Spy funds to be spent on manbearpig research

| May 6, 2007

I remember recently that Democrats were campaigning on the fact that we had faulty intelligence on Iraq which is why they were mislead into voting for the use of force in Iraq. Now, according to Christina Bellantoni of the Washington Times, Democrats want to divert intelligence funding into climate change research;

Senior House Republicans are complaining about Democrats’ plans to divert “scarce” intelligence funds to study global warming.
    The House next week will consider the Democrat-crafted Intelligence Authorization bill, which includes a provision directing an assessment of the effects that climate change has on national security.
    “Our job is to steal secrets,” said Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
    “There are all kinds of people analyzing global warming, the Democrats even have a special committee on this,” he told The Washington Times. “There’s no value added by the intelligence community here; they have no special expertise, and this takes money and resources away from other threats.”

With the growing influence of radical Islam, the proliferation of weapons worldwide, does it make any sense to spend intelligence funds to analyze the effect of a degree of temperature change? It seems to me that since the immediate threat are large bands of global thugs running around with bombs strapped to their undernourished toros we should probably do something about that for the time being. But what do I know – I don’t depend on wealthy contributors and PACs for my livelihood. 

Update: Reading the WashTimes story gave American Thinker’s Clarice Feldman nightmares.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics

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