Death to you, too, bud

| September 17, 2012

The Afghans have apparently joined the world-wide “death to America” chants in response to the movie that none of them have seen. So in gratitude for freeing them from the jackboots of the Taliban at their necks, the thousands of deaths of our own citizens in that endeavor, the goat roping, shoeless multitudes are throwing rocks and calling for our eradication, according to Associated Press;

In Kabul on Monday, the air was thick with smoke on Jalalabad road – a main thoroughfare into the city center where the crowd burned shipping containers and tires. At least one police vehicle was burned by the mob before they finally dispersed around midday, according Daoud Amin, the deputy police chief for Kabul province.

Earlier in the morning, men lobbed rocks from the pavement and lobbed them at Camp Phoenix, a U.S. military base that lies along the road. More than 20 police officers were slightly injured – all from being hit by rocks, said Gen. Fahim Qaim, the commander of a city quick-reaction police force.

“Death to America!” and “Death to those people who have made a film and insulted our prophet,” shouted the crowd. Police officers shot into the air to hold back about 800 people and prevent them from pushing toward government buildings downtown, said Azizullah, a police officer at the site who, like many Afghans, only goes by one name.

Meanwhile the Obama Administration sends out their least credible spokesdingus, Susan Rice to tell us to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, says Fox News;

“What sparked the violence was a very hateful video on the Internet,” Rice said on “Fox News Sunday.” “It was a reaction to a video that had nothing to do with the United States.”

She also repeated the administration’s message that the attacks, which started Tuesday in Egypt and spread to more the 20 U.S. posts in the region, were “spontaneous,” not planned or timed for the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.

This is in spite of reports that the administration had been warned of the impending attacks days before Sept. 11th.

“The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous,” [Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif] told NPR.

Megarif, president of the Libyan National Congress, also said the violence, including the timing, bears the markings of an Al Qaeda attack.

He said the attacks were carried out by foreigners who have been infiltrating his country since the uprising ended the dictatorship of the late Muammar al-Qaddafi and that they used the Cairo protests as a cover to attack the U.S. Consulate.

Funny how when both US presidential candidates are doing their best to ignore the war against al-Qaeda, the issue finds it’s own place in the news.

Category: Terror War

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Supposedly in Islam, any depiction of Mohammed is blasphemy because Islam forbids worship of any man…. funny, they sure seem to get worked up about anything to do with Mo. Hell, yes, they worship him, in fact if not in theory. Wonder if we could trigger anti-Mohammed worshipper riots somehow? Let ’em kill each other off.


“What sparked the violence was a very hateful video on the Internet,” Rice said on “Fox News Sunday.

When I heard this, I almost fell out of my chair. The Pres. of LNC says one thing and she says another.

She should have said, “We the people of the USA take full responsibility for all bad things in the Muslim world, we apologize for all bad things said about your religion, and we totally understand why you attacked our embassy, killed 4 diplomats”. At least that statement would have been more consistant with the WH position.


It must be nice to be among the elite that gets to tell the rest of us what is hatefull and what is not. Meanwhile, these same idiots continue to call us names, reduce our liberties, and make a general mockery of all we swore to defend.

Yeah, right. I know they are astonished that I find their pissing on my leg and calling it rain to be utterly unbelievable. And they seriously do not understand that we who see through that story react with disdain each and every time they tell the tale.


Correction: Lying, thieving idiots.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

2-17 AirCav

“Look, they can’t prove that it wasn’t because of the film, right?”

“So, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that we get out front on this. Tell the schmucks that it was the video and only the video. Blanket the Sunday shows. Get what’s his name–the general–Marty something or other on this. He has credibility and gravitas! And we need a female who actually looks like one. Um…Jeez…do we have one of those? Come on, there has to be one, dammit!”

“I got it! Rice! Call MSNBC, CBS, ABC and get her booked. Oh, and call Rice and tell her to wear a dress.”

“Got it boss!”


Personally, I think we should let the Marines do what the Marines do best. If people come onto US soil to cause damage, we allow them to meet Mohammad where he can throw them into Hell for blaspheming against Allah.


Things to remember:

Above all else, these ass nuggets are Arab and Pisslamic above all else. It doesn’t matter who saved them from what – that is their primary identity and that will not change – ever.

It’s very much like blacks in the USA – while not all participate in the racist BS, most have set their primary allegiance to their color before all else and that will not change. It’s a product of training from an early age to be “anti” everything the other “side” has to offer at any cost. The “Jackson & Sharpton Dog and Pony Show” has done well, both in keeping the hatred alive and enriching themselves.

It’s been said that to effect societal change, it takes 5 generations. If the timeframe isn’t acceptable, triggers and buttons will suffice.

This shit has to stop for the sake of the Union.

Indiana Ed

Not meaning to hijack the thread but it looks like an old friend made #5 on the list

well, maybe not a friend, but someone familiar to most here. And the video looks great as well (though I’m at work and could only see the first “Rocky Montage” minute.

CI Roller Dude

Many asholes in the world claim to hate America, but if you asked most of them where they’d want to live: “America- can you get me there?”


Isn’t it interesting that the sequestration (automatic budget cuts), which include severe cuts to the DoD budget, coincide almost exactly with this series of protests? What a sense of timing!!! You couldn’t set it up any better than this.

Poohbah, you took the words out of my mouth.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Hey muslims: “f@ck your prophet and the mountain he came in on”

You weak minded fools should be glad our nation is currently led by an administration that actually gives a rat’s 4ss what you think….

I would rather see a series of high order detonations sending you 4ssholes to meet your little magic man in the sky…sooner is much better than later.


#2 MCPO NYC USN (Ret.), in my mind, that comes as no surprise, either. It seems the State Department had to remind POTUS that Egypt IS an ally of the U.S., even after his remarks that “…Egypt is not an enemy, but aren’t allies either”. It seems to me that NO ONE within the beltway knows what the hell is going on, and that people discussing this on blogs are more well informed on issues than they are.


It only took about six months into this administration to make that as plain as the Good Lord’s sun in the sky.

Rice – the female version of a yesman.

B Woodman

Rice – I wonder what color her nose is?
As for the entire Middle East: Nuke it from altitude ’til they glow, then shoot ’em in the dark.

B Woodman

Another “solution”. Kill ALL the so-called men. The entire breed will die out in that generation.

Mickey H

My take on this whole thing is that it was and has been planned for a long time. and that the idiot who made this trailer of a non movie was paid by the Al Quieda or is secretly part of them was helping to set up the out pouring of protest. This is not about some movie trailer it was PLANNED and the idiots in DC knew it was coming.

Just my opionion


It’s exactly the kind of thing you’d find in a Ken Follett or Robert Ludlum novel, or even a Bond movie, except that the spy would be one jump ahead of the bad guys…especially the bad guys in DC. I propose Will Smith as the lead, with Powers Booth as the head bad guy, and the late Howard Duff as the aging, but all-wise and retired CIA operative. Duff and Smith meet up with Jason Stathan, they find the bomb in the basement and use a helicopter to haul it out to sea — no, wait — that was “Panic in the City”. Sorry.

Planned? I’d take bets on that, too. DoD can’t afford to use civilian clothing manufacturers any more, so those contracts are being canceled, putting more people out of work, and the work is being offered to federal prisons, where you have legal sweatshops.

Of course it was planned.


Ex-PH2: don’t forget the per-uniform cost will be about 15% higher from FPI, too.

2-17 AirCav

Want to have some fun? First, make some popcorn. Next, start googling “F–k Mohammed video” and whatever other outlandish anti-Islam phrase you can think of to generate such videos. Many of these have been on YouTube for several years. Funny how none triggered attacks on US embassies. Why is that, I wonder. Yeah, I wonder…

Old Trooper

Someone, today, told me something that I think fits this whole episode very nicely: “The extremists gave our President their terms for our surrender, and he’s thinking about it”.

So true. They are demanding that the filmmaker be arrested and for the President to make it illegal to offend islam.

Now, for you and I; we would say “yeah, that’s not gonna happen, scooter”. However, our President has blinked. We know it, because everyone in his administration is out there bitching about some movie that almost no one in the muslim world has seen.


OT, you are too psychic for words.

November cannot get here fast enough.


Problem being that the idiots can still do a lot of very costly damage on their way out.

2-17 AirCav

Tell the SOB he can keep the silverware. Just get the hell out of 1600.


Roger that.


AirCav, the silverware, china and wall paper will be gone. And, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him or Moooooooooooooooch set fire to the White House on their way out.


And this just in: The US is suspending its co-operative involvement with Afghan troops, per this news article:

‘By Jim Miklaszewski, NBC News chief Pentagon correspondent
Most joint U.S.-Afghan military operations have been suspended following what authorities believe was an insider attack Sunday that left four American solders dead, officials told NBC News.

“We’re to the point now where we can’t trust these people,” a senior military official said. So far this year, 51 NATO troops have been killed in these so-called blue-on-green attacks. Sunday’s attack came a day after two British soldiers were shot dead by an Afghan policeman, Reuters reported.

“It’s had a major impact on our ability to conduct combat operations with them, and we’re going to have to back off to a certain degree,” the official said.

Here’s the link to the article, rather brief one:

“Can’t trust these people”????? How long did it take those in charge to figure that out? I figured it out the with first reports I read about IEDs way back — when was that? I kept thinking about those god-awful boobytraps and homemade Claymores that the VC littered all over South Vietnam, and how many of the paddy daddies were doubling up with the US troops to spy for Uncle Ho. “can’t trust these people” – no shit, Sherlock. what gave you your first clue?



Reminds me of that old Marx joke. “Doc, Doc, it hurts when I do this.”

“Well don’t do that.”

When I was a boy, my mom told me not to touch the hot stove (ok, not a real story…just go with it).

So she told me touching the stove was hot. She said it would burn me.

I didn’t listen. I touched the stove. I got burnt.

Didn’t take me too many times of getting burnt to learn the lesson.

Apparently it takes the administration 51 times getting burnt to learn their lesson.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No one has been able to trust the Afghans for 1000s of years, there culture is a 5th world degenerate fiefdom that generates less than subsistence wages and lifestyles for most of the population.

When you enter a nation like that to topple their government, and do so without a plan to stay for 50-75 years to grow what might amount to a 3rd or 4th world corrupt democracy, you should know that trusting anyone in that nation is impossible. No one in Afghanistan is looking to hear modern music and engage in a free and spirited debate about the subtleties of the NYSE futures market in European soy products.

It’s been a sh1thole since well before Rome ceased being the dominant world player, thinking it will stop being a sh1thole after 10 years of American occupation is naive at best and dangerously incompetent at worst.

Without a plan to render this part of the world irrelevant to our nation’s security interests we are just treading water for now, without much hope for a successful alteration of the inevitable.

2-17 AirCav

@28. If only anyone knew just what our foreign policy is, we just might be able to discuss its pros and cons. Instead, we are left to discuss its consequences. However, that policy seems to be either nonexistent or is the best-kept secret in the Obama administration.


AirCav, I vote for nonexistent.