US consulate in Benghazi torched
Yes, the same reason as the attack on the US embassy in Cairo – Libyans are now getting exercised over a film that no one has seen. Funny how it happens on September 11th, isn’t it?
“Demonstrators attacked the US consulate in Benghazi. They fired shots in the air before entering the building,” Libya’s deputy interior minister, Wanis al-Sharif Sharif, who is in charge of the country’s eastern region, told AFP.
“Dozens of demonstrators attacked the consulate and set fire to it,” said a Benghazi resident, who only gave his name as Omar, adding that he had seen the flames and heard shots in the vicinity.
Contacted by AFP, a US State Department official in Washington said US officials were still seeking information about the situation in Benghazi.
Asked whether the attack in Libya and the earlier demonstration against the US mission in Egypt could be connected, the official said it was unclear yet if the protests had been coordinated.
So we should shut down all of our emabassies in the southern Med and pull our aid and they can Arab Spring their asses off.
ADDED:So, stolen from our buddies at WeaselZippers is the trailer;
Watch it now, because it probably won’t last long. Real big budget production, like the tire tracks across the desert.
Category: Terror War
Since I currently have no other way… Typo in the headline.
“we should shut down all of our emabassies in the southern Med and pull our aid and they can Arab Spring their asses off.”
Again… common sense is NOT in play.
Yes, Jonn, it’s quite a coincidence. A coincidence. Quite.
Keep it up, Al Q. I’m sure Obumbles is just having a ball trying to figure out how to spin this one.
The response from the Embassy is even more outrageous:
“We condemn the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.”
And this just in: Bo is too busy to meet with Bibi Netanyahu when he’s in town, per this article:
Mind you, I’m not passing judgment, just information.
Well, I guess I’ll avoid another profanity-laced rant, but just barely. There’s a photo over at AOSHQ of the “protesters” in Cairo. By God, it makes my recently retired trigger finger itch. Old Don Rumsfeld was right.
Weakness is, indeed, provocative.
Not an expert on embassies, but how the f**k do US Marines let this happen without taking some of the enemy down?
Do you think Madame ‘illary would allow our Marines to actually defend something, let alone shoot some potential future Democrat voters?
Can’t the Marines simply use fire hoses to ‘nudge’ them off the walls. ‘Just washing the graffiti off Mr/Madam Ambassador’…
Surprise, surprise, surprise.
The Coptics are to blame?
How about a college educated, 18-25 yo population that has no mission, no vision and is bored. Not to mention looking for the handout.
Oddly reminisint of our own Occupy movement
Galvinization comes in many different forms but usually has the same end game.
Hope the liberals are having fun!
I’m sure Obumbles is just having a ball trying to figure out how to spin this one.
“While we do not condone this behavior, I will need another four years in office to solve this. Won’t you donate $5 to help make that happen?”
@12–I totally see that e-mail coming my way. I wish I was kidding.
To those above questioning the Marines allowing this to happen: “As best I know, due to an action by Prez Bill “the Zipper” Clinton, the Marines no longer do Embassy Guard, with that detail being handled by private security companies.” If I am wrong, someone will correct me on it below.
Evidently they did not sneak out quite soon enough from this one. There are injuries and at least one death:
Let’s see. The appeaser in chief sends clear messages to everyone including Israel that the enemies of Israel are free to do whatever they wish. Seems to include shredding our embassies and their staff.
So, is this the change he promised? Turning our backs on our allies while handing our enemies whatever they want? Sure seems to be.
#14 Not true – Marines continue to guard embassies throughout the world. No doubt they were under orders here….
Thanks, I did not know that. I did know that Private security guards embassy personal when they travel.
Wow, Moe’s lady is kind of hot, sort of a freak too. Who would’ve thought?
I’ve been watching CNN, Anderson Cooper while all this is going on. Three different reporters he’s been talking to indicate that these demonstrations were known about several days ago, which means that they were orchestrated, or planned, whatever buzz word you want to use — basically, manufactured for the media. Also, the Egyptian president and his cabinet are nowhere to be found right now.
One of the reporters, an Egyptian woman, said that this appears to be something coordinated by the extreme right-wing people, and that Egypte still does not have a constitution in place, which means that the military can still move in and crack down on everyone.
Maybe they should.
Dictators are bad, but sometimes they keep their foot on the rock…
@Green Thumb, when something like this happens and the head of the government is absent, and all of this is based on a film that was released in July — one that no one ever heard of until today — there is no coincidence in any of it. It’s going on in two countries separate by several hundred miles.
There is nothing coincidental about any of this. It was planned ahead of time. There is more to come, and I don’t think it will be anything good.
And while US media are fussing about these goings-on, it draws attention away from what may really be underway, the same way a magician uses distractions to make a trick seem like “magic”.
Multiple reports out this morning that the US Ambassador to Libya has been killed. Religion of peace my ass.
Yeah, in hindsight it looks like Odyssey Dawn/Unified Protector was a really good idea, doesn’t it?
Sometimes the devil you know really is the better choice.
To honor the recently killed Ambassador to Libya and the other Americans, President Obama is requesting that donations in their names be made to the Obama 2012 reelection fund.
When will THE ONE propose that the Bill of Rights be repealed in order to foster better relations with Islam? I am quite sure that the IRS is checking the tax returms right now on the American producer of the film that purportedly spurred the assault of our embassies yesterday and the
murder(s?) of our people. This is sickening stuff and as details of the attacks come out in the next day or two, we will be sickened all the more.
I only watched the first little bit of it and to me, it seems like a Monty Python skit, only not as funny. Kind of like a dark “Life of Brian”. So this is what has them getting their fan belts and jammies all twisted up?
In the words of my generation: Fuck you.
And, in the words of my daughters generation: Bring it, bitches.
Now confirmed….Ambassador dead and 4 others. So glad we helped these people get rid of Qadaffi. In every place we’ve helped Moslems, they have turned right around and murdered us as thanks. When are we going to learn?
We are a round peg. They are a square hole. Unless the very nature of one or the other is radically altered, the two just won’t fit.
And of course these demonstrations were planned. They were planned to be held on the anniversary of 9/11.
yeah… just another coincidence.
This administration needs to be replaced as soon as possible. Almost ANYONE would be better at this point than Obama.
The easiest way to not offend a muslim is to never criticize him, his country, his god, his bible, his…ahhh f#ck it just shoot these 4ssholes and be done with it. I am starting to think the best muslims are dead muslims because the live ones are too ignorant and too hopeless to work with anyone but themselves.
As AirCav suggest one of us needs to be radically altered to make this work. I say the societies that want to survive and are willing to take lethal action in opposition of their enemies will be the ones that live while the others die. I would like to think American Society can process the idea that muslims will not negotiate in good faith, and will never accept a compromise. They just stall for time until you present a vulnerability and they exploit it.
Pretending that these people are just like us, and will soon start loving American culture because all people are basically the same is a dangerous, naive approach. The Israelis can tell you all about the peace-loving nature of muslims and their “honorable” methods of negotiation.These are fundamentally different people with a different value system that will not mesh with ours until we have controlled their education and religious institutions for a couple of generations.
Am liking the idea of using pork in every defensive strategy we have. Let it be known that all our weapons include some, that our embassies are filled with it, etc.
There are even some marketing opportunities here – little pigskin lanyards and such that we could all wear, for instance? Let them know that there is a good chance that any American they target will cause them to be “soiled” by some pig part.
How long would it take to figure a way to use lard in automobiles and aircraft?
Anyone that thinks this is a so-called enlightened religion, one of peace, is a fool. Because we all know that all civilized people never forget to bring ak47’s and rpg’s to demostrate against a movie, hell they just said screw throwing stones, the heck with signs, we will just pilage, burn & kill. And what idiot in the state department decided to evacuate the embassy in Egypt yet not the consulate in Lybia. Like we have never seen this type of madness spread faster than one can react diplomatically.
I would like to think that if we knew before hand that the demostration in Egypt was going to happen that we were in contact with the Egyption government and got assurances that they would protect our embassy. Once those in Lybia saw that Egypts government was not going to do anything it was a green light to those in Lybia.
F’n sand monkeys. Screw ‘em. Time to take our nearly $2 bn, in aid and go home. OK, you know what, when our troops piss on dead bodies, make prisoner stacks, maybe we deserve a little outrage, just for being stupid enough to get it on film if nothing else.
But this? Enraged over a film that the government had nothing to do with? On the radio John Bolton was talking about the 1979 embassy take over and subsequent hostages. That is only a hairs breath, or a bad idea away from happening again, and I have no faith that our spineless Nobel peace prize winning leader has the guts to do the right thing.
So, in the words of the President, Secretary of State, and the US Embassy in Egypt, “…the United States rejects efforts to denigrate teh religious beliefs of others…” Yet, the “religion of peace” advocates putting to death all non-believers. Great job overall in Libya and Egypt, great foreign policy there. Yeah, the muslim brotherhood is doing great things over there.
The US Ambassador and three staffers were murdered in Benghazo…
According to Hillary it was only a small group and most Libyans loved the Ambassador. They even tried to defend the embassy and later carried him to the hospital!
Of course, FACTS say otherwise…
The same religion that in protest to those Danish cartoons burned churchs and murdered nuns.
The Marines are inbound, and the situation should be well in hand soon, but the embassy is still on fire.
I think MOABs with a napalm chaser should fix the problem.
Last time I checked, when a foreign group murders an Ambassador, it is a declaration of war… so… the ball is in your court Obama.
Oh, right. He’s not in the court, he is out golfing and trying to get reelected (not necessarily in that order).
From the comments on Monday’s post on Obama skipping over 60% of his daily intel briefings…
Dai Uy Says:
September 10th, 2012 at 4:41 pm
Read the referenced WP article the President is informed, and keeps himself informed and acts accordingly.
Hopefully Dai Uy will show up here to inform us how allowing an embassy to burn and an ambassador and part of his staff to be murdered is the result or remaining informed and acting accordingly.
@41 – Simply breaching the embassy is an act of war. Murdering embassy staff should probably qualify as a war crime.
You were right about it not lasting long. As soon as I clicked the play button I got the ‘This video is private’ notice. The trailer is available other places so I can watch it later.
I think it’s time we put all of these barbarians to sleep. Send them all to the bosom of Allah.
I am sure that this is not what they were expectingback then.
Sporkmaster, to be fair, the consulate was left standing for two weeks between the time they opened and it was destroyed. That has to count for something.
“We remain committed to bringing the perpetrators of the Benghazi attacks to justice and to ensuring the safety of our brave personnel serving overseas.” White House statement of 11 September 2013
Oh bullshit. But, okay, I’ll play. Let’s start with the simple stuff. When and by whom was B. Hussein Obama notified of the attack? Where was he during the attack? What precisely did he do, where did he go, and with whom did he speak in the 24 hours following his learning of the attack? Who first suggested to him that the attack was spontaneous? Who first suggested to him that the attack was prompted by an obscure video? Who advised and prepped Susan Rice for her appearance on Face the Nation, five days after the attack, where she maintained the falsehood that the attack was spontaneous, uncoordinated, and was a reaction to a video? It’s a year and a day later and the guy who pretends to be seeking justice has done what?