Damn the Stupidoes, Full Speed Ahead*
Completely clueless or devilishly devious are two possible descriptions for the Obama campaign with this latest revelation of Soviet naval vessels being used as a backdrop while a liberal, former admiral was addressing the Democrat convention. Navy Times is reporting that while retired Admiral John Nathman, a rare liberal among the retired, multistar-wearing military, spoke to the delegates in Charlotte, the Democrat campaign operatives showed their true colors by providing him a backdrop of Russian warships.
Was it a screw-up or was it by design and symbolically significant? Democrats have such a lack of real understanding of our military that it could just be attributed to their intrinsic stupidity. On the other hand, one can imagine that some too-clever mind in the campaign structure saw it entirely fitting for a left-wing admiral to be backed up by a Soviet fleet as he supported a party and a platform that betray the very forces he once led. Whatever, I’m sure the Democrats, now that they’ve been outted by Navy Times, will want to hide behind the excuse of it being nothing more than an oversight. Regardless of whether it was ineptitude or exceeding political cleverness, it was, indeed, a stupid mistake.
While admittedly requiring a stretch of the imagination, it could be possible that, in a political party that has become increasingly left-wing and hostile to traditional American values, a deliberate use of Soviet vessels was meant to be a subliminal, message to the far-left faithful. Surely the Democrat Party can’t possibly believe they can sell a low key hard left message to America at large. The majority of this country rejects such left-wing sentimentality. Ronald Reagan is remembered and lionized primarily for bringing the Soviet bear, including its burgeoning navy, to its knees. Yet the leftists at the core of the Democrat party believe they can get away with such imagery? Hope must indeed spring eternal in the breasts of those so politically demented.
As for John Nathman, if he knowingly stood before those Soviet ships, the only honorable action available to this turncoat to the United States Navy and all its history and traditions, is to figuratively fall on his officer’s sword by sinking into retirement, to forever run silent and run deep. Entire careers were spent by American sailors to confront and defeat the Soviet navy during the multiple decades of the Cold War.
Ronald Reagan’s rebuilding of our own Navy, and the sailors who manned all those new American vessels in countless confrontations around the world’s oceans, played an overlarge part in the collapse of the Soviet Union. For those seamen, that war was not cold at all but carried with it the very real peril of imminent death on a daily basis. This lefty admiral has betrayed those naval warriors’ honorable heritage by defending a party friendly to Soviet principles and relentlessly hostile to our military.
And doing so before a scrim featuring their former foes.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
I think the mistake can be directly attributed to the event planners hiring of former Marine Pvt. Shmuckatelli. That guy guy could never get anything right.
Well, we know how the democrats love and support the military, we just never knew it wasn’t our military. This was a screw up by some non-military chuckleheads who wouldn’t know the difference. To be honest, from the screen cap I saw this morning, I doubt I could tell (I was Army) the difference without some visual cues like a Russian flag flying, etc. since it looks as though the ships are too dark to make out numbers, etc.
Having been too-familiar with Soviet era warships, as soon as I saw that pic I could tell.
No matter how this is attributed, it doesn’t bode well for the leftists in charge. If they willfully used these images, it shows their true colors. If it was a mistake, it also shows how careless they are with their fact-checking and basic research skills, which reveals them as the amateurs we all knew them to be all along.
Love the headline.
And the Admiral is an idiot (with all due respect).
God is out. The Russian Navy is in. Long live the Democratic Party!
I think that it is actually just an idiotic mistake, but at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if I’m wrong.
@3- I don’t think it was intentional, Tim. It’s par for the course with lefties. Like Obama’s blatant lack of interest for learning military customs. (That horrendous salute he had, his “corpse man” pronounciation, the two minutes of shout-outs and jokes before addressing the Ft. Hood shooting, mistaking the name of the first non-posthumous MoH awardee, and his picture in front of the coffins at Dover, just to name a few examples.) The use of this picture is just another example of the left pretending to care, but not actually caring enough to research where the damn picture came from.
All that matters is how it looks to their fellow lefties, most of whom are just pretending to give a shit about the military because it’s an election season.
“Ronald Reagan is remembered and lionized primarily for bringing the Soviet bear, including its burgeoning navy, to its knees”. And the left has not forgiven him for that.
Checking out that pic, where was Dildoberto? Was Wittengetfucked there, too? Methis couldn’t make it because he was out back of the convention with a hooker?
@8. Good recap. A refresher is very welcome now and then.
Dontcha just love the G.A.F. attitude?
Forget the whole muslin thing. This is proof that Obama is a communist working for the Russians! Now what about the planes? I bet they’re Russian too! More proof that the clever 50 year conspiracy to implant a Russian spy as president has been successful.
And don’t forget the OBL “Victory Lap” that has gone on for over a year on the backs of the SEALs, et al.
Joe, STFU and go find your bucket and that nasty smelling orange shit. Some second grader just puked outside the classroom.
People are accusing Obama of being a loosely-woven cotton fabric originating in Bangladesh?
Twist: c’mon, cut Joe some slack. I believe he’s posted elsewhere that he works for a public school district somewhere in Colorado.
If that’s true, Hondo, along with the “Teacher’s” strike in Shitcago, it’s further proof that education system in the U.S. is doomed to further failure.
The guy saluting in the photo is wearing an Air Force uniform as well…score all around.
DNC apology for backdrop of Russian ships
By Sam Fellman – Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Sep 12, 2012 12:17:31 EDT
Democratic officials apologized Wednesday for mistakenly displaying an image of the Russian Navy during a tribute to America’s veterans at last week’s Democratic National Convention. But they also used their response to take a swipe at Republican rival Mitt Romney.
The Russian warships, many of Soviet-era origin, were shown on a giant screen Sept. 6 above 50 veterans while retired Adm. John Nathman honored veterans’ contributions to America. The former sailor who spotted the error and notified Navy Times had asked for an apology.
The Democratic National Convention Committee did just that in a statement Wednesday, but also criticized Romney for failing to mention service members during his convention speech in Tampa, Fla.
Yes, they are that stupid. How many times have you head someone call a magazine a clip, or an AFV or self-propelled artillery a tank? How many times every day does someone call a semi-automatic rifle an “assault rifle?”
If memory serves, right after the Iowa explosion, a newscaster on one of the “big three” networks referred to black powder. ‘Nuff said.
Joe @14: it’s Muslim, not muslin, Obama is a progressive (bad enough), not a Commie, and the planes are Russian only if you think TOP GUN was a documentary. They’re F-5s, doofus.
Irony called and said the next time the DNC pulls that shit without it’s permission “it’s fucking ON!”
But, but, but….>Dempsey said it was WRONG for retired military to be political! Did Nathman not get the word? Where’s Dempsey’s condemnation of Nathman?