Anarchist militia plotted to assassinate Obama

| August 28, 2012

According to Belfast Telegraph, the four anarchists who happened to be in the military at Fort Stewart, GA who we wrote about last night, were also planning to assassinate the President and take over the government;

Four US soldiers plotted to assassinate Barack Obama and overthrow the government, a court has heard.

Prosecutors in Georgia said they formed an anarchist militia within the military.

It doesn’t sound to me as if they had all of their stuff in one sand bag. They had 1/2 million bucks and wanted to be someone. And here we were looking for right-wing extremists. Thanks SPLC.

But I guess they had big plans, according to CNN;

These included “forcibly taking over the ammo control point of Fort Stewart to take the post, bombing vehicles of local and state judicial and political figureheads and federal representatives to include the local department of homeland security, (and plotting) to bomb the fountain at Forsyth Park in Savannah.”

So, I guess their plans included killing their fellow soldiers to take over the Stewart ammo complex. So I guess that exonerates the rest of us normal people who’ve worn a uniform.

But, I think after they took over the ammo bunkers, someone might be able to mobilize enough forces against them to prevent bombing a fountain and a dam, as well as their plan to poison the Georgia apple crop like Huffington Post says they wanted to do.

The two murders they committed were horrific and they certainly deserve punishment for that act, but as far as their intention to take over the world…I think Brain and Pinky had a clearer plan.

Category: Military issues

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Why does this sound like the plot to one of those dumbass books they sell on Stormfront’s website?


Because it’s more than likely one of those dumbass books they sell on Stormfront’s website.


Seriously…I’m looking at this and thinking, “Someone has been reading the Turner Diaries.”

Old Tanker

Yeah, ‘cuz 4 dudes could do that…..


The barracks on Ft Stewart around 3am one day and the Good Idea Fairy claims another victim.

Retard 1, “Let’s take over the ASP”

Retard 2, “But isn’t it in the middle of several thousand highly trained, well armed people who are going to very pisssed at us?”

Retard 3, “But we have the same training so it balances out, plus they can’t do anything since we are in the States. The Army is only for wars and stuff.”

Retard 4, “Something doesn’t seem quite right but to hell with it, I’m in!”


Three PVTs and an E5 do not a militia make. Its funny because it looks like no one really knows which side of the political spectrum to blame as they identified themselves as anarchists. The reality is that the political spectrum is not a straight line, but a circle. With the the two ends meeting together.


Claymore nailed it. The media gets off on this poor man’s version of executing the Turner Diaries crap, right out of the Timothy McVeigh handbook. They’ll spend an entire news cycle hyping this.

These guys deserve the maximum penalty and I really do hope the point of anarchy, not necessarily right wing extremism is driven home.


“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Curt Jones

I had just decided to come an make fun of the guy who got drunk and decided to create bigfoot sighting and got run over and killed in the process. But I decided not to as that story was to tragic since he was run over by a 17 year old driver with a 15 year old passenger. That is awfully young to have to deal with that type of trauma. Then I saw this a figured that I did not have to make fun of stupid people far away.
No now I can make fun of stupid people close by.
There is this old guy running around at neo nazi meetings here in the Taunus forest and in the Eifel region who claims to be an winner of the Iron Cross. But when it was pointed out that there are no records on file that indicate that he
really ever won the Iron Cross he claims that it is because
the records were destroyed during the war.
Christ!! The nerve of this guy to make up such a claim just to gain the honor of young idiots. His ID card says that he was born in 1937. That would have made him 8 when the war ended. Which would make him 75 now. What is even worse is the guy looks like he is a very fit 60 year old. So you know a guy like that had to have been a complete whimp when he was eight and just tried to make up for it later in life.
This guy should be prosectued under Americas stolen valor act.
Fuck the fact that he is a German who never set foot in the US of A. He was broken an American LAW just like Assange has.
If Assange can be prosecuted so should this dude. I mean dud. If US courts have jurisidiction over Assange they have jurisdiction over Klotz as well and everyone everywhere should understand that!


Curt Jones: thanks for the ignorant, unintelligible, and irrelevant rant above. However, please come back when you’re sober. You might make more sense then.




You guys mention Turner Diaries and the nut jobs come out.

As an aside note that is the best most incoherent use of stream of consciousness I have seen in a long time. Bravo.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

4 scumbags pretending to be freedom fighters to return the government to the people. Cowards and murderers is what they actually turn out to be when it all goes south.

They shoot a teenage girl and when they didn’t kill with the first shots they shoot her again…too bad they are giving Burnett a manslaughter only plea. All 4 should get capital punishment, preferably hanging, f#ck lethal injection it’s for pussies. Hang them one after the other so they can watch the first guy’s neck snap, see him sh1t his pants as he does the death bounce on the rope and know their turn is coming.


A more serious note is this:

One soldier used money he got from his dead pregnant wife’s life insurance to buy weapons and bomb making materials for this group. The wife died under “suspicious circumstances.”

When one soldier left the group, the others decided to silence him, and shot him and his girlfriend to death.

Whatever else these wingnuts were, they were serious about killing people. I, for one, am glad they got busted.


Apparently, they couldn’t find pairs of rubber pants their size.

AW1 Tim

So Curt, from your ramblings about this guy I take it that you’re attending neo-nazi meetings? I mean, how else would you be seeing this guy, eh? Or is it the schnapps taking?

Forget the trolls….. now we have our own Deutschebag. 🙂


Hmmmmm, four douchebags vs. the entire might of Ft. Stewart. I think I will be going with Ft. Stewart for the win.

Gallagher Fan

10 His rant is about as coherent as anything Adirondack Patriot ever posts, and I don’t see you going after him. Leave the dude alone.


Four people were going to poison the entire WASHINGTON (not Georgia) state apple crop? With what? A potion from Snow White’s evil mommy?

Man, you actually can’t make this stuff up! Can’t stop laughing.


@10–You might make more sense then.

Doubt it.

And why they’re not all facing the needle is beyond me. Consipiracy resulting in multiple murders? If that isn’t death penalty worthy, I’m not sure what is.


But, Sparky, they were going to poison the entire state apple crop! They’re nuts!

Their punishment should be spending time a quarter mile apart in all weather, tending to mushrooms and discussing their delusions and hallucinations with Will Ferrell for his next movie plot.


As a side note, the US has not pressed any charges against Julian Assange, nor does it plan to do so. Now, I have to problem with lining Manning up against the wall with these clowns.


I was being sarcastic in post 19, too.

77 11C20

These guys make as much sense as Charles Manson’s ideas of starting a race war with the Tate killings. Always small men with big ideas. Yeh, I am showing my age.

Old Trooper

@17: I guess you haven’t heard of chemtrails? Geesh; get with the program already!


OT, right! How could I forget about crop dusting and all that stuff? It’s just that I had this image of the four of them going around with trigger-spray bottles. I really did not think they’d be smart enough to do the aerial spraying thing.

Just butter my butt and call me a biscuit, for forgetting about the obvious.


Ex-PH2, their plot was much simpler, they were just going to piss on every apple tree in Washington state. That would have done it. And, blow up a fountain? It sounds like the plot from one of W.E.B. Griffin’s books.
And, I’m not sure, but I think Curt Jones is Curt, or Kurt from a while back. I detect the same whiff of nutso there that I did with his other ID’s.


Yeah, UpN, whoever is typing that shouldn’t touch the keyboard when he’s crocked like that.

I do think, however, that their “plot” is right up Will Ferrell’s alley.