Not a Mom of the Year candidate

| September 17, 2012

Ohio police say that they’ve arrested 42-year-old Jennifer Fletcher, who won’t be winning any accolades for her mothering skills as she, at the urging of her live-in boyfriend, Keith Hoover, stole her own son’s identity and drained his accounts while he was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan according to the Canton Rep;

According to court records, Fletcher withdrew roughly $7,500 from Scott Davis’ bank account between the fall of 2010 and the spring of 2011. The theft occurred after Fletcher reportedly agreed to file her son’s taxes while he was stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq as a member of the U.S. Army.

Court records show Fletcher used her son’s personal information to obtain checks in his name, then cashed them after forging his signature. Fletcher also is accused of depositing nearly $1,400 of Davis’ state and federal income tax refunds into her account to pay bills.

Davis’ wife reported the theft to police in May.

I guess that’s why the drill sergeants wouldn’t let us give our Moms a power-of-attorney. One less thing.

Category: Shitbags

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Just Plain Jason

That is why you never trust family with your money.


Identity theft sucks. It sucks worse when your own family does it to you. Were I still in and counseling a young sailor or troop, I would advise they never, EVER grant power of attorney in financial matters. Make an allotment for everything, or auto deductions. This is 2012, not 1982. Even folks in the sandbox have access to Internet, etc., often enough to make electronic payment to credit unions, etc.


In boot camp, we were given the “sign up for US savings bonds” speech, which most of us did. Back then, savings bonds were a good idea, because a $50 bond cost $25 and matured in something like 10 years, but continued to pay interest if it wasn’t redeemed at maturity. They were mailed to our homes of record, care of our parents. When I went off to PH “A” school in Pensacola, I ran into a couple of girls from my company and our sister company. Both of them told me that their mothers had cashed their bonds and spent the money.

Since you can access the IRS’s forms and schedules on the internet and file electronically, I see no reason (unless you’re under duress, e.g., firefights) to hand that kind of thing over to anyone else.


During my days as a recruiter we had to run credit checks on our applicants if they were going for a job that required a TS clearance. I had multiple applicants that where still in High School, but their credit was already totally jacked, because mom and/or dad had already taken out credit cards or car loans in their kids’ names. Of course not only did they use their own kids identities to secure the loans…..the dirtbags then proceeded to not pay them off so their kids’ records were now screwed for years.


Nothing like mom being a jackass REMF skimming your accounts, while your roughing it in the badlands. Yeah, the live in boyfriend part is definetly a red flag – can you say unemployed leech?


Had a Soldier of mine get left by his wife (who cleaned out his bank account) halfway through a deployment in 03. After he went back on R&R and got his finances put back together, he added his parents on his account in case of emergency. When we got to Kuwait and started making our travel arrangments for our leave he called his parents to tell them he would be home on or around a certain day. The next day, his account was cleaned out and his parents stopped answering the phone. As far as I know, he still hasn’t spoken to them.

Old Tanker

Uh, he has a wife…..why wasn’t she doing this stuff? (their taxes, etc…)


This is all kinds of messed up. His own MOTHER?!?! Makes me appreciate my Mom even more.


I had a similar experience with a Troopie. His wife hooked up with a Jodie while he was in Iraq in ’05. His mother died and he was granted emergency leave. He called the armory in tears because he couldn’t access his bank account. Apparently, his wife had drained it and then, using power of attorney, removed his name from the account. Family Support gave him an emergency loan for the tickets.

It was an interesting mess when he got back. Apparently, his wife had told his kids that he died in Iraq before she moved in with the Jodie. It didn’t end there. She also used the PoA to get a few loans in the soldiers name and then didn’t paying them. Two of the loans were for brand new cars for her and the Jodie.

Happy ending, though. She is in the Federal Pen for fraud and the Jodie is in for fraud and… well, when you go to Las Vegas to see a fifteen year old girl, you should except the FBI…


There is a special place in hell for people like this.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Stealing from your son at the behest of a POS d1ckhead child molester you are fornicating with while your son defends your right to do so….

I don’t even know where to begin with how f#cked up this mess is on every level.


Yep – have a similar story of someone with whom I worked during DS. Too bad that so many of us have those crazy stories of what happened to others.

My own was really stupid, though. The holder of my PoA was not allowed to DEPOSIT money into my account by some dingaling! He did not tell me the saga of that one until I returned, but he had to work very hard to get the money in – as he stood there with the documents which the idiots agreed would have allowed him to withdraw every dime from my accounts.

CI Roller Dude

And that’s why there’s laws against drugs and in’ breedin’


CI, I actually wish there were laws against certain people breedin’… or at least an IQ test.


@ 10. There is a special place in hell for them. It is called the sh*t shoveling room. All the sh*t in hell travels down one pipe. Once there, people like our mother referenced above, shovel sh*t all day and night … port to starboard … and then … forward and aft … when they are done, they start all over.

Green Thumb

Wow. That is low. Her own son, too.



My ex-wife pulled the same crap. At the time I was a single parent (not easy while being an active duty grunt) and found out that my ex had stolen my daughter’s identity. I had to make a lot of phone calls to clean up my daughter’s credit. For the most part most companys where very helpfull. I never thought I would have to call Geico and say “no, there is no reason for my daughter to have car insurance because she is 9 months old”.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

geez Twist…makes my ex seem pretty cordial all things considered.


@18, Yeah it was interesting. Somehow 4 years after I divorced her I was bouncing checks in Texas all the way from Mosul. In 2007 I got a call from the Secret Service looking for her. Seems like she defrauded Bank of America out of $100,000.


Stuff like that really chaps my ass when I read about it. But that’s why I never involve family in my finances. I’ve alienated a few close relatives, but it’s worth it for all the financial security and stability my wife and I enjoy. Hope that skank rots in the ninth ring of hell for what she did to her son.


My “buddy” was in flight school and he was called on the carpet for bad checks. The school house was going to throw him out-WOC course. Seems his ex-wife of five years since the divorce got an idea to make some more money off a fledgling pilot-to be. She ended up getting “double-secret probation”, and he got an undeserving ass chewing from hell, from the green machine.

Green Thumb


I hear you. When I was a PL that BS was one of my biggest issues with the rank and file.

Sometimes it waas the ex(es); other times it was the SM.

Either way, it became a headache. And the irony was that some of the bounced checks were for sums such as $2.76, $8.00 or, my personal favorite, .97 cents.

Who in the world takes a check for .97 cents? I know now.


Geez, don’t you guys know you should change bank accounts and even change banks when you get a divorce?

Not picking on you, just asking.

Hell hath no fury worse than a Vengeful Ex-Wife, guys.


I did. She somehow had my SSN and opened new accounts in my name.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@23 I know it now…females don’t come with a manual unfortunately. The whole insane once they’re p1ssed part escaped me as I had no sisters only 4 brothers…and we just beat the hell out of each other when we were p1ssed.