New Oxford High School: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Krasny Oktyabr

| September 26, 2012

I thought I was pretty much inured to “teh stoopid” from the left and from academia.  Then this morning, I read this article.

My jaw dropped.  Talk about yer “WTF?” moments.

Yes, we in America must celebrate “glorious October Bolshevik Revolution”.  After all, it only lead – directly and through follow-on revolutions elsewhere it inspired or supported – to the murder by communist governments/movements of an estimated nearly 149,000,000 human beings for political reasons between 1917 and 1987.

If you’d like to contact the school district involved and tell them what you thnk, their contact information can be found here – along with that of the high school itself.  I didn’t see any e-mail address info, but the pages seem have fax/phone/mailing contact info for each.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit, Liberals suck

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NR Pax

In an ideal world, Communism and its believers would be treated with the same scorn in this country we heap upon Nazis and child molesters. I’d ask what the people involved were thinking but it’s pretty obvious that they weren’t.


They claim that they have changed the program and that they “learned” something from it.

I suspect they “learned” not to be so obvious with their stupidity. Apparently the entire school has some sort of curriculum involving the Soviet Union history. I suspect they now know more of the Bolsheiviks than they do of the Minutemen. Or even a guy named Washington.


Maybe a few days in a good old fashioned Soviet-era work camp might be in order.


Well of course the school district wants to celebrate it. It’s very important to their dear leader’s ideals.


I thought I was pretty much inured to “teh stoopid” from the left and from academia.

They are always up for the challenge of doing or saying something more idiotic than we previously would have thought possible, and they consistently meet that challenge. Lefty stupidity is the only inexhaustible commodity in the universe.



“We are taking steps to address many of the concerns expressed to us,” she said. “This is a learning opportunity for not only our students who have learned about the Revolution and its tragic consequences but it also a learnign opportunity for us as teachers and administrators.”

If the students, teachers, and administrators need some education and a learning moment on this issue … the Russuian Revolution … where hundreds of thousands dies or were mudered … a revolution that resulted in the Soviet Union … who then fanned the flames of nuclear war … and was eventually defeated by the USA … well if this is the type of education and learning moment that is needed … I have a better idea …

Stick to basic math, science, and English.

Don’t swim in waters where you don’t know the depth!

Virtual Insanity

“… also a learnign opportunity for us as teachers and administrators.”


Holy hopping horse crap.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Nice to see your tax dollars at work in the public education system to present:

“GLEE Meets the Russian Revolution”

In the private sector some folks would be looking for employment elsewhere
’nuff said…

Scouts Out

This reminds me of the time my commie film professor tried to make us watch Battleship Potemkin. That was the first time I ever walked out of a class in protest.


Yeah, well, the educaton industry has been pushing communist doctrine for almost 100 years. Even into the 60’s, there were still pockets of academia who managed to teach things like the history of the communist movement without romanticizing it. Those seem to have all disappeared.

So is anyone really surprised that folks trained (read indoctrinated) on college campuses across the country on how to pass along the propoganda are actually doing it? Shouldn’t be.


Communist indoctrination never changes, does it?


We covered a little of Soviet History in one of my classes in High School. It was a JROTC Military History class. We also covered a little bit of Middle Eastern History, Chinese History, and a couple of other groups I can’t exactly remember. The issue was “Know Thy Enemy.”

Apparently, the same thing is happening now in public schools. Except, it is glossing over U.S. History as the enemy and glorifying groups that have a higher body count than Hitler.


Well, gee, how come none of these geniuses in the classroom ever include that video of Mikhail Gorbachev saying that the Communist government in the USSR was bankrupt, it could no longer support its people financially, and the Politburo was dissolved and everyone was sent home to start over.

He said, “I am a Communist, but even I can see that this does not work.”

That wasn’t so very long ago. Maybe someone should remind those dipsticks that the USSR DOESN’T EXIST ANY MORE BECAUSE IT WENT FRIGGIN’ BANKRUPT.

Even the Chinese communist government knows better.


Well, Hondo, if I can still remember Gorbie saying that in an interview, then it’s time someone shoved it in those teachers’ faces, don’t you think?

The Dead Man

Makes me glad that I did my own history learning barring the last year of High School when I had an amazing history teacher. I might be a bit biased since he showed an episode of Band of Brothers during our WW2 sessions. Used the episode, “Why we fight”. He kept everything mostly non-political. Barring that one time that the school wanted a survey of who we would vote for if we were. He ridiculed anyone that voted R or D without thought.

Shame that out of twelve years of schooling, I can think of less than ten outstanding, actual teachers. The rest ranged from trying their best to tossing me out and telling me I graduated if I never showed up because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut to correct them.

This here? This is just blatant stupidity. The staff HAD to know this would just piss off the community. Someone above nailed it. In the private sector, they wouldn’t know what the hell happened they’d have been kicked out so fast.

Common Sense

My family and I had a discussion about this yesterday. My sister noted that one of my nephew’s hockey opponents wears Russian uniforms and a local high school wrestler worn a Russian singlet. Her rhetorical question? “Have Americans lost their minds?” Answer = yes

Virtual Insanity

Hammer and Sickle/Che Guevara shirts = OK.

Confederate Stars and Bars = racist.

Got it.


VI, you left one out:

American flag = imperialist warmonger


VI @20: +10.

I’ll bet anyone $20 that not one person in that entire school district knows that the communist revolution was the third Russian revolution. I was going to say second, but forgot about the Revolution of 1905. :-/

So we had the revolution of ’05, which resulted in a constitutional Russian monarchy & the Duma, the revolution of Feb 1917, which resulted in the elimination of the monarchy and creation of the Russian Republic, and the revolution of Oct 1917, AKA the Communist revolution.

How many American high school students have ever heard of the first two revolutions? Any bets?


Although I did have one crusty old Chief try to give me a blast of shit when I was in Guam for wearing a shirt with a hammer and sickle with the caption, “The Party’s Over” on it (apparently he couldn’t read), that’s mild compared to one of the guys in my division on my first boat who wore a fur hat with a Soviet Naval Infantry insignia on it every time we went out on Ops.

But I don’t think the school administration was doing this as an expression of sarcasm or dark humor. YMMV.


Casey–even fewer have heard about the immediately following Russian Civil War between 1918-20, and how American (along with Brit and other Allied troops) were involved IN RUSSIA until 1919 when, as has happened far too many times, we pulled out too soon and let the bad guys win.

Yat Yas 1833

This is why my granddaughter is going to St. James Catholic Elementary school!? I also ‘think’ I heard about some school in that neck of the woods canceling their annual “Father/Daughter” dance because it discriminated against mothers. I hate academia and political correctness!!!