Jorge Cruz; WTF?

| June 25, 2012

The folks at Terminal Lance sent this video to us last night and I’m going to chase this guy down, but seein’s how it’s a slow news day here’s some video for your entertainment. I couldn’t get through the whole 1 hour and 30 minutes of the video, but here’s some stuff I heard him say;

He claims he was awarded “Medal of Valor” for actions in Colombia. He was steaming towards Afghanistan on 9-11, and then he was the first Marine into Iraq where he was awarded a Navy Cross. And, of course, he was Force Recon – just based on his claim to be a Navy Cross awardee, I’m calling him a phony;

I made it to about 20 minute mark before I tapped out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I’m sure he got all those awards. Playing Call of Duty on X-Box.


Seems like he was awarded several additional chins as well.


From the looks of him, the only thing this guy ever “snuck up on” was his local McDonalds.


@No. 2…Indeed. This guy has more “chins” than a Chinese phonebook.


According to Home of Heroes website, there is no Jorge Cruz listed on the Navy Cross rolls for OIF or OEF. Most listed are Marines & few Navy SeALs-just no Jorge Cruz. Here is link:


The only way Jabba the Hutt was Airborne was with the assistance of riggers and riding a pallet.


Sounds like he and “Heavy Drop” ought to get together and go bowling–provided Heavy Drop ever gets out of federal PMITA prison.


I can’t believe he was asked if he was drafted or enlisted. With a dumb ass like that doing the interview he could have said anything without question.


Airborne?? Maybe with a G-12D Cargo chute. BURN THIS FATBODY !


The Marine Corps always brings in the jail or USMC guys as E-3s. It’s an ROTC equivalent.


Holy Shit!!! A Real live bullet sponge!


As the Son and Godson of two Force Recon Marines, I can legitimately say that the only time he would have done beach reconnaissance is as a beaches whale… And the only recon he ever did is to the chocolate wonderfall at Golden Coronary, I mean Corral. Lol


If this guy was ever a snake eater, as he claims, it was probably George Michaels’ trouser snake in a public shitter in Cali…..


Well his name does sound familiar, I think his callsign on the net was FAT BASTARD…


No Navy Cross, but he did the Order of the Moob…


Does SpongeBob know that Patrick left Bikini Bottom?


What the Vegas over/under on this guy coming over and threatening to sue Jonn/us after he finds out he’s been outed here?

I’m betting by 0900 tomorrow.

Yat Yas 1833

Guys, any question why I’m ready to go call these fools out and ready to go to jail for beating their silly asses down?

B Woodman

#4 JP,
Stole my line.
If nothing else, he could roll over the enemy and flatten them.


Bet the only thing he’s ever done a “sweep and clear” on is the ice cream counter at Cold Stone.


medal of VALOR!!??? and was awarded a Purple Heart by falling out of a helo!?


@ NH Sparky. I’ll take your bet and raise it to *zilch*…I wonder if I can be awarded the “Latrine Orderly” medal now…What say you? lol!


I found a facebook that is possibly him I can’t confirm but it does have posts about the Marine Corps. This is the transcript from the interview


Has anyone started a FOIA?


Hey Anonymous! I think you are correct on the Facebook find. Good job.


Here’s another tip…

So he’d be in CT.

23 I think you have him.


Well the transcript shows his DOB to be 02/13/1982. Here is some more infer from the Veterans History Project and it shows his middle name to be Edgardo.


Looks like he graduated from the Bulkeley HS in Hartford, CT. Class of 2000.

Doug Sterner

Another in the Library of Congress Veterans History Project…go figure. If the Library of Congress lists him as a hero, that’s a pretty good endorsement, even if the Marines “have scrubbed his records.”


I just read the entire transcript. Holy fuck this guy’s a pretty good liar.

If I was single, I’d let him pick up chicks for me at the bar. He is so good, he could probably convince the ladies that I wasn’t a fat ass.

Doug Sterner

From LOC Transcript of his Interview: All I can say about Columbia is that it was a drug interdiction. The feds found out where the people were doing what they were doing. I’ve got to keep it as vague as possible. Well, as gray as possible, should I say. We — how to best term this? They found their position, they found what they were doing. We were on MU. They asked us to intercede. We interceded. And a lot of drugs were seized and destroyed. And we operated, we got a Medal of Valor for that one. I don’t think I put that one down. I just realized I got a Medal of Valor for that one. It got very hairy. And in the end we lost two guys. But out of the 12 guys that went we did pretty good. This was — this was the beginning of Iraq, just before the beginning of the Iraq war. Right after 9/11, like I said, we went to Afghanistan. We suck out — we were seeking out high value targets. And there was one incident that kind of strikes me that I’ve always talked about and people wonder why I talk about it. But it’s, like, it’s always stuck in my mind. That’s where I got the Navy Cross. We were going into a cave and instead of using your standard entry technique we just kind of, like, three of us just stood out in front of the cave because the cave was pretty wide. And I was relatively new. I was, like, the new man on the stick. The fourth guy was higher up on the mountain trying to set up com so we could be heard because with the mountains in Afghanistan it’s hard to get the proper communication to move through the mountains. And two of my guys got hit. I picked up one guy. I returned fire. I couldn’t see what I was hitting because it was a dark cave. I guess they saw us because of the moonlight and they began firing. I grab the… Read more »


looks like the transcript has just been removed from the loc site


The video above was removed as well. I hope someone copied the material before it disappeared in the fantasy ether

Fuzzy Dunlop

CCSU also scrubbed their page:


This struck my eye: “We suck out”….

If he had just left off “out”, it would be less ridiculous.

It’s a shame that people with such vivid imaginations don’t put their ‘talent’ (I used that word loosely) to better use.


[…] Jorge “Columbian Medal of Valor Recipient” Cruz […]


[…] Jorge “Columbian Medal of Valor Recipient” Cruz […]


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[…] Tim “Stuttering Jackass” Poe (L) v. 16 Jorge “Columbian Medal of Valor Recipient” Cruz […]


[…] Edgardo Cruz revisited September 5th, 2012 I wrote about this butt nugget, Jorge Edgardo Cruz, back in June. The Library of Congress has taken his video down for some reason, but here’s […]

Brian smith

I know this thread is a year old but here is the complete video transcript from this scum bag’s interview.