An Alternative?

| August 27, 2012

Hondo did a remarkable write up about saying goodbye but this suits me at a visceral level.

Kiwis in action.

Might as well note that Matt over at BLACKFIVE is reading my mind again.

Category: Geezer Alert!

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Al T.

Wow. What a send off for a warrior!

2-17 AirCav

Holy Mary, Mother of God. That is incredible.


They shall awaken heaven and hell for comes now a warrior to meet his maker and know he is a man of honor who has given his all.

Green Thumb


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Shades of welcome to Valhalla….nicely done.


Damn! Gave me chills! Really enjoyed that a lot!


Why don’t we ever have people flee the country because they tend to open their cake holes before thinking?

It was a good tribute to that fallen Soldier.


Anyone know any Kiwis well enough to ask for the script for that that ceremony? Something about it is just mesmerizing.


It’s the same dance they use to intimidate rugby opponents (though this is probably closer to the original intent). It’s a traditional Maori dance called the haka. It’s a part of their cultural tradition, which is cool.

In 05 we lined as many people as we could get on the flight line (baddy mcbadguy would have had a field day with mortars if he’d known) and did a simple ceremony. After the chaplain and squadron commander spoke the CSM got up and called the role of the deceased soldier’s platoon. Everyone answered “hear, Sergeant Major” until he got to the deceased whose name was called three times. That was the end of the formal ceremony, but then everyone could come up and salute the representation of the deceased (boots, weapon, kevlar and picture). I thought it had a lot of dignity and class.


I do not mean to sound insensitive but, for you fans of Star Trek, that reminds me of the gutteral howl that Klingons do when a comrade falls in battle. It alerts the gods that a warrior is about to join them.

I thought this was awesome!


It’s a Polynesian war dance….BYU’s football team also does a version of it before games, or at least used to.


The Zulu would beat their spears on their shields when they were approaching an enemy. It was audible for miles and was meant to intimidate, to warn the enemy that they were coming, the way lions roar to announce that they are in their own territory.


I had Kiwis in my CMO Brigade Task Force in Afghanistan in 2004-2005, God bless them!! And let me just say, that is quite possibly THE MOST BADASS MILITARY FUNERAL I HAVE EVER SEEN!

Old Tanker

Wow! Now that’s a send off for a warrior!


Wow! That is a proper farewell. 😀


Goosebumps and serious awesomeness!


I could only hope my fellow soldiers thought that highly of me at my end. I’ve seen and been a part of some moving ceremonies, but, That is an outpouring of honor and respect.