their own rhetoric. Those same Feminazis took their revenge on Bill by undermining Hillary in 2007-8.
The Prognazis are quiet now. Too quiet.
Well said DaveO!
@6 UUSMC, give it time.
Everything ripens and becomes fruit at its time.
I seem to remember days and days of Watergate hearings, televised on everything that could transmit a TV signal. Consecutive days of hearings. Now, Benghazi gets a day here, then a day the following month? WTF is with that?
I wonder what the reactions would be in my district court or Circuit court if they issued a subpoena to me, and I told them that my schedule hadn’t been confirmed yet, and I couldn’t show up on the 20th of December?
No, I don’t, really, I’d be there in handcuffs in front of the judge, or be sitting in the county jail, waiting to see the judge.
Upnorth, you’re forgetting a very important detail.: Watergate had a Republican in the White House. So did Iran-Contra… Benghazi? Not so much…
The difference, UpNorth, is that Nixon taped everything that went on in the Oval Office, the Watergate burglars (should that be bunglers?) were caught, and somebody (Deep Throat and a secretary) spilled the beans.
No one is doing that yet, but that makes it even more suspicious. You know fracking well that Hillary Clinton knows a HELLUVA lot and doesn’t like the Obamas. Just because no one is so far jumping up and down and pointing fingers, it doesn’t mean nothing is going to come out of this.
There was more outrage by media over Mitt putting his dog Seamus on roof of the car during road trip in ’83, Mitt allegedly being a bully during high school, Mitt having a car elevator at his mansion, Mitt the alleged tax dodger, Mitt liking to fire people…Washitin Compost had 6 page expose about Mitt’s bullying ways – priorities folks, no time for Benghazi.
@11, yeah, I did forget that.
@12, I have to believe that, at one time, tapes existed of what went on in the situation room that day in Benghazi, and there did exist logs of phone calls. I’m sure that, in the interest of “national security”, those calls and tapes have been hermetically sealed, or burned.
Clinton is not under subpoena–yet. State is saying that the report due congress is, pursuant to the relevant regulations, nothing more than a summary not subject to the Q & A planned for her. Make of that what you will but that’s the explanation. Somebody yesterday in another post here said she was about CYA. Have you seen the size of that thing? It’s all bad news, coming and going.
Yes to all of the above, and it would be such a pity, wouldn’t it, for the press/media to find that the liveral left is peopled by a bunch of shitheads. (Misspelling intentional) And arrogance, which is rampant on that side of the creek, plays into that. Arrogance has a tendency to blind people to the facts.
My point is that the aphorism “what goes around, comes around” is true. I have seen people who thought they could get away with murder get what’s coming to them. It’s just a matter of time.
Don’t forget, there are also the 30+ people who were there, including the other CIA contractor who was seriously wounded, who all know a lot of the truth of what happened. And the White House won’t all congressional access to them, they are hiding them.
There were many more than the 4, or the 30, but sorting out who’s State, CIA, DoD, US Contractors, Allied government agents, NGO makes for a highly complex shell-game for learning who is who.
The complexity of the shell game is the least of Chaffetz’s and King’s problems. Spirit versus letter of the law – if the spirit is there to deceive, the law has no value whatsoever. Obama, long considered a graduate of law school and sometime lecturer on law, knows the difference.
Saw a report last week of former CJCS/CNO Mullen’s computer being hacked. Normally not a big deal, but Mullen is on the Accountability Review Board for Benghazi. Of course, the FBI is looking at perps outside the US of A:
I’d look at perps inside the Beltway routing the hack outside in order to see what Mullen has written on Benghazi.
Definitely believe that that you stated. Your favourite
justification seemed to be at the internet the easiest thing to remember of.
I say to you, I certainly get irked even as other folks consider issues
that they just do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top
and defined out the entire thing with no need side effect , folks can take a
signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks
Bwahahhahahah! That has to be the funniest adbot post ever.