Soltz on that Politico article about veterans

| September 26, 2012

Yesterday we talked about a Politico article which said that veterans aren’t supporting Obama, something we already knew. But VoteVets’ Jon Soltz couldn’t let it go by without jumping the rest of the way into the bag for Obama. Apparently Soltz was upset because he spent 45 minutes interviewing with the author of the article and nothing he said was included in the piece. I’m guessing it’s because nothing Soltz said was credible. SO he lays out his case in the Huffington Post.

After parroting the party line about how much Obama has done for veterans by trying to push us all into the VA care system and away from Tricare, he tells us how we shouldn’t believe our lyin’ eyes;

These are issues that military troops, veterans, and their families care deeply about. While those numbers don’t break down veterans, I find it extremely hard to believe that the veterans community is so wildly out of line with the American public, at large, that they’re flooding over to Mitt Romney, as the Politico article would have you believe.

Here’s my point. The “polling” of veterans is incredibly inconsistent and unreliable. It’s impossible to use any existing polls to show definitive veteran support for President Obama or Mitt Romney. The best we can do is guess where President Obama started with veterans, and presume veterans’ opinions don’t move in complete and utter contrast to the rest of the population. But guessing isn’t good enough to write a story on.

So, the “polling” of veterans can’t be trusted, but just by Soltz telling us something with nothing to support him, we should just believe it. And guessing isn’t good enough for Politico, but it is for Soltz.

Yeah, I’m starting to understand why the Politico writer didn’t include anything Soltz said in the interview in his article. It’s pure diversion based on Soltz’ feelings. I’m sure there are writers at Politico who might copy and paste Soltz’ fantasies, but luckily this wasn’t one of them.

Thanks to Daniel for the link.

Category: 2012 election

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“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”.


Or a more recent

“these are not the droids you are looking for”


Not surprisingly, Bluffpost gives him a platform – since the one he planned on using fell out. A whiner with the best of them, all notably on the left coast. Since I heard the Howard Stern article on the 2012 Harlem interviews (just google it – hilarious) I wonder how any dumocrat can parse data outside of the cost of 32 ozs of cola.


Well he is partially right about veteran polling being wildly inaccurate. Look no further than idiot Ron Paul and his “supporters” and how well that ended up. So how many of tjose douchetools are 1-still claiming to be veterans, 2-will support anyone besides Paul or Obama in 41 days.


And that’s, “liter of cola” thanks very much. Had to get the obligatory Super Troopers reference in there. Best cop movie next to The Choirboys.


I hadn’t heard that Stern re-did what he did in 2008. Hil-freakin-arious.