Tuesdays with Claymore

| August 28, 2012

White American high schoolers are stupid.

Collar adjustment = sexual harassment

Yeah, it’s better to kill them early and get it over with.

Just take a little off the tip.

Understanding A’stan

Navy is provoking Iran

Bush’s fault

…but guns cause people to kill?


“I promise to do better next time, guys.”

Dog eat dog.

…then everyone applauded; SPQR Edition

Too Long…Did Not Read

When you lie down with Marx…

Occupy who?

Conquering the globe for Christ.

A talking vagina…now that’s something you don’t see every day.

There are “reasons” for the weather.

Sis is a birther???

Obama defunded NASA because of the 1%ers.

Hoping Republicans act like classless leftards.

Iron my shirt, bitch.

Paging Charles Darwin….

He would, if he didn’t have a 10am tee time.

They made it themselves.

…then everyone in Europe applauded.

Box Office Obama.

Watergate to blame on why we don’t have a Mars colony already.

Twitter…where even the president can fabricate a couple million people out of thin air #deadvotersarepeopletoo.

“The 300! It’s like Thermopylae except no Spartans…and no swords…and pretty much everything else that would be cool.”

Your Civil War minute, by Alan Grayson (unemployed congressman)

“Repeat a lie long enough….”

B.O. hearts Ike

This is getting taxing.

From the makers of ATTACK WAAAATCH!

Swiftboat…The Movie

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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2-17 AirCav

This is why I do not play the lottery. I randomly (well, somewhat) selected two links from the list. The first was to an article tagged “Too Long…Did Not Read.” And I got pissed. The second, “When you lie down with Marx…”, was worse than the first. Now I’m really pissed and it’s not even 7:30 in the a.m. One of the geniuses actually included Roosevelt among Republican presidents. Must be the parent of one of those stupid white high schoolers. So, anyway, thanks for pissing me off. Arrrggghhhh.


If I hear that Obama ended the war in Iraq one more time I am going to puke. We knew the withdraw plan when I was there in 2008. They completely ignore the fact that the Obama administration was negotiating with the Iraqi Government to keep us there after the withdraw date. The reason that fell through was that we would not allow American Soldiers to be tried in Iraqi courts.


2-17 AirCav: depends on which Roosevelt they were talking about. Theodore Roosevelt was in fact a Republican when he served as President. Obviously, FDR was not.

Twist: correct on all counts.


The birther thread got me too. Both McCain and George Romney had to deal with their own birther movement and it was Hilary Clinton that started the whole birhter thing with Obama, but hey it’s all because Republicans hate the black man.

2-17 AirCav

@3. I guess I have to eat this one on two counts. First, I was thinking he was wrong b/c FDR and Teddy were NOT Republicans. Second, I pegged him as wrong b/c I was associating Teddy with the Progressive Bull Moose Party when, in fact, Teddy was elected (as you and most everyone else but me recalls from 4th grade) as a Republican.

B Woodman

I tried reading the “Collar Adjustment=Sexual Harassment”. After awhile I couldn’t take it. If those “women” (and I use the term loosely) want to go around sloppy dressed, all the better so some other poor ignorant semi-normal male is repelled by their appearance.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@6 A lot of this stuff reads like that. Self-righteously indignant buffoonery pawned off as discussion…

And almost every post has 3 or 4 jagoffs posting +1 or K & R….like it adds value to the “discussion”…

Claymore warned to keep my head down but I was banned in less than 5 days from posting anymore…

2-17 AirCav

@7. Congratulations on your banishment! Five days may not be any record but it is certainly a very respectable showing.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@7 I wasn’t trying to get banned, I didn’t realize just how seriously those folks take their narrow minded views and lack of desire for a truly open free speech. Thus I was warned on day 2 and thought I was ok…not so much…

2-17 AirCav

@9. I’m sure you weren’t trying to get banned. Had you been trying, you would have been same-day gone. The self-proclaimed anything are usually full of crap. And so it is with the self-proclaimed open-minded, tolerant ones of the uber liberal persuasion. They rant and rave about freedom and justice and it’s all just a silly game. Since I am reliving the 60s today, it’s rather like the free-love hippies and psuedo hippies (the psuedos were those who bathed and cleaned their clothes but otherwise played the part). Yeah, man. Groovy. Make love not war. Expand your mind with acid. Take a trip and all that. In truth, many of them saw it as an opportunity to get laid. And the distaff side, that was a hoot. Hippiedom was an excuse for the most wretched to be “in with the in crowd.” Okay, I’m done with my hippie flashback. Now I have to go take a hot shower and snort some crushed chlorine tabs.


Seriously, guys, why on earth do you bother to click any of the links to that claptrap? All that reading that twaddle does is get your shorts in wedge and your testosterone levels cranked up so high that Red Bull could bottle it and sell it.

2-17 AirCav

@11. Stop. You’ll hurt Claymore’s feeling. (That wasn’t a typo. He has only one.)

Just Plain Jason

I have actually considered making a Joseph Stalin persona and posting some of his brilliant ideas that he used to get lots of people killed and see how many people will jump on the bandwagon. I wonder how long it would take them to realize I am full of shit…


That wasn’t a typo. He has only one.

…and to make it worse, it got hurt in 1992 and hasn’t recovered yet. 🙂


@13 – There are “full on” communists over there, which I know is not a huge shocker…there are also some who claim to be former-Republicans. To be honest, the latter are embraced with a type of zeal that can only be described as orgasmic, as if the DU collective can take credit for converting Republicans over to their ideology. If it weren’t so pathetic, it would be humorous in the extreme. I personally know some who have drifted back and forth on their political leanings, but to be honest, those who claim to have been a “former” anything tend to ping my radar as completely clueless or their moral compass is missing its needle and they’re willing to drift into whatever seems popular at the moment. Just my observation.


@7, It only took me one post to get banned. If you even hint at their hypocracy or use facts that aren’t in line with their narrow minded view of the world you get banned.


Hell, some of them even complain that Obama isn’t far enough to the left. If Obama was any farther left he would make Stalin look like a Centrist.


@17 – Yeah, that’s a recurring theme. Another is that he’s placating too much…or that he’s not being aggressive and attacking the left’s “enemies”. I suppose the latter plays into Bill Maher’s idea that our black president isn’t gansta enough. I suppose a case could be made that the right has as much factionalism as the left, but I dare say that when looking at the mainstream right, I rarely see anything that is as openly hostile to traditional American values as what’s on display at DU and other sites of its kind.

Just Plain Jason

I wonder if I could get them on board with my whole “just got out of jail for robbing banks and giving the money to friendly political causes…meme.” I have a guy I kinda want to support, but I think he is kind of an arrogant know it all and doesn’t want to get his hands dirty.