Jorge Edgardo Cruz revisited

| September 5, 2012

I wrote about this butt nugget, Jorge Edgardo Cruz, back in June. The Library of Congress has taken his video down for some reason, but here’s what I wrote about the video before;

He claims he was awarded “Medal of Valor” for actions in Colombia. He was steaming towards Afghanistan on 9-11, and then he was the first Marine into Iraq where he was awarded a Navy Cross. And, of course, he was Force Recon – just based on his claim to be a Navy Cross awardee, I’m calling him a phony;

And, ya know what, that looks exactly like what’s in his records;

He spent four years in the Marines and never deployed. My niece’s husband was chemical guy at Camp Pendelton and he deployed to Iraq during that time period. But it looks like Cruz cleaned pro-masks for four years.

The video was originally part of the Library of Congress Veterans’ History Series, the video and the transcript have both been removed and I can’t find an archived copy even at the Wayback Machine. I wish now that I screen capped a photo of his portly visage to highlight the ridiculousness of his claims.

At the original post, our buddy, Doug Sterner c&p’d some of the transcript.

Category: Phony soldiers

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11 months and 29 days in DEP?

Oh, I bet his recruiter just LOVED his ass. And yeah, I find it impressive that a “terminal lance” even in 2003-04 never deployed. EVER.



Good point. A “terminal lance” with one or more deployments is understandable.

A “terminal lance” with zero deployments is a bit harder to explain. After all, the cutting score promotion system tends to favor those who do not deploy.

I could not help but notice no GCM on the DD-214. This may mean nothing, but it would be interesting to know why there was no GCM.

Bubblehead Ray

DEP commando. I myself received the Tennent’s Medal of Valorous Consumption Without Urination medal in Holy Loch. It was awarded to me by a bartender in Dunoon while we were doing a super secret pub insertion. Unfortunatly, it never made it onto my DD-214 because it was so Hush Hush. Burn before reading stuff, you understand, right?

2-17 AirCav

I’m glad the video is gone. I would have watched it and, after reading the transcript, Lord knows. Probably would have punched my monitor. What a shameless shitbird. He saved lives. He picked up live grenades and threw them back. He saved more lives. He was wounded. He saved more lives. He did this and he did that–and his DD 214 accounts for none of it. None. Thief!

Green Thumb



No GCM – a NJP or multiple Page 11’s(numerous i think can negatively effect a GCM) but more reasonable with a NJP. if you look at his DOR(2003-12-18) I believe he got NJP possibly when he was a PFC. DOR usually when you get promoted, but on the 18th is weird, usually 1st or possibly the 2nd. Maybe a late warrant somehow. its defiantly plausible theres a NJP somewhere in there. a terminal lance with 1-2 deployments is completely reasonable with a high cutting score MOS like grunts, with NBC it could’ve been high at the time, but it could’ve probably been possible to get Cpl. Who knows, but E-3 with a probable NJP so no GCM is the most reasonable explanation here. 2000-2004 and 2001? we were in Afghan and 2003 in Iraq with no deployments as NBC.. weird number two. but understandable in my mind if unit did not go during that time frame.


Weird #3 he should have a GWOT(?) the mandatory ribbon after you get in the ‘fleet’ for 30 days or unit. missing that ribbon, with no deployments he should’ve correctly have 1 service stripe(4 years in), Rifle badge(believe it only counts extra if Expert is attained) and National Defense, all in all 2 ribbons 1 badge 1 service stripe. NO GCM is most likely a NJP as a Private or PFC. 11 months in DEP is not unreasonable, he probably joined as a Senior in the beginning of HS like I did, i had 9+ months of DEP time before I even went to boot camp.


4th weird – his DOR his december and EAS is July… so he was a E-3 last 8 months of his “career” it is possible 2 NJP during the time as a PFC, assuming he went in as a Pvt-promotion-NJP-promotion-NJP-promotion to PFC again roughly around… January 2003 then time in grade promotion to E-3… maybe just 1 NJP is more plausible.



The cutting score for NBC could be pretty high at times. I do not know if that was the case during Cruz’s time in service however.

The lack of GCM plus getting out as a lance is probably due to at least 1 NJP.

I’d sure like to know what that NJP was for though. He has conducted himself as a shitbag post-service. How much of a shitbird was he in service?

Yat Yas 1833

Sorry guys, a L/Cpl after four with NO GCM say “bird” to me. I was also NBC/Decon and made Sgt after two! Got my GCM right on time to boot.


Anonymous: a NJP reducing him from E4 to E3 could also explain the mid-month DOR.


Cutting scores in 2002 for 5711 Jan 2002(eligibility would’ve put him around 2002-2003 for Cpl is 1588 (defiantly attainable)and Dec 2002 is 1562. Jan 2003 1571 Dec 2003 1595 score.

historically, Jan/Dec are the lowest months but looking at 2 years of cutting scores around the time he would be eligible they floated around mid 1500’s which can be easily be promotable back then and now.

was GWOT(30 days in a unit) even used in that way back then? I entered in 2005 and got to my unit in 2006 and was allowed to wear it, only two years after he got out. He should have it if he rates it.

No GCM is definite NJP though. At least 1 NJP, possible another one.

Ive seen Marines in 2007 get promoted to Cpl with a 1400 something score(motor T) but that was due to other factors. I myself got promoted to Cpl around the 3 year mark with over 1500 score(was slow to do MCI’s and such..)


his 214 is weird.. they change it over time i guess. my DEP time(9+ months) is in a different spot.


Jonn, I copied and saved the full transcript and some screen shots of the interview from google cache when the original post came out. Sadly I don’t have a picture of the bulbous slug. I can send it to you if you’d like.



I don’t write someone off just for having no GCM, being a “terminal lance”, and having an NJP. At the age of 18-22, people are going to occasionally have brain farts and do stupid shit. Good leaders handle this well and make use of “alternative punishments.” Other units are burn happy and NJP over the smallest infractions.

On the other hand, no personal awards and no deployments make me scratch my head. In fact, knowing what we know now about Cruz, I think its safe to say he was probably a major shitbag.


very true fred, we were trying to explain why there was not a GCM, and i offered examples.

Brian smith

here is the complete transcript from this duche bag’s interview.


I’ve archived a copy of the transcript’s text in case that version also disappears.

Green Thumb

Loose stool this man is…